Obama picks KU & UNC

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In 1948 Truman ran on a New Deal platform against Thomas Dewey's traditional silk stocking Republican platform, Strom Thurmond's populist/racist platform, and Henry Wallace's position on the left. Everyone assumed that Truman was doomed. (Hence the famous headline).

I think 4 parties actually reflects our national makeup better than 2.
Yes, he's ruined the country.
He's dumb.

He's had a lot of help from the legislative and judicial branches on both sides of the aisle.

I don't mean to come across as harsh here, but to say one man, Obama and/or Bush is to blame for every
mess, tells me you missed basic civics class in high school, and probably rely on propaganda as news.

It's political theater and it's in the weeds, the blame game does nothing but assure more of the same.
In 1948 Truman ran on a New Deal platform against Thomas Dewey's traditional silk stocking Republican platform, Strom Thurmond's populist/racist platform, and Henry Wallace's position on the left. Everyone assumed that Truman was doomed. (Hence the famous headline).

I think 4 parties actually reflects our national makeup better than 2.

I think you're right, but I guarantee you the powers that be and the $ behind them will do
every thing in their power to keep it a rigged game with Dem vs. Rep. Who knows, maybe
over time the fracturing of the GOP will be a good thing and will result in a stronger more
unified party with a place for moderates.

What's funny is in real life, most of the career politicians across the aisle are friends, some
very good friends, while Joe Public wants to kill each other fighting over crumbs and something
neither one will ever truly have.
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This may make me sound a bit like a Conspiracy Theorist, but does anyone truly believe that both sides aren't working together to make sure the populace has no voice? Every election cycle both sides say all the right things to their constituents and then when they get elected it's all out the window. They aren't in control of anything really, other than how wide they are willing to spread their ass-cheeks for whatever special interest groups that back them. To politician, WE do not matter. Destroy the middle class and you destroy the United States, just one step close to a one world government.
This may make me sound a bit like a Conspiracy Theorist, but does anyone truly believe that both sides aren't working together to make sure the populace has no voice? Every election cycle both sides say all the right things to their constituents and then when they get elected it's all out the window. They aren't in control of anything really, other than how wide they are willing to spread their ass-cheeks for whatever special interest groups that back them. To politician, WE do not matter. Destroy the middle class and you destroy the United States, just one step close to a one world government.

I liken it to a tug of war where neither side will allow other too much leeway but will
never let go of the rope for fear they will fall straight on their own asses. They need
each other to survive.

It's a game and people are starting to figure it out.

Term limits for Congress and Supreme Court is the first step to fix the corruption in D.C. and
it's something that everyone who isn't a career politician or in bed with one agrees with.

Ponder that.
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A little objectivity

So the budget deficit was 200billion on the positive when Bush Jr took over, that is to say there was no defcit. Bush ran that up to 1.413 trillion on the negative. Obama has cut that by 2/3rds in his term. Yes, just terrible!!!!!!!
Saving the country from the Bush recession, just awful.
Build the wall! Build the wall!!! Drill baby drill!!!

Until there is a surplus, you cant Pay down the natl debt. That debt is the Bush legacy. In eight years it grew from -200bil to 1.413 bil, A growth of 1.6 trillion in spending per year, whereas Obama has cut 900 billion, yet he is to blame for the debt.
Stop watching Fox
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A little objectivity

So the national debt was 200billion on the positive when Bush Jr took over, that is to say there was no national debt. Bush ran that up to 1.413 trillion on the negative. Obama has cut that by 2/3rds in his term. Yes, just terrible!!!!!!!
Saving the country from the Bush recession, just awful.
Build the wall! Build the wall!!! Drill baby drill!!!

National debt and National deficit are two different things. Which are you trying to make a point on?
I liken it to a tug of war where neither side will allow other too much leeway but will
never let go of the rope for fear they will fall straight on their own asses. They need
each other to survive.

It's a game and people are starting to figure it out.

Term limits for Congress and Supreme Court is the first step to fix the corruption in DC.
and it's something that everyone who isn't a career politician or in bed with one agrees with.

Ponder that.

There are ways around term limits to accomplish similar ends. A unicameral legislature. A state gets a number of representatives that reflect its population. All elected by statewide office. Every citizen gets X number of votes where X = the state's number of legislators. A voter could cast his votes however he wanted. For example, if your state had 5 representatives, you could vote for 5 different candidates or give one candidate 5 votes. No need to carve out special blocks to reflect the state's economic or ethnic makeup. If, for example, poor Asian lesbians wanted to a representative, they could all vote for the pro-poor Asian lesbian candidate. No guarantee of winning, of course. But they'd have a chance. Another example, if Party Candidate X became odious, the voters could pool their votes behind Party Candidate Y.

The Senate in this country is poison. As is gerrymandering. They're both anti-democratic (small d) contrivances.
So on the topic of National Debt, and I am far from a Bush apologist, but how much of that blame goes on Wall-Street? I know he spent like he owned a money tree, but how much lower would the number be if the markets weren't inflated and the bubble never existed?
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Until there is a surplus, you cant Pay down the natl debt. That debt is the Bush legacy. In eight years it grew from -200bil to 1.413 bil, A growth of 1.6 trillion in spending per year, whereas Obama has cut 900 billion, yet he is to blame for the debt.
Stop watching Fox

MSNBC and Fox have contributed to the decay of the country - they're paid to stir the pot and keep everyone preoccupied with
the others crumbs, while they both steal us all blind.

Take a look at what these career politicians do after they leave office, they go to work for the special interests that bought them.

K Street in D.C. is a sham - both sides are crooks.

Steal from the middle class to give to the:

a. deadbeats who won't work
b. rich who keep getting richer
c. BOTH!!!
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So on the topic of National Debt, and I am far from a Bush apologist, but how much of that blame goes on Wall-Street? I know he spent like he owned a money tree, but how much lower would the number be if the markets weren't inflated and the bubble never existed?

Wall Street where the CEO's take 4 week vacations and the little guys who make 85K a year get shitcanned to pay for it.

They manipulate the market for profit and have for decades - both sides know it, both sides share in the profiteering from it.
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I remember guys in the 60s shooting with that little legs-tucked-under style. It wasn't so dorky then. Obama is in his mid 50s. He isn't going to have great form. (I saw a clip of friggin' Tony Delk shooting 3s and he looked like a guy in his 40s. Which he is.) Aging happens.
If Bush hadn't ruined the tech boom and blowed up those building would be as big as Apple!

Not only the 19 trillion debt, but in parts of Ky he has destroyed thousands of jobs by putting coal mines out of business..But back to BB I thank most experts would pick Kan or NC to win it all..

But, but, but...didn't the coal miner unions (as well as my own UFCW when I used to work for Kroger), or more accurately, their executive board of six-figures who probably never got their hands dirty a day in their lives) insist that he was "best for working families"? :p No wonder right-to-work (also known as a worker's right to choose to be a dues paying union member or not) is becoming more popular :p

And again the experts can play with their crystal ball all they want I just want us on April 4 to have the confetti rain down on us. After what happened the past two tries we gotta do it his time, we just gotta!
I just don't think Trump is electable - a good deal from the right, particularly the evangelical segment will simply not get out and vote and I
can't see too many defections going over into the the Trump camp from the left.

The main problem with Trump is that he hasn't been particularly consistent on the issues over the years. Whereas with Bernie or Hilary, whether you're for or against them, you at least know pretty much what you're gonna get.
The main problem with Trump is that he hasn't been particularly consistent on the issues over the years. Whereas with Bernie or Hilary, whether you're for or against them, you at least know pretty much what you're gonna get.
No in the hell you don't. Hilary is one of the biggest liars and frauds out there
No in the hell you don't. Hilary is one of the biggest liars and frauds out there

Well, she's hammered over that but her record isn't much different than the average politician. She's a centrist, pro-Wall Street Blue Dog Democrat. If she's elected we'll get centrist, pro-Wall Street Blue Dog Democrat policies. IOW, pretty much the same we've gotten since 1980.

Is Cruz a liar for pretending to be anti-Wall Street? His wife was a muckety-muck at Goldman Sachs. Or for questioning Obama's right to run when his own credentials are considerably worse? There's a tape of him around where he tells moderate GOP donors in a NY speech that he'd govern about homosexuality different than his rhetoric. (Google: Cruz Gay Donors Tape)

And on and on. Hillary's just the latest in an endless string of the right wing's "History's Greatest Monsters". She sure does get accused a lot. If accusation is the same as proof ...
Well, she's hammered over that but her record isn't much different than the average politician. She's a centrist, pro-Wall Street Blue Dog Democrat. If she's elected we'll get centrist, pro-Wall Street Blue Dog Democrat policies. IOW, pretty much the same we've gotten since 1980.

Is Cruz a liar for pretending to be anti-Wall Street? His wife was a muckety-muck at Goldman Sachs. Or for questioning Obama's right to run when his own credentials are considerably worse? There's a tape of him around where he tells moderate GOP donors in a NY speech that he'd govern about homosexuality different than his rhetoric. (Google: Cruz Gay Donors Tape)

And on and on. Hillary's just the latest in an endless string of the right wing's "History's Greatest Monsters". She sure does get accused a lot. If accusation is the same as proof ...
I'm not for Cruz at all.
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