
"I'm sorry, Dave, I'm afraid I can't bark like a dog."

It wouldn't hurt to have that machine around. Clear your mind a little bit before going out or before making big life decisions.

"Honey, we can go over the budget and vacation plans after I visit The Extractor. Shall I turn on the 'back' massager for you?"
You guys know me. I’m motivated to improve, data-driven and goal-oriented. I’m also a helper who likes to both share his successes AND assist others in avoiding the pitfalls that my extensive research and testing has revealed.

You’re thinking, “Tell us something we don’t know, Mav. Just what the hell are you getting at?” Right? I know you are. Admit it. What I’m talking about is this...dramatically improving your gas mileage with just a couple simple behavioral modifications.

Let’s get started. The first thing to do is
Hotel reservations confirmed for an important owners meeting happening April 26-28 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Select team owners are attending this key event, which may influence future league operations.

As always, your commissioner will provide periodic status updates to all stakeholders.

Thank you.

Porchetta Sammy on Eataly semolina batard with Dijon mustard.

Blue Bottle Hayes Valley Estate Espresso shot pulled flawlessly.

^ breakfast of mfn champions.
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