Obama picks KU & UNC

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Obama can hit a jump shot so that makes him the best president in 100 years. But, he is bad at predicting the NCAA tourney.
Some folks don't know how many zeroes there are in 19 trillion.
Some folks apparently don't know anything about basic economics. If you think the economy is bad now, or has been the past 8 years, it would have been10x worse if the deficit was reduced during a recession.

By the way, I don't care what your political leanings are, but I hate when people argue based on ignorance.
As a representative of the Paddock, I would like to extend an invitation to our Political Thread. It's pinned at the top for easy access. I'm certain you all would make a great addition to that fine thread and would be welcomed with open arms.
Nothing better than people who bring the "free speech" argument on a message board. Sorry, that lib messed with your constitutional right to post on a message board. What a travesty.
What a shock...lek is right about something. He IS sorry! Sorriest sob on the board.
Would never call him President. Dude couldn't run the local gas station. Shows how many idiots there are in this country that he even got elected once, much less twice. Great community organizer, though. Could not care one iota what that scumbag thinks about the tourney.
Disrespect rampant in this one. There was a time,that we never talked about our Presidents like this ever. What happened? Both Bushes,and President Carter weren't great,but they were our President. I don't understand the disrespect for the office,also President Reagan was terrible as well. He was my President at the time however with all due respect to him.
Would never call him President. Dude couldn't run the local gas station. Shows how many idiots there are in this country that he even got elected once, much less twice. Great community organizer, though. Could not care one iota what that scumbag thinks about the tourney.

I don't care what anybody, scumbag or otherwise thinks about the tourney. All I care about is us holding the big gold trophy and raining confetti all over us. :)

Thank You! :pray:
Disrespect rampant in this one. There was a time,that we never talked about our Presidents like this ever. What happened? Both Bushes,and President Carter weren't great,but they were our President. I don't understand the disrespect for the office,also President Reagan was terrible as well. He was my President at the time however with all due respect to him.

I had to bite on this one. Why is this "president" different? Well, when he shows respect to ALL people, then maybe he will get some respect for ALL people. He coddles every single minority group and makes excuses for terrorist groups. He has no respect for law enforcement, no respect for the military, no respect for the American people. He has shown no respect for the office he holds therefor he will get little respect...accept for his base which thinks he's the second coming of Allah.
We need a Kentuckian for President! I bet you this dude can be the greatest gas pumper,and greatest President ever. There. Now let's make history this year with a win,and then next election get
Senator McConnell elected for #10.
I was with you right up until you said "Senator McConnell elected for #10".
Sorry. I got carried away. Do we have anyone in our state,that can get folks excited enough to get their vote. Our team has me super excited. I think President Obama misses on both his top picks this year.:cool2:
Sorry. I got carried away. Do we have anyone in our state, that can get folks excited enough to get their vote. Our team has me super excited. I think President Obama misses on both his top picks this year.:cool2:

Even if we did, Dem or Rep, as soon as they get to DC, they're bought by special interest and lobbyists.

Our system is completely off the rails and has been for years. Term limits for Congress and the SCOTUS should be
put on the national ballot, but the political hacks in both parties would never actually allow our voice to be heard.
This is not a political statement...but how many times has the President picked the correct winner? I know my track record isn't very good at it...I'm looking directly at my pick for last year...:eyes::weary:
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All these people say O' Bama is a terrible president but I've yet to see it backed up by anything other than Fox News BS stats. Show me some real numbers. The economy is better. So you have more money. Everyone has access to healthcare. You guys said it would be a disaster but the economy is better. He hasn't taken away a single gun. We've been in no new wars. Unemployment is down. There's been no major scandals. He has been a champion of equal rights. I'm not sure what else you people want. You sound like UL fans defending Pitino at this point.
All these people say O' Bama is a terrible president but I've yet to see it backed up by anything other than Fox News BS stats. Show me some real numbers. The economy is better. So you have more money. Everyone has access to healthcare. You guys said it would be a disaster but the economy is better. He hasn't taken away a single gun. We've been in no new wars. Unemployment is down. There's been no major scandals. He has been a champion of equal rights. I'm not sure what else you people want. You sound like UL fans defending Pitino at this point.
I agree completely.
All these people say O' Bama is a terrible president but I've yet to see it backed up by anything other than Fox News BS stats. Show me some real numbers. The economy is better. So you have more money. Everyone has access to healthcare. You guys said it would be a disaster but the economy is better. He hasn't taken away a single gun. We've been in no new wars. Unemployment is down. There's been no major scandals. He has been a champion of equal rights. I'm not sure what else you people want. You sound like UL fans defending Pitino at this point.

OMG, if you don't think he is one of the worst presidents, I don't know what to tell you. Doubled the national debt. No scandals? Fast and Furious? Benghazi? Go back and look at the promises he made while running the first time. Broke just about every one of them. Romney did and abysmal job of hammering home how bad everything got during Obama's first term. That should have been a landslide win for him. People hammer the Republicans, of whom I am not a fan of either, for obstruction but Obama has made basically zero effort to work with them on anything. He has totally abused the executive order. Yeah, the Republicans have done that too, but two wrongs don't make a right. And all of that pales in comparison to his foreign policy or lack thereof. Not a single enemy of freedom is the least bit afraid of us anymore. North Korea and Iran spits in our faces and we say "thank you sir may I have another".
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OMG, if you don't think he is one of the worst presidents, I don't know what to tell you. Doubled the national debt. No scandals? Fast and Furious? Benghazi? Go back and look at the promises he made while running the first time. Broke just about every one of them. Romney did and abysmal job of hammering home how bad everything got during Obama's first term. That should have been a landslide win for him. People hammer the Republicans, of whom I am not a fan of either, for obstruction but Obama has made basically zero effort to work with them on anything. He has totally abused the executive order. Yeah, the Republicans have done that too, but two wrongs don't make a right. And all of that pales in comparison to his foreign policy or lack thereof. Not a single enemy of freedom is the least bit afraid of us anymore. North Korea and Iran spits in our faces and we say "thank you sir may I have another".
You make more than fair points. Romney hammered Obama,but then he allowed him to get up. I think President Obama has been on auto-pilot the past few months,which is similiar to coach Smith his last few years coaching at UK. It was a bad idea by both,because it tarnished their legacy IMO. I guess Obama reminds me of our player Skal. He's talented,but he doesn't show it nearly enough. I think him going after Bin Laden was his best moment for sure.
Sorry. I got carried away. Do we have anyone in our state,that can get folks excited enough to get their vote. Our team has me super excited. I think President Obama misses on both his top picks this year.:cool2:

He has not missed screwing the USA and the American people yet. He is good at that.
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