North Carolina Scandal Etc

NC District Attorney Jim Woodall
UNC undergrad '82
UNC law, '85

The corruption is SO deep it is insane.

Unless I'm mistaken, Woodall was also the prosecutor handling the Nyangoro (sp?) and Crowder indictments regarding the "one" summer session fraud class that Woodall "was able" to prosecute. These were the indictments that Woodall dropped in lieu of Nyangoro's and Crowder's cooperation with the Wainstein investigation. Which at that time, I'm assuming, UNC was expecting the Wainstein report to be another whitewash. Interesting though that criminal charges against them were dropped for their cooperation in a totally separated non judicial investigation. One that could not impose any punishment on them. I wonder how often that happens in court systems? Every day I suppose.

And to top all that off, the judge overseeing the indictments of Nyangoro and Crowder was Judge Baddour. If that last name is familiar, he is the son of former UNC athletics director Dick Baddour who was AD when the fraud classes were in full tilt!!!! I think he succeeded Swofford. No conflict of interest there........

Advance apologies if I have the above facts mixed up a little, I haven't seen this prong rehashed on packpride in a while. But I'm pretty sure they are mostly accurate.

But to reiterate, the complete control/corruption the UNC machine has all across that state is nothing short of astounding. I have followed this a lot on packpride, initially due to my anti UNC bias. The more I learned about it however, the more intriguing it has become.

Like JP Scott has said on here many times, someone needs to follow the money trail. If an independent state (yeah, right!) or federal investigator were able to do that, then what we would learn about the Rams Club, Dental Foundation, and UNC athletics/boosters would make the SMU debacle look like mere child's play.
According to the twitter account for the film, they are still filming and editing.


BTW, that link points to a recent radio interview, which I decided to listen to.

It seems to me that Bethel is already backtracking. The focus of the film now seems to be on defending the academic support staff from being (what he considers) unfairly labelled by the press. That's all well and good but if that's the main focus of the film, I don't think that's what his boosters had in mind.

He also mentions that the film primarily covers football and a little bit of women's basketball, which IMO kind of misses the forest for the trees.

I'm still not sure exactly what his main point is. He keeps saying the press was unfair to UNC, but he hasn't provided any strong examples that I can see. If anything, the press has given UNC a wide berth IMO, to which UNC has promptly made mistake after mistake in their zeal to cover this scandal up rather than to address the root issues.
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UNC should be thrilled at the limited coverage over the most heinous act in college sports history . Only a few media outlets have taken UNC to task over what they did , mainstream media has not pressed UNC at all .
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He also mentions that the film primarily covers football and a little bit of women's basketball, which IMO kind of misses the forest for the trees.
Actually that tactic makes perfect sense. He is trying to reinforce UNC's obvious attempts to deflect this into primarily an issue with women's sports and men's football so that the groundwork is laid an and out given to the NCAA to only slap Men's Basketball on the wrist.

The key to this whole thing being a worthy effort to punish UNC for decades of wrong doing while pointing the finger at everyone else must be their Basketball banners. If more than 1 comes down then the NCAA did its job. If only one comes down they were forced into it by being dragged by the teeth in the media... now if NONE come down then the NCAA is just as corrupt as UNC or probably even worse and should immediately be abandoned and replaced by all the other member schools.
So, I am now listening to the Bethel interview and he is going off on how the academic counselors were "bullied" by Willingham when she publicly said that the academic counselors had cheated in keeping athletes eligible.

For those of us who have brains, Willingham openly admits that she cheated to keep athletes eligible and said that others participated. Sorry Bradley, but only in YOUR world is that bullying!

Seriously, is this guy for real? I feel like I am llstening to a spoiled 10 year old who thinks he was bullied because the neighbor told him that he was not allowed to play on his lawn.
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Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a bully. All 135lbs soaking wet. [roll] BB must be a Nancy.

So now, I am llstening to Bethel go off on how UNC made some "mistakes." Good grief! These were NOT mistakes! It was intentional cheating. Does he not understand the difference? Even if he wants to somehow clear UNC, he has to come to grips with the fact that UNC blatantly cheated.

Okay, I am going to quit listening. The defense of Paterno and blaming the media is making me ill.
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So, I am now listening to the Bethel interview and he is going off on how the academic counselors were "bullied" by Willingham when she publicly said that the academic counselors had cheated in keeping athletes eligible.

For those of us who have brains, Willingham openly admits that she cheated to keep athletes eligible and said that others participated. Sorry Bradley, but only in YOUR world is that bullying!

Seriously, is this guy for real? I feel like I am llstening to a spoiled 10 year old who thinks he was bullied because the neighbor told him that he was not allowed to play on his lawn.

LOL! Did he discuss his memo to Chancellor Folt about how UNC was admitting too many athletes who were incapable of doing college work?
There's some Cheats who frequent this board but don't post much, anymore.
Hi jarms24. True, my friend I have cut back on posting on the UK board. Just letting you know that I'am still thinking of the UK fan base. I want to wish you a BLESS DAY my friend.

!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi jarms24. True, my friend I have cut back on posting on the UK board. Just letting you know that I'am still thinking of the UK fan base. I want to wish you a BLESS DAY my friend.

!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!
If I was a tarheel fan, I'd also want to spread good karma in the light of what punishments may be handed down to you.

I really understand your shtick.
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Jarms you must be under his skin for him to call you out.

Well done.

!!!!!!!!!! GO JARMS !!!!!!!!!
[roll] Man, if you visited the nat'l board, you could see my art. I have pissed on that ant hill more than a few times. They think about me a lot.

I should also lump @Mark Gastineau in there as well. He's a major thorn in their asses too. Good times!
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It's hard not to go full Rah when we're setting the standard that others are adapting to. Being we're not just moving the needle but are the needle.

Everything from Coach K adapting to Cal's model of using the OAD, to Self and KU building their own Wildcat Lodge.

I probably wouldn't fit in. Thanks though. I'll just stay here and openly laugh at the duke, ul, ku etc fans that come here to try and discredit.

"News & Observer reporter Dan Kane has won the Frank McCulloch Award for Courage in Journalism for his dogged coverage of the athletic and academic scandal at the University of North Carolina.

The award was announced Wednesday by the Reynolds School of Journalism at the University of Nevada, Reno.

During the past four years, Kane has written a series of investigative stories that have led to the exposure of bogus classes for athletes at UNC-Chapel Hill. In naming Kane one of the most influential people in higher education in 2014, The Chronicle of Higher Education called him “the quiet force” behind the information revealed in the October report by former federal prosecutor Kenneth Wainstein, who documented 18 years of bogus classes that helped keep athletes eligible to play for the university."