Obama picks KU & UNC

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Kinda like the country, amirite guys?


Is this the guy that's gone 1-7 in his 'bracketology'?

And he has more in common with Rubio than I thought.......
Speaking of erotica...

You know there are photoshopped pictures of some Republicans out there that will make you wonder if we're the last word in Evolution. Hell, there are some of Cruz, as is, that are like cries of despair. How far do you want to take the Isn't-this-creepy department?
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Trump isn't a politician. He's a businessman who's running for President. He has his own money and doesn't owe favors for donations

He's no different and likely worse since he's a proven narcissist - he'll do whatever benefits him, like hiring immigrants over Americans and shipping jobs overseas.

If you think he's spending his own money for this whole campaign, you're mistaken, he's loaning the money - he'll play both sides of the fence, just like he always has.
He himself has contributed very little in the grand scheme of things.

I wouldn't be a bit surprised if a nut, or a patsy nut goes George Wallace on him before the convention.
I wouldn't be a bit surprised if a nut, or a patsy nut goes George Wallace on him before the convention.

I've seen speculation that he has a secret terminal cancer and is just out there stirring the pot with a dramatic exit in mind.

It's pure speculation. Just trying to weave together the multiple Trumps out there.
Kasich is a Rhino & wants to work with the other side of the aisle.

Killary would be in an orange jumpsuit right now if it we actually had a DOJ. Instead they are looking for possible rascism in every nook & cranny.

Bernie wants to raise taxes by 15 trillion. Obviously, every one's taxes go up dramatically. So the idiots supporting this curmudgeon just want free stuff. He is campaigning against the millionaires even though I think they will probably provide more than Bernie's buds- welfare recipients & trailer trash.

Only option is Trump or Cruz.
Why? Just because. Maybe so political threads needn't be pursued in anger. I saw him perform this one summer night on the courthouse lawn in Frankfort while envious bats circled overhead.

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I've seen speculation that he has a secret terminal cancer and is just out there stirring the pot with a dramatic exit in mind.

It's pure speculation. Just trying to weave together the multiple Trumps out there.

And there's the sabotaging the GOP and secretly working for Hillary angle. Frankly I'm not sure who hates him worse, the Dem's or the Rep's.

One thing for sure, he's flopped into just about every position imaginable and is a yahtzee roll on how he'd govern.

Hardest thing to grasp is Cruz is even worse.
Kasich is a Rhino & wants to work with the other side of the aisle.

Killary would be in an orange jumpsuit right now if it we actually had a DOJ. Instead they are looking for possible rascism in every nook & cranny.

Bernie wants to raise taxes by 15 trillion. Obviously, every one's taxes go up dramatically. So the idiots supporting this curmudgeon just want free stuff. He is campaigning against the millionaires even though I think they will probably provide more than Bernie's buds- welfare recipients & trailer trash.

Only option is Trump or Cruz.

You mean compromise? Something not unheard of until the Tea party cometh and destroy and semblance of common sense in the party.

Apart from that, you're kidding yourself if you think Cruz or Trump could beat Hillary. Only Kasich or a 3rd party entry has a chance.
Why would ANYONE care who he picks .. well maybe the slurper, Clark Kellogg> maybe they can show some more video of BO on the court. He's yet to make a shot in the clips I've seen
You want to compromise with the crazy far left? Hell no! The PC, every thing is rascist, open border, gay is great crap needs to stop.
Hell no. I am sick of the republican establishment. Muck Bush. Muck Cain. Muck Romney. They are the main reason we have Obama the Clown in the first place. Other than that there are way too many stupid mucks in this country.
You want to compromise with the crazy far left? Hell no! The PC, every thing is rascist, open border, gay is great crap needs to stop.
Hell no. I am sick of the republican establishment. Muck Bush. Muck Cain. Muck Romney. They are the main reason we have Obama the Clown in the first place. Other than that there are way too many stupid mucks in this country.

Philosophy like this is why we won't win 1600 Penn - the "my way or the highway" bit doesn't work in a national election.
In case you didn't know, the national electorate is already leaning left, acting like a Yosemite Sam far right does nothing
but push the needle further and further away. Battleground states are few and the only way to draw moderate and centrists
support which we need to win a national election is to act like adults.

Not everyone is far left crazy just as not everyone is far right crazy, most folks are in between. Would you rather have a part
of the pie, or sit in the corner sniffing crumbs again for 4-8 years, crying about the other guy who won. Now that is crazy.

The budget shortfall fell to its lowest level since 2007 during the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, the Treasury Department said Thursday. The deficit declined 9% from the prior year to $439 billion--around 2.5% of gross domestic product and below the average the U.S. has run over the past 40 years.
pesky facts...
You can thank the GOP Congress for the reduced deficits. They called Odummer's bluff by allowing "the Sequester" to take effect. Obummer has been trying to get around the limits imposed by the sequester ever since. Pesky facts indeed.
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One of my favorite lines "Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and they all stink".
A little objectivity

So the budget deficit was 200billion on the positive when Bush Jr took over, that is to say there was no defcit. Bush ran that up to 1.413 trillion on the negative. Obama has cut that by 2/3rds in his term. Yes, just terrible!!!!!!!
Saving the country from the Bush recession, just awful.
Build the wall! Build the wall!!! Drill baby drill!!!

Until there is a surplus, you cant Pay down the natl debt. That debt is the Bush legacy. In eight years it grew from -200bil to 1.413 bil, A growth of 1.6 trillion in spending per year, whereas Obama has cut 900 billion, yet he is to blame for the debt.
Stop watching Fox
You stop watching MSDNC
Which side would Trump have supported in WW2? That's a legitimate question. Pat Buchanan used to say we fought on the wrong side in WW2.

People who imagine a Golden Era, who have lots of scapegoats, who dream of purity, who attach their allegiance to individuals over ideas, who feel they've been betrayed by a weakling government, who are bellicose nationalists ... things don't end well for them. Or for lots of others.
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