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My serving career would have come to an immediate halt the second I got lowballed on a tip and dropped a hundred F-bombs on the culprit. I know myself way too well to know how that story would’ve ended.
I almost got fired for throwing 14 cents across the parking lot at two hussies on a $41.86 tab. They were mad because one order buffalo wings for an app and the other order the same for her meal. Meal lady ate the app when it came out and they bitched to the manager about the meal coming before the appetizer 🤬
What's depressing is people's lack of economic knowledge.

Tacking on another $7.50 per labor hour will put every small business owner in the welfare line too. It would be great for AMZN and WMT though.
That’s why I married an accountant.

And I get the small business concerns. It sucks across the board. And probably why we’ll all end up working for Amazon in the end.
With those incentives + added expenses you have to deal with when working, it's more than a no-brainer to stay at home. One of the big issues is that families who pay for child care are realizing it makes more economic sense to stay at home and take care of their own kids rather than working AND paying for child care.
Had a kid, that was making like 20 bucks an hour, quit early on because he was scared of covid. He's been traveling the west the last 15 months, according to Facebook, on UE. So when SB owners gripe about taxes, that's why. Not because it's millionaires paying more, but because we get a close glimpse as to how the funds are actually used, and it's infuriating.

I get the initial haste with which Emergency UI was paid out. But to still be doing it is insanity. Obvious, since the amount of fraud that is taking place.
Except no one leaves work... they all hangout at the bar or TGIF to drink Sierra Nevada’s til 4am and spend away half the earned tip money...or snort enough rails to end up a net deficit for the days work.

My best job ever was working retail at JPeterman Co Store. Sell a Nazi motorcycle with sidecar, Beleek China, Bay Rum and a puffy shirt. Rich horse farm folk that would wander in and tell stories. Lots of female talent to party with too.

Rogue, what’s driving the worker shortage in FL? I thought your governor ended the COVID unemployment benefits.
Well in the Keys, a lot of people left during Covid and just broke their lease. Wasn’t easy for some that don’t save and think they’ll just make $500/day forever to pay $1500-2000/month rent.

And a lot didn’t come back and can’t afford to. First, last and security deposit for me the last time I moved into this place was almost $10K cash on the spot. Rents are going up as well while there are less places to live because people buy a house and only live in it a month a year or just AirBnB it which leaves no housing for the workforce here.

On top of that, this place is PACKED with tourists right now but no one to serve them.
When I worked at Conch Farm for 8 years we would regularly throw change tips into the water at the bight we were located on. Usually foreigners “who didn’t know better” 🙄. They would like at us like we were insane.
- Waited tables for 5 years on summer and winter breaks. I made enough to pay for all my books and fun money back at college/grad school in the fall, but mostly because I was the only sober one on shift 95% of the time and conned the other servers into letting me shark their tables so they could go out back and shoot up/blaze it/snort/whatever. Two of the guys I worked with OD'd, that I'm aware of. Likely there are more. That was a QUICK education on illegal substances for young sheltered suburban Pretzel.

- There was a regular we called Diet Coke Lady because she would come in and demand Diet Coke, no ice, no lemon, no straw, and drink roughly a 2L per visit. She had a friend who, in retrospect, was probably not quite right in the ol' noggin. I had them in my section during a slammed lunch shift and we were out of the salad dressing the friend wanted. I apologized, offered a replacement, and then she got very upset and asked for my manager. She told him she "wanted to sock [our waitress] in the head" for "attitude." He just giggled and told me he'd comp that meal and to go fake apologize. They then paid the remainder of the bill ($8) with a crisp $100 and left a tip in all dimes! Thanks ladies!

Anyway, the friend is dead now. RIP.

- I still have stress dreams about getting quadruple-sat and being in the weeds and I haven't worked a shift since 2011. I made a ton of cash, but very glad I don't have to do that anymore.
I do work 2-3 days a week as a charter boat captain. Try and keep up, please. Plus, I average $6-800/shift at the pool bar so I don’t really even need to work the boat gig but I like it and they ask if I want to work. I can always turn down any of those boat days, I’m not “scheduled” days there.
All short sighted-ness. Kid sits at home on government dole. Another takes $18/hr at Fed Ex loading trucks through an employment agency. Neither really provide a career path or benefits. We employ 3500+ in one office. Our entry rate of pay is $14.50-$15.00 for an hourly desk job. Menial task pay less. Medical for one is pretty cheap, 401k match, paid vacation, potential to learn our industry and have a career. Life choices.
Never worked a day in service / restaurant business a day in my life. Worked some terrible, shitty jobs, but never even considered applying for that job.

Golf instructor getting $100 per lesson is a pretty sweet side gig. But NONE of them would ever say "Man little Brooks sucks at golf and will always be a hack, no need wasting money on me giving him lessons." Of course they are going to say EVERY kid he gives lessons to is a natural. He wants to keep depositing those $100 bills, he would be a complete dumbass to say anything negative, talk about career suicide. LOL, not saying a kid can't be great, but to believe after ONE lesson ??

Would never do it to a kid, but a waiter / server who has chosen that profession or because of their "habits" or previous record chose to be that, if they give shitty service, well it is earned, not given. I tip great (most times 25% or somewhere around that), but I had this meth / coke head at Toots here in BG when it was open acted like she was put out by serving my party and I should bow to her in her presence, When the check came, I left a little note that read "here is 9 cents because you ain't worth a dime" with a nickel and 4 pennies. Sorry, meth head, don't bring no attitude and give shitty service if your rent is depends on getting tips. Only time I have ever done that, she earned it, or well she didn't EARN it.
That’s why I married an accountant.

And I get the small business concerns. It sucks across the board. And probably why we’ll all end up working for Amazon in the end.

Glad I got way out in front on this one then. I remember when I was debating my offer letter, one of my buddies told me to take it because we’d all be working for them soon anyway.

Bonus, I don’t have to wear pants since I WFH (and have since 2018).
I have a buddy living in bowling green that was bringing in about $24 per hour if you broke down his UE check into a 40 hour work week. Bowling green is the 3rd largest city in the state and he was thrilled with that money. Now imagine the folks in Burkesville Edmonton Tompkinsville making that kind of money for sitting on their ass.

Been a lot of truck accessories purchased around these parts lately
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