North Carolina Scandal Etc

Not only that but he's regularly paid a substantial bonus for his player's classroom achievement.

And people are supposed to believe he wasn't aware of the details of his players coursework? The only thing more unbelievable is how most in the media have given him a free pass on this issue.

But, shamefully NOT surprising as far as the media goes.
This has to the most Crazy's statement ever made by a HC in the NCAA history. I bet just about every Football HC was laughing .[laughing]

Roy Williams statement - We don't know what's going on everyday. I've got 13 to 17 kids, counting the walk on.

And pretty much a direct contradiction to earlier statements where Roy said things to the effect of ".....we know everything that's going on with these kids.....we're in contact with them everyday....." And by earlier statements, I mean pre Wainstein report release when UNC was smug and confident that nothing would happen to them.

As for Brad Bethel, I'm not really sure what to think. I don't work in the psychology or psychiatric fields, so my thoughts on him are only guesses. My best stab is that he has always had dreams of being a "big time somebody", and seized on the UNC scandal as an opportunity to "launch" himself. Unfortunately his trajectory of fame only lasted about 15 minutes and his landing pad is the UNC dung heap. I'll give him credit for trying I suppose, and for his sake I hope those 15 minutes were worth it. Whether or not he achieved his goal(s), at least he made us laugh.
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Amazing, isn't it? He doesn't keep track of his players, yet he's going to go into their homes and tell their parents that he's going to make them better players and better men? Shameful.

How that program has prospered by the "perception over reality" recipe cannot be overstated.
Huh? Ask a question with some intelligence or context.

Or loan me some foil cause I'm not getting the 'evil ESPN is trying to destroy U.K.' vibe.

Ok so the blatant coverup for UNC is a conspiracy to you.

Got it.
Huh? Ask a question with some intelligence or context.

Or loan me some foil cause I'm not getting the 'evil ESPN is trying to destroy U.K.' vibe.

And it's not about destroying UK. There is an extremely real vibe to the anti-UK sports world vs. a school like Duke or UNC. For one, UNC owns sports journalism. You think this plays Zero role?

I actually think it takes minimal intelligence to see the bias of you just stop being so cool and see it for what it is.
And it's not about destroying UK. There is an extremely real vibe to the anti-UK sports world vs. a school like Duke or UNC. For one, UNC owns sports journalism. You think this plays Zero role?

I actually think it takes minimal intelligence to see the bias of you just stop being so cool and see it for what it is.

ROFL!! You got the foil wrapped tight today!

First, my position on the scumbags in INC is well known by any who can read. If you don't know my position there, then you clearly can't.

Second, I dunno what you think ESPN is supposed to do about the NCAA's total cowardice and incompetence. Maybe you'll get some vibes on that so you can enlighten us. ESPN really can't just declare them guilty and dynamite the place. Yet.

The shows not over. INC has made a the NCAA and college basketball look like a bunch of idiots unless drastic measures are taken. Wait, forgot, you can't read. Let me translate. North Carolina is bad.


Fourth, Are you from Roswell?
1) Yep! If I were a UNC fan, I would tell Bradley to quit. He hasn't helped his cause one bit. In fact, I think he has hurt it.

2) Some wonder why I am SO passionate about this scandal and the answer is simple: I have listened to the UNC fans brag on Dean Smyth for years now and rip on UK. They always bragged that they were squeaky clean and now we know the truth.

That squeaky clean Carolina Way is gone for ever, and will always carry those 20+ years as the worst cheating going on in NCAA history.
We should find every single phrase Roy ever used speaking about "academics" at UNC for his athletes.

Then he should have to answer for it. Too bad there's o media worth a shit to do their job. I'm sure glad ESPN isn't in the tank for them :ROLLEYES:
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So much for those who try to claim that the NCAA is fair like one poster did about a week or so ago:

We found that NCAA is very inconsistent in its rulings and certainly does often err on the side of caution when it has a case that involves a major Big 5 institution. In other words, we found selective enforcement and an appearance of favoritism toward certain schools. In cases where punishment was actually carried out on a Big 5 member, it was typically due to the media doing the work of exposing issues for the NCAA and the organization had no other choice but to implement sanctions.
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Ridpath just shredded UNC and the NCAA. This is gonna leave a mark!


I am sure that my little buddy, the shoe salesman (a.k.a. Bradley, Bobby, Jiggletooth, etc), is trying to get Dr Ridpath to do an interview for his honest and truthful documentary! I am very sure that Bradley wants the truth to be told!
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Why haven't they released the other 1200 pages of the Wainstein report? Seems that those would be subject to FOIA request since UNC** is a public school. The report was bad enough that I can't even imagine what they're shielding in those other 1200 pages!!! I'd be willing to bet it implicates the nose and/or huckleberry.
Reading the 8/14 interview where Bubba says there are more indescretions that will delay their review before the NCAA:

“But I’m still hopeful,” Cunningham said, “that we can get through this portion of the investigation, receive the amended notice if that is what is required and still bring this to closure by the spring of ’16.”

Read more here:

This guy wants to continue to extend this out for whatever reason. Could be he's trying to savor one more season of Roy, but more like he'd rather have the NCAA focus on the lesser programs at UNC.

Southern Miss will get their penalties prior to UNC, so obviously Emmert is not going to step in and push for a speedy end to UNC. The longer this goes IMO, the lesser the punishment due to the NCAA's stand on back-dating bad behavior. Taking away any title is going to be a fleeting wish.
I've got to bring this up as I've not been able to find a hint of ANY self imposed penalty or sanction except minor sports and token personnel scapegoats.

The only remorse I've been able to detect from INC (Institution of North Carolina, I no longer consider them a university) is that they got caught, even in this latest commentary and discussion.

Am I wrong? Have I missed something or are they indeed still so brazen?
Why haven't they released the other 1200 pages of the Wainstein report? Seems that those would be subject to FOIA request since UNC** is a public school. The report was bad enough that I can't even imagine what they're shielding in those other 1200 pages!!! I'd be willing to bet it implicates the nose and/or huckleberry.

FERPA!!!!!!! (picture Folt screaming this wearing a powder blue leisure suit). Although UNC didn't have any problem naming the football player who was ruled academically ineligible a few weeks ago.

But your question is a good one and certainly very valid. I'm not 100% sure on all the details, but I think there are several "pending" FOIA requests from Dan Kane and other media/interested parties that are "tied up" in the courts. And by pending I mean going on for several years and by tied up I mean the UNC graduate dominated local judicial system.

One thing that is "interesting" is that in the treasure trove of emails in the Wainstein report (that have been made public), most are about football, women's b-ball, etc., etc., etc., but there aren't near as many related to men's basketball. I may be incorrect of the timing, but I think it was around the start of the fraudulent AFAM classes that the academic advisor's for basketball (and only basketball) were moved to offices in the basketball facilities. I guess Dean wanted to be closer to what was going on with his players' academics, but not too close it seems. LOL! What this "move" did was to detach the basketball advisor's from the university wide server that stored/routed campus wide emails. Instead they were plugged into an "athletics dept." server, same as basketball staff. Unless I'm mistaken, all of the damning email evidence (Crowder, Boxil, etc.) that has been made public has been from the campus wide server. Maybe Roy never did email Wayne Walden and there's nothing there.......

edited for piss poor grammar!
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BBHomer, that sounds so Hillary-like its gotta be true! It's true, in that the only emails that were available, they came from the university wide email addresses. There is much more to be uncovered that unless the transcripts become part of this investigation, there is wiggle room for the NCAA to overlook the obvious.
The NCAA’s enforcement division has delivered notice to UNC of five major allegations, including impermissible benefits and a lack of institutional control that have yet to be heard by the Committee on Infractions.

Wonder why it takes so long ?
The NCAA’s enforcement division has delivered notice to UNC of five major allegations, including impermissible benefits and a lack of institutional control that have yet to be heard by the Committee on Infractions.

Wonder why it takes so long ?

The University reported the new information to the NCAA Committee on Infractions on Aug. 10 as required by the NCAA infractions program. The University shares the NCAA’s confidence that the additional review to address both issues can be concluded quickly – within 60 days – to bring closure to this investigation. Upon receiving the results of the review, the NCAA enforcement staff will decide whether its current notice of allegations needs to be amended. Under these circumstances, the University will delay submitting its response to the current notice on the original Aug. 18 due date, consistent with NCAA procedures. The NCAA will set a new response date following the supplemental review of the new information.

“I know today’s announcement will cause some to ask when all of this will end,” Cunningham said. “I want to assure everyone that Carolina is doing all it can to bring these matters to closure as quickly as possible while also strictly adhering to the NCAA’s infractions process. While we need to address these new developments, we have already completed the majority of the work necessary to respond to the NCAA’s notice. We fully believe that we will be able to bring the investigation to a conclusion in spring 2016, as previously anticipated.”