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Well that may be the first gyero flex on the senior discount for coffee, lol. Congrats bromigo.

New Rooster’s on Richmond road was good. Love those wings. Split of all drums, garlic and donkey for dad.

Looking forward to St John in August. Been a minute.
Where do you stay in St John? I lived there for 6 mo until Hurricane Irma wiped out my apt. I lived over behind the visitor center in those apts. Couldn’t beat the location. My wife and I got engaged there, got married there, and usually go 2-3x a year until we started having kids. We are both dying to go back.
I had jury duty yesterday for the first in person criminal trial in Louisville since Covid hit. Out of the 50 people called in, one was BLM and said she did not believe in jail at all and therefore would not find the defendant guilty, another guy was completely nuts, and the other 48 all seemed like solid citizens of Jefferson County. It actually made me feel good that 96% of the potential jury pool - from what looked to be a diverse swath of the population - seemed like they would be fair and impartial jurists.

Given that the defendant seemed to be in good hands, I asked a simple yet effective question to be removed from consideration: “Your honor, during the sentencing phase of this trial, should we also consider the likelihood of parole?” The defense glanced over and made a note. I was cut shortly thereafter.
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I’m not defending the unemployment situation, but when you’ve got a business built largely on convincing really low quality unskilled people to work for terrible wages you kind of have to expect some challenges.

I mean, it’s hard to find someone who wants to wash dishes for a living. Wow. No kidding?

Your continued ignorance of this situation is mind boggling, yet, admirable.
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When I worked at O’Charleys’s in college, we had a long tenured dishwasher that worked there full time. Had an IQ of about 20. Couldn’t drive. And operated at about 1/3rd the speed of a normal adult. So at night the rest of the staff and management would routinely have to pitch in and help so they could get out of there by 2:30 or 3am. And he made every bit of $8/hour.

That’s pretty standard in the restaurant business, except he didn’t have any felonies and actually had a valid social security number.

I’m pretty well aware of working in a bar or restaurant. It’s not a glamorous gig.
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When I worked at O’Charleys’s in college, we had a long tenured dishwasher that worked there full time. Had an IQ of about 20. Couldn’t drive. And operated at about 1/3rd the speed of a normal adult. So at night the rest of the staff and management would routinely have to pitch in and help so they could get out of there by 2:30 or 3am. And he made every bit of $8/hour.
Pretty impressive how far BRax has come since those days. Proud of him.
Which jobs aren’t shit? Honestly this bourbon thing is the most fun thing I’ve ever done to make money.

Also, if unemployment is enough to keep you on your ass doing nothing, then there is apart of you that doesn’t get just getting up and having something to do. A sense of self worth and respect of you will.
I’m sure the unemployment checks are a big factor in the labor shortage, but I also believe that there are more than a few people who figured out they can do something else and not have to work shit jobs.

Isn't there a huge shortage of wait staff too? I wouldn't necessarily count that as a shit job. That was easy money in college. Are teens / college kids still working? I think my parents made me stay employed from the moment I turned 16.
Yes, waiting tables is a shit job.

I mean unless you went to college to get a job standing on your feet for 8-10 hours at a time, coming home smelling like ass, in a high stress environment, with no benefits, extremely volatile income and late hours mostly at times when everyone else is off having fun.

And that’s the BEST job in the place.
Tball season ended yesterday in a tight game. Kids had a great time this season, props to the coaches for keeping it fun and about the kids.

The team we played yesterday was the first time this season I've seen any of "those parents" at one of the games. Booing ump, arguing calls, jumping and yelling with the tiger fist pump when our kids made a mistake. All made worse by them sitting on our teams side amongst us. Just a group of miserable kunts. I finally told them to settle down that it was just a tball game. Their kid sucked too.
Waiting tables could be fun, guess it depends who you’re working with.

Rio Bravo back during college and Dudleys for me. Both were great crews. Also slang drinks at comedy off Broadway.

* While walking with the Lil Lassies on Monday night we found a cherry tree on Top Hill in front of a yard. This nice gentleman came out of his house and said we could pick as many as you as we wanted. We must’ve picked 100 of these things. Took them home and the Lass and the little ones made cherry cobbler.

* Enough with the rain already. Yard is a plush shade of green but desperately needs to be cut.

* Isle of Palms/Wild Dunes this Saturday for 7 days. Jacked. Have a nice little walkout condo yards away from the beach and next to a pool.

Best friend from college lives on Daniel Island. Crushes medical sales. 44 and single. Still a total wild man. Lass loves him but any human being can only take this animal in doses. He and another college buddy & his 2 kids/wife are coming over on Monday afternoon for some beach time and dinner. Can’t wait to see these fellas. Catch up, bust some balls. Once the kids are down may push for an Uber to downtown so we can visit some old haunts. We shall aee

Dinner reservations at Hank’s downtown (my favorite restaurant in Charleston ) on Wednesday with the Lass. Pre dinner rooftop cocktails at Eleve.

Can’t wait. Beach time. Tunes. Bike rides. Bottomless domestos. No lay ups.

* McDonalds’s coffee is underrated. Stuff is like jet fuel and the manager at the Lower Brownsboro store gives me the senior discount (🤷🏻‍♂️) so I get a piping hot cup of dece coffee for 57 cents.

* Went to the Brooks Brothers outlet store in Simpsonville a few weeks back. 3 polos for $99. I appreciate the cotton polo in this day and age of STRETCH POLYESTER.

* Tennis tonight with some buddies. Playing doubles. I enjoy the cardio aspect of singles but doubles can be much more fun.

* It’s great to see the basketball Cats making the rounds throughout the state, especially with the dudes that were here last year. Those videos really show how genuinely excited guys like Toppin and Brooks are to get the full Kentucky experience.

* Spoke with a former gridiron Cat on Tuesday who stays in touch with Stoops. Secondary will be elite. Fast, big and fng nasty. Need one more piece for the linebacker corps. Jones from Ole Miss would be a huge pickup. TE Bates has had a great off season so far. McClain, redshirt freshmen RB from Cincy, could be really good. Smoke better get over his injuries. Levis has the goods… We shall see.

* The Missouri game under the lights at Commonwealth.. Good gracious.
rack 'em.
I’m sure the unemployment checks are a big factor in the labor shortage, but I also believe that there are more than a few people who figured out they can do something else and not have to work shit jobs.
I've interviewed about 20+ blue collar workers in the last week and you're not right. Sorry to burst your bubble. A bunch of people with little experience, no education, no training, didn't just figure out how to be something different.
Waiting tables one night a week in college wasn't bad at all. I'm shocked PTI had a miserable experience with something that nobody else did.
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I don’t think you guys understand how many industries have staff shortages right now. You seem to think it’s just Wendy’s but it’s not. It’s hit my industry massively. I had someone at work tell me that she works in hospice and they have a massive nursing shortage - to the point they had a 7,000 signing bonus for any nurse to join on and still couldn’t fill the position. Was reading about construction staff shortages last night. It’s a lot of industries, but hopefully it’ll correct when the free money giveaway stops this summer.
Waiting tables one night a week in college wasn't bad at all. I'm shocked PTI had a miserable experience with something that nobody else did.

I had a *great* time doing it as a 20 year old. Also enjoyed living with 5 other guys and listening to O.A.R., too.

Sometimes you grow up, though.
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Larry Flynts Hustler Club is offering a $1,000 signing bonus for strippers, too.

Submitted my resume and waiting to hear back.
-Just about everyone I know that waited tables in HS/College is pretty successful and driven these days. Performance based pay speaks for itself and is obviously a great learning experience.

-Don't think we just ran out of people to do these jobs. If you think that's the answer, look harder.

-First gig was 15 working Brantley Security at Churchill/The fair. Did pretty well on tips at Churchill. Opened a bank account and then a year or 2 later dad helped me get a credit card.

-TBall team lost a heart breaker last night to a team we should've beat. Kiddos played great. What an absolute blast. Got a little misty eyed listening to Boys of Summer(G's new favorite song) on the way home. Became good buddies with 3 of the Dads that helped coach. Got a great little text thread out of it. I think the Dads are more heart broken over that ending than the actual season. On to Fall Ball Coach pitch.

-RIP to Memmomie. What an amazing lady. Her accomplishments are unbelievable. They just keep going on. Several of us spent some really fun times at her house during the Eli Barron. I'll always remember them. She kept detailed notes on all of us and was prepared to ask us questions when we visited. What an amazing lady and life. Probably up in heaven crushing some Tetris records.

-Hank's is on the list for Charleston next time but honestly I have a hard time not just running up to the butcher/seafood market and cooking at the house. We love doing that anyways and with a hundred people in the house it's easier. No worries about transportation, you can booze all day, pop a bottle of vino. Worship. Man, I love that place. Was just going over details yesterday for our upcoming trip.

-Nice hot weekend sounds perfect. Hopefully the rain has burnt off for a few weeks.

-When is appropriate to hang the red, white, and blue bunting? I'm thinking next weekend.
-Last regular season game of the rec ball season for the Huber boys. Currently 1.5 games in fort place. If they win, they win the regular season and have a first round pass in the playoffs. If they lose and #2 wins both of their games tonight, they jump us and we play the first round of tournament games tomorrow. if it rains and all games are cancelled, we hold on to first place and watch the tournaments from the stands. Come on rain!

-Travel ball season starts for our boys this weekend. I'll be in Harrodsburg coaching our 7U Batjackets team and my wife will be in Nicholasville with my older son's 8U Rockers team. Was pretty hopeful both kids would have early games so we could hit the club for some golf and pool time Saturday Afternoon but nope. 7U gams at 9AM and 11AM, older son has the 4PM and 5PM games. There goes the nice Saturday of drinking cold ones at the pool I was dreaming about. Sunday tournament games, so there is still hope I guess. My Sunday Tournament thoughts, either let's stay here all day and win this damn thing, or lets lose the first game and head straight to the club.

-Touch youth travel baseball.

-Last proud dad moment of yesterday. Both boys had their first golf lesson yesterday. The instructor said both boys were naturals and killed the ball after he made some tweaks with their "baseball" golf swing. Really spoke very highly of them and their abilities which was awesome to hear sense their Dad sucks at golf. Please lord baby Jesus, let them learn to love golf we can quit some of these other sports and we can start drinking beer on the course together.

-Anyone used Lexington Lifted here in town? Time to turn my truck into a redneck mobile. Level, lift, big tires, and a huge set of bulls balls to hang off the back as I roll coal on Prius drivers with their windows down at the red lights. #America

-Not a TikTok guy at all, but got a TikTok video of Kamala Harris and Trump yesterday that makes me belly laugh every time I've watched it. Was an edited version of Kamala saying to immigrants coming to the border "Don't Come...... Don't Come." with the song Put Your Head On My Shoulder softly in the background, and then this starts after being told not to come.


-Anyone want to say touch it tomorrow and play a round of golf?
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There’s definitely a huge shortage of moderately qualified workers. You can get a job anywhere down here right now and it’s also been the busiest year ever down here. Highest hotel rates in the country and sold out threw the summer at least. Restaurants are closing two days a week because they can’t work the staff they have 7 days a week. And everywhere is packed and crushing it. Pretty bananas.

Happy to only work the bar 3 days a week now, 5+ is too much anymore. They’ve asked me to go full time multiple times but not happening. I love bartending, it’s lucrative and a lot of fun. I just don’t want to be stuck in the same place 5+ days a week.
If waiting tables is “high stress”, you may need to consider a career as a librarian or museum curator. Cause anything else is going to raise your blood pressure.

I worked at Tony Roma’s my senior year of college. On a Friday night I’d be in at 4 PM and out at 10 PM with $150 in my pocket. One of the guys I worked with was my roommate (and per my understanding, one of Richie’s best buddies). Almost everyone else who worked there were good people. Yeah, it wasn’t a $100K a year job, but it was better than anything else I could have gotten at the time.
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Serving is definitely high stress while you are there for rush with a full section.

It's also probably the best "leave it at work" job there is, literally zero to worry about once your shift was finished.
Except no one leaves work... they all hangout at the bar or TGIF to drink Sierra Nevada’s til 4am and spend away half the earned tip money...or snort enough rails to end up a net deficit for the days work.

My best job ever was working retail at JPeterman Co Store. Sell a Nazi motorcycle with sidecar, Beleek China, Bay Rum and a puffy shirt. Rich horse farm folk that would wander in and tell stories. Lots of female talent to party with too.
When I worked at O’Charleys’s in college, we had a long tenured dishwasher that worked there full time. Had an IQ of about 20. Couldn’t drive. And operated at about 1/3rd the speed of a normal adult. So at night the rest of the staff and management would routinely have to pitch in and help so they could get out of there by 2:30 or 3am. And he made every bit of $8/hour.

That’s pretty standard in the restaurant business, except he didn’t have any felonies and actually had a valid social security number.

I’m pretty well aware of working in a bar or restaurant. It’s not a glamorous gig.

There’s an organization up here that basically helps mentally challenged folks train to and/or find employment. They partner with various companies from healthcare to Kroger and McDonalds. I got to know the CEO - a great guy, a warm, outgoing back-slapping Mack Brown type- through a work thing and he said the demand for his people keeps growing and growing because a) they’re reliable, work hard, are happy to be working and b) they pass drug tests.
-Manufacturing across the county is totally messed up for a number of reasons, but these unemployment payments with additional money is part of it.

In our industry, most of manufacturing is done is small, rural towns, and part of that is indeed because the living wage is less than it would be in say Chicago or Atlanta. For the area these employees live, they are making solid money, but probably not compared to manufacturing folks in larger metro areas. Regardless, manufactures are having a hard time getting people back to work because with the additional money (in some cases $300 more per week than unemployment typical would pay an individual) being thrown at them to sit home, they are indeed making a lot more money than they were before when they actually worked.

The result, manufactures not working at full production, supplying parts or inventory slowly (engines, transmissions, or other parts) to other manufactures that need their product to complete another product like vehicles, tractors, other domestically built equipment. On top of that, the manufacture who is waiting on significant parts delays is also usually based in a rural area and they too are having employment issues because of the additional money being given to folks on unemployment.

We have friends who own or run many different types of businesses from restaurants to car dealerships here in Lexington and they are saying the same things.

It's really pretty basic stuff. Quit giving handouts and start getting people back to work.
The best job I ever had- and despite my grumbling here I like what I do now- was working the grill/snack bar by the pool. Getting paid to grill burgers, sip from a Riverfront Stadium cup full of draft domesto, BS with the lifeguards and other workers… the best, really. Now I work a real job IN THE HOPES that every so often I can hang out on my deck and grill out, etc.

Growing up stinks.
-Speaking of Hank, where has @Hankshaker been? A quick search tells me he's reading but hasn't posted since April.

-80 talking about those fans at the game last night from the other team sitting on our side of the field in the bleachers. I was about to go redneck south end t-ball mom on some fools. Still can't believe the kids lost, but such is life. They had fun and a great season. I have a greater appreciation for the Wildcat players' parents. Can't imagine my kid playing basketball for UK.

-I'm still avoiding downloading Tik Tok. I don't think I need another app on my phone distracting me. Honestly GYERO is enough of a distraction on a day-to-day basis. But some of the videos are pretty funny.

-You get tips for working security at Churchill Downs?

-It seems every industry I encounter has either a shortage of employees, a shortage of products to sell or supply chain issues. My favorite is the corporate sales trainers giving us tips on how to combat this objection on a sales call.

-One of my favorite coworkers at Rafferty's was the dishwasher in the back. He may not have been legal, but he busted his ass and would bring up "platos grandes" anytime we needed them at the line. How in the f*ck has it been 21 years since I worked that gig?

I may have mentioned it before, but the best trick on a getting a decent tip on a bill under $25 was the "dirty five". Take their change and kinda rub the bill along the grill to get it dirty. 9 times out of 10, they leave the $5. This back fired on me once when the couple saw me do it. 😂

-RIP Meemommie.
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