Obama picks KU & UNC

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Y'all wanna know just how much 19 trillion dollars is? It's $61,000 for every man, woman and child in the country -- or, f there were only one person in the whole country, he'd have to kick in the entire $19 trillion to pay it off.
Yeah, but what if there were 19 trillion people? Wouldn't they each only owe one buck? I may be drunk on Brawndo, but I'd buy that math for a dollar.
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As far as it needs to go brother, and then a little farther...


And the nausea increases.
Obama always picks the most talented teams.

His picks are always laughably predictable.
I wonder if Kasich plotted for a brokered convention back in his 4th grade Student Council elections, too.

Exactly, and it's only be fitty cent if there were 38 trillion people in the USA -- right there's the solution folks, we all need to procreate like crazy, especially all us God-Fearin' WASPs, so that we can decrease the national debt.
Safety in numbers, and such as.
All Kasich talks about is what he did in Ohio. I don't give a muck about Ohio, or who or what he did in Ohio.

Gimme Trump or Cruz cause they r da shizzle.
Obama picked us last year? Do I recall that correctly?

But seriously guys, does Kansas really need Obama to blame for their shortcomings? They can handle that themselves. They are the elite in their conference, but it seems like Self's teams peak at that point each year.
we should all argue religion and politics.Isnt that the way the old saying goes.
You want a president who knows the ins and outs of 68 college basketball teams?

Nope. Just one who will pick an upset everyone in a while when it comes to his championship game.

It was gimmicky the first seven times Obama picked the favorite. Now, it's overplayed and laughable.
Kasich is a Rhino & wants to work with the other side of the aisle.

Killary would be in an orange jumpsuit right now if it we actually had a DOJ. Instead they are looking for possible rascism in every nook & cranny.

Bernie wants to raise taxes by 15 trillion. Obviously, every one's taxes go up dramatically. So the idiots supporting this curmudgeon just want free stuff. He is campaigning against the millionaires even though I think they will probably provide more than Bernie's buds- welfare recipients & trailer trash.

Only option is Trump or Cruz.
I like free stuff.Especially if it comes from evangelical right wing conservative radicals.
All these people say O' Bama is a terrible president but I've yet to see it backed up by anything other than Fox News BS stats. Show me some real numbers. The economy is better. So you have more money. Everyone has access to healthcare. You guys said it would be a disaster but the economy is better. He hasn't taken away a single gun. We've been in no new wars. Unemployment is down. There's been no major scandals. He has been a champion of equal rights. I'm not sure what else you people want. You sound like UL fans defending Pitino at this point.
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