Obama picks KU & UNC

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I have to disagree with your thinking Obama went after Bin Laden.
The course of action to locate Bin Laden was set several years earlier; actually when Bill Clinton was President. It was after 9/11 that our government got serious about going after him and did so.
Obama just happened to be in the right spot at the right time. That is what luck is; preparation meeting opportunity.
Outside of that, I would get yelled at on here if I started listing the negatives from this presidency of the last 8 years.
As for as Obama picking brackets and the NC, hell, he can't pick his nose.
Some folks apparently don't know anything about basic economics. If you think the economy is bad now, or has been the past 8 years, it would have been10x worse if the deficit was reduced during a recession.

By the way, I don't care what your political leanings are, but I hate when people argue based on ignorance.

Where did you get that dribble from my post on how many zeroes in a trillion? Ignorant?
Says the deficit.

The budget shortfall fell to its lowest level since 2007 during the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, the Treasury Department said Thursday. The deficit declined 9% from the prior year to $439 billion--around 2.5% of gross domestic product and below the average the U.S. has run over the past 40 years.
pesky facts...
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The budget shortfall fell to its lowest level since 2007 during the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, the Treasury Department said Thursday. The deficit declined 9% from the prior year to $439 billion--around 2.5% of gross domestic product and below the average the U.S. has run over the past 40 years.
pesky facts...
So how is our national debt 19 trillion, son to be 20 trillion? And wasn't it obama railing about GWB ruining our young people's future by running the debt to 8 trillion?
Unfortunately Kentucky is one of the dumbest states in an already dumb country. Who would imagine they'd be republicans
In before the lock. But what the heck, Trump 2016

Oh geez do you have any idea how weird that is gonna be when me and my wife do our usual Christmas DVDs and in Home Alone 2 we could potentially see the President-Elect giving Kevin directions in the hotel????

Now how he intends to persuade the swing states/voters in the general election that is going to be a tough job.
Oh geez do you have any idea how weird that is gonna be when me and my wife do our usual Christmas DVDs and in Home Alone 2 we could potentially see the President-Elect giving Kevin directions in the hotel????

Now how he intends to persuade the swing states/voters in the general election that is going to be a tough job.

He wouldn't be the first President to have appeared in movies before being elected.

If people are dumb enough to vote for that disgusting excuse for a woman, H.Clinton then nobody can convince them not to.
Average household income in 2008 when the Great Agitator's reign begins.

Average household income after 7 years of anti-American policies including the IRS targeting of enemies,
Benghazi, "Fast & Furious" scheme, Solyndra, Obamacare, Berghdal swap, failure to secure the border, allowing illegals to run rampant, pandering to Bomb boy Ahmed, waging war on cops, encouraging racial divisiveness......
Says the national debt growing from $9 trillion to $19 trillion the last 8 years.

Think about that... from George Washington to George Bush $9 trillion. Barak Obama in 8 years = $10 trillion.

That's who says for one

Newsflash. There hasn't been a penny spent by the Federal government since 2010 that hasn't been approved by the GOP.
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Like him or hate him, Obama sure as hell just called the GOP's confirmation bluff and nominated about as qualified
of a centrist candidate for the supreme court that could possibly be found...he's on the list of a lot of Republicans.

They'll either confirm the guy, or they'll undoubtedly face a far more liberal choice if Hillary takes over, and then
what will they say? They will have painted themselves into another corner.

GOP needs to get its act together and take the party back from the extremists before it's too late and fractured.
Shame Kaisich was not received better, he could have been a bridge to unity.
Like him or hate him, Obama sure as hell just called the GOP's confirmation bluff and nominated about as qualified
of a centrist candidate for the supreme court that could possibly be found...he's on the list of a lot of Republicans.

They'll either confirm the guy, or they'll undoubtedly face a far more liberal choice if Hillary takes over, and then
what will they say? They will have painted themselves into another corner.

GOP needs to get its act together and take the party back from the extremists before it's too late and fractured.
Shame Kaisich was not received better, he could have been a bridge to unity.

Our political system is beyond unity. It needs to be blown up and rebuilt with real people not career politicians.
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Newsflash. There hasn't been a penny spent by the Federal government since 2010 that hasn't been approved by the GOP.

Before the lock

Here we have beautiful Liberal logic.

When Bush (republicans are in office) the president is responsible for EVERYTHING, no mention of the democrats being in control of both houses to finish the ride.

When a liberal(socialist/communitst) is in office, its AAAALLLLL those damn congressmen's fault.

Anyone who falls for this parties rhetoric is just dumb. They promise you the moon and deliver a cube of cheese, and because you're so hung up on partisanship and social issues that don't even mean anything for you, you stick.

And btw, without methods like water boarding, we NEVER would have received intel on where we could even connect dots to find Bin Laden. Obama has as much to do with killing the guy as I do. I'm surprised he didn't order him to be arrested and given full American rights.
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arguing government spending is something neither side can win. Both have done it, and will continue to do it. What can be argued is that our National DEBT is beyond ridiculous and who is to blame for it.

Obama has taken our debt to levels never seen before. Its on him.

He told Bush he was un-American for the debt when he was in office. lol. Thats how much a a dip ish the guy really is.
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Oh geez do you have any idea how weird that is gonna be when me and my wife do our usual Christmas DVDs and in Home Alone 2 we could potentially see the President-Elect giving Kevin directions in the hotel????

Now how he intends to persuade the swing states/voters in the general election that is going to be a tough job.

no stranger than BIll Clinton playing sax on the Arsenio Hall show

interesting thread, to say the least
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Our political system is beyond unity. It needs to be blown up and rebuilt with real people not career politicians.

True, but until term limits are the law of the land, without a revolution of some sort, that's not going to happen.

My view is Kaisich is the only candidate who can take away enough votes from the left while keeping the right intact.
Trump or Cruz cannot do that, they are hated within their own party.
oh yeah - will say, glad he made those choices; he's usually wrong in his brackets
Chicago, IL, and Detroit, MI...what do they have in common?

Both have been controlled by democrats for the better part of 50 years. Would you like to tell us how that has worked out for them?
And this dumb state has been mostly controlled by democrats for 100 years, so....
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And this dumb state has been mostly controlled by democrats for 100 years, so....

Most cities have been in liberal control for going on 80 years. They are in debt, murder rates through the roof, and have no sunshine on the horizon.

But, by all means libs, keep putting them in. It's doing you much good blaming everyone else for your problems.[laughing]
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Not only the 19 trillion debt, but in parts of Ky he has destroyed thousands of jobs by putting coal mines out of business..But back to BB I thank most experts would pick Kan or NC to win it all..
True, but until term limits are the law of the land, without a revolution of some sort, that's not going to happen.

My view is Kaisich is the only candidate who can take away enough votes from the left while keeping the right intact.
Trump or Cruz cannot do that, they are hated within their own party.

Not that you asked but here is my take on all that.

Kaisich seems to be a great guy, but he's about 25-30 years too late. He would could walked over by every politician in Washington and elsewhere.
Cruz, you are correct. The left hates him and the right probably hates him more.
Trump, politicians on the left and right hate him. He is the only guy in the field that can shake things up and not just talk about doing it. If a career politician is running for office, they don't have my vote. They are all liars and in it for self profit, not the job. So until enough non-career politicians prove me wrong, I'll back them.

Did you see this asshole delegate in one of the Dakotas say that we don't elect our officials, that the delegates do?! THAT is why we need someone to clean house and start the process of remodeling or political system.
Not that you asked but here is my take on all that.

Kaisich seems to be a great guy, but he's about 25-30 years too late. He would could walked over by every politician in Washington and elsewhere.
Cruz, you are correct. The left hates him and the right probably hates him more.
Trump, politicians on the left and right hate him. He is the only guy in the field that can shake things up and not just talk about doing it. If a career politician is running for office, they don't have my vote. They are all liars and in it for self profit, not the job. So until enough non-career politicians prove me wrong, I'll back them.

Did you see this asshole delegate in one of the Dakotas say that we don't elect our officials, that the delegates do?! THAT is why we need someone to clean house and start the process of remodeling or political system.

I just don't think Trump is electable - a good deal from the right, particularly the evangelical segment will simply not get out and vote and I
can't see too many defections going over into the the Trump camp from the left.

What remains to be seen, other than what happens at the GOP convention, is whether a candidate runs as a viable 3rd option. Depending
upon who that is, it would tip results.

Clinton (D)
Trump (R)
Sanders (I)
- Trump prevails quite easily

Clinton (D)
Trump (R)
Kaisich (I) or any other option that fragments the right
- Clinton wins in a landslide

If the GOP denies Trump the nomination and he is leading with delegates, you can expect a civil war
inside the GOP and Trump runs as an Independent and it results in another sure Clinton win
He picked UNC to win it in 2009, but now I don't like Kansas's chances nearly as much as I did when I woke up this morning.
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