Hurley Meets with Team

You have to pay someone alot of money to live in California with all that social experiments taking place out there

Hurley is wierd and a ass he never would have been a good fit here

No doubt, I've heard that there's all kinds of cheap property because people are leaving and no one wants to move there. California is a much superior location to Kentucky. Let me know when Kentucky ranks higher the CA in education, job market, standard of living, median income.....
Yeah, Cali is hell on earth, blue ocean, sandy beaches, Santa Monica Mountains, great restaurants, genetically refined babe-a-thon (from generations of wanna be actors and actresses in the 10 category moving out there) as opposed to first and second cousin gene pool hook ups.
The people there turned paradise into a hellhole

John Fanta


A source tells Fox Sports that Dan Hurley met with his players at UConn this morning and informed them he's been in talks with the Lakers. Hurley didn't want to hide the fact that this was real. The Huskies have a noon practice, and Hurley told his players it's business as usual for now.
No doubt, I've heard that there's all kinds of cheap property because people are leaving and no one wants to move there. California is a much superior location to Kentucky. Let me know when Kentucky ranks higher the CA in education, job market, standard of living, median income.....
Location? Yes.
Way of life? Cali is at the bottom
Yeah, Cali is hell on earth, blue ocean, sandy beaches, Santa Monica Mountains, great restaurants, genetically refined babe-a-thon (from generations of wanna be actors and actresses in the 10 category moving out there) as opposed to first and second cousin gene pool hook ups.

Actually it is hell on earth and I still haven’t witnessed this babe a thon you speak of.

A CA resident last 15+ years.
Yeah, Cali is hell on earth, blue ocean, sandy beaches, Santa Monica Mountains, great restaurants, genetically refined babe-a-thon (from generations of wanna be actors and actresses in the 10 category moving out there) as opposed to first and second cousin gene pool hook ups.
The 80s are calling. They're wondering where all the babes went.
Economy there is eh. Homeless everywhere. Bunch of people who are educated but being educated by nutty people isn't really a good thing. Fake bodies and fake pretty girls yeah. I'll take the east and south over California anyway.
They should just outlaw poverty and homelessness. That'll fix it.
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Location? Yes.
Way of life? Cali is at the bottom
The water is so cold you can't even get in it, plus it's dirty. They have a HUGE pipe that feeds to the beach in Pacific Beach in San Diego that dumps drain water from the streets in the wee hours of the morning and it's full of all kinds of filth. . They don't even make an attempt to hide the pipe.
No, the talking about it on here needs to be taken elsewhere. Stop worrying about what other people are doing that doesn't affect you.
What if people have family out there, maybe it does affect them. How bout you quit crying
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Yeah, Cali is hell on earth, blue ocean, sandy beaches, Santa Monica Mountains, great restaurants, genetically refined babe-a-thon (from generations of wanna be actors and actresses in the 10 category moving out there) as opposed to first and second cousin gene pool hook ups.
You mentioned the fluff. While I don’t subscribe to the social experiment stuff, I still believe California is the wackiest place on earth. I should have to have a passport to go there. I don’t care how hot the trim is, you couldn’t pay me to live in that crazy ass place
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What if people have family out there, maybe it does affect them. How bout you quit crying
Thing is, you don't, and complaining about stuff that has nothing to do with you is what I call crying. Hey June....
Yeah, Cali is hell on earth, blue ocean, sandy beaches, Santa Monica Mountains, great restaurants, genetically refined babe-a-thon (from generations of wanna be actors and actresses in the 10 category moving out there) as opposed to first and second cousin gene pool hook ups.
The most beautiful state in the country, but heavily taxed and regulated with progressive politics. There is a reason people are living California by the thousands, it’s become unlivable
Trilly also said UConn is preparing for Hurley to go

Because they're smart and didn't wait until their coach publicly announced he took another position.

Was pretty incredible to watch all br usual UK media a$$kissers proclaim Mitch couldn't do anything until cal officially took the job
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I'd be interested in seeing things like Candlestick Park, the Oakland A's park (the one they're leaving), and I've heard the waves are really big out there. But you hear so many stories about people being robbed and shot in broad daylight, and earthquakes frighten me. The biggest waves I've ever seen were at Myrtle Beach :/

Don’t cross the bridge. Oakland is rough and that stadium isn’t worth price of admission. Just watch this and you’ll see. I went to an As game in the 90s and that place was a dump then.

Economy there is eh. Homeless everywhere. Bunch of people who are educated but being educated by nutty people isn't really a good thing. Fake bodies and fake pretty girls yeah. I'll take the east and south over California anyway.
Oakland is lawless
I'd be interested in seeing things like Candlestick Park, the Oakland A's park (the one they're leaving), and I've heard the waves are really big out there. But you hear so many stories about people being robbed and shot in broad daylight, and earthquakes frighten me. The biggest waves I've ever seen were at Myrtle Beach :/
We get 20, 25 footers here often enough. Good surfing if you don't mind ice buildup.
No doubt, I've heard that there's all kinds of cheap property because people are leaving and no one wants to move there. California is a much superior location to Kentucky. Let me know when Kentucky ranks higher the CA in education, job market, standard of living, median income.....
so you must obviously live in California then, right?
What an off season. Damn I can’t remember one like this ever. Obviously the transfer portal action is a different level but there have been some huge coaching moves as well.
And I think you will see more of the older coaches getting out of coaching because of the NIL and all the problems with it,
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