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Can't stress enough how much more I enjoy Nick and EJ when they're peppered in for 2 minutes here and there instead of playing 10 minute stretches. No more stumbling around like they learned to walk yesterday. They come in, get a board or block a shot, go back to the bench where I assume Cal gives them a treat and they can sit down next to Color Me Bradd for another half hour.

Liked what EJ gave us. Nick immediately gave up an offensive board which turned into a 3. Sometimes he shows up. Sometimes he’s Eloy Vargas.
Vegas finally hopped off the Duke train. Zags now the favorites to win it.

Our three point fg % defense is 28% in the tourney. That’ll do.

Go Red Raiders & Boilers.

Amazing the difference in my outlook on life when UK is still alive in this thing. Doubt I’d watch a second of these games today if we’d lost last night. As it is, I’ve got the DVR set to record the D2 title game between Point Loma Nazarene and Northwest Missouri State. I’m not proud of this.

Guard the three.
Here's the thing about great doesn't matter if you've missed the last 10 believe without a doubt that your next shot is going down. And that's Tyler Herro. He gives no ****s. Cold blooded.

He’s a complete player. He rebounds. He plays great D. He attacks closeouts. His mere presence spreads the floor.

I’ve just developed a complex about our best shooters not hitting in March. I really believe he has a huge one coming.
I don’t remember who said it last night but one of the talking heads said @Auburn we allowed Harper to drive but we didn’t help off and stayed home with the shooters.

That is how you beat them. Once they get you up pace/hectic then see 3’s going in it’s ridiculous the way their confidence gets rolling, and they bury you from deep.

Really need Hagans to be laser focused for 1 game. Give me one game!
Hagans is really pressing right now, but I put quite a bit of blame on Cal's shoulders. Not sure if it's by scheme or not, but we're getting nothing out of our early transition offense. Our offense has turned into walking the ball up the court and getting into a primary set. This is leading to our offense stalling with 8-10sec left on the shot clock, forcing Hagans to create something out of nothing. That's just not his game....

That said, I expect Hagans to bounce back. He rarely plays poorly two games in a row (thinking Tennessee after the LSU loss). If not, IQ is giving us really good minutes at the 1 spot, which is the kind of safety net that's nice to have in March.
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Hagans is our glaring weakness. He has no purpose when he drives, turnover machine, below average shooter, and is a matador out there on defense. This “great on-ball defender” persona has grown a life on it’s own.
-We just dwarf Auburn. Lot of emotion spent on their game, and without their best player who would have been a serious matchup problem. Think we may roll.

-This Feels like an SECT semi where we are playing a team playing their 3rd game in 3 days. Also, the arena will be 80% blue.

-And finally a game that our guys will be in their comfort zone, style-wise. Auburn ain't gonna defend. And Herro will have so much size on his man.

-If that 3 doesn't drop, don't know that i'd ever get over what Cal did to our offense in the 2nd half. He will clearly never change.
And to be clear, UK and Auburn fans joining together to chant S-E-C at UNC while they took a hard L is one of the best troll moves I have ever witnessed, and quite possibly the best moment in College Basketball history.

Just want to make sure that thing didn't fall off the radar.
F*ck the SEC chant imo. Guarantee those auburn birches were whooping and hollering for Houston like crazy during our game. The entire sec can eat a dick.

Thought it was a good calculated move by the Nation. You knew the UNC fans that stayed were going to be behind Houston. Why not try to pick off some Auburn fans to be on our side.
In my experience, UNC fans don't stick around. In fact, they're all probably home by now.

Dean Smith had a famous quote (well it was probably once obscure until the crack research staff that created The Quiz dug it up):

"Hotels at Final Four sites should drop their 4 day minimum stay policy. It's unfair to the fans of the losing teams."

And that, my Wildcat Friends, is a TS.
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I’ll cheer for hitler to murder UNC, or pretty much any ACC/B1G honkies. Awful conferences.

Look at bum ass, fake crying ass Bruce Pearl...BELOVED SEC ROYALTY. People are even throwing his name in the UK discussion lmao. It truly just means more in the SEC.
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