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I don't know if there is anything more maddening in basketball than an opponent getting an offensive rebound after a tough defensive stance inevitably leading to a kick out 3. We have to lead the country in such instances. Ours always seem to occur after we force them into a tough shot late in the shot clock. It makes me want to beat the living shit out of someone.
WTF is wrong with some of you?

7 Elite 8s in 10 years... when are you gonna learn Cal?

You should just come down and jack up 3s. It worked for LSU, Va Tech and UNC!!!

Stop being a bunch of pussies. Holy shit. We go on a 7-0 run to win it and it feels like a loss?

Some of you need to man the eff up.

Touch. What a bunch of sad touching assholes.

JDrum posts about 1986 and having to play LSU for the 4th time and right out of the gate:

- Was at the game and couldn't beat Rudy Macklin for the 4th time. He graduated in 1981.
- Joe B could never recover from that game and the 84 Gtown game. It was Sutton's first year.

Those two have been hanging with Richie I guess.
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- Herro still has a big night in him, too. Maybe a couple.

- Seth Davis was all over that Washington story.

- Auburn lost the dude who’s been their best player over the last month.

- Duke hasn’t gotten much better since November and the field is catching up.
I’ll tell you what — no question Duke will have the toughest route to the Final Four.

UCF —> Virginia Tech —> Michigan State

That ain’t no joke. And I think MSU gets them.
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UK just beat the #13 and #4 teams in the damn NET. F Duke and their overrated path. So tired of them always getting the benefit of the doubt.


Ok, so now all of a sudden the NET matters. :joy:


At any rate — that’s a hard ass path to the Final Four, and MSU will beat them.
Got berated by marikkas staff for abusing my fist on a wall in celebration. Might be broken.

Why we do this.
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Got berated by marikkas staff for abusing my fist on a wall in celebration. Might be broken.

Why we do this.

Got thrown out of Marikka’s on my 50th birthday party. We’d rented a party bus and had been hitting bars all over Lexington for 5 or 6 hours by the time we got there.

30 minutes in and my wife and her friend realize their purses had been stolen (off the backs of their chairs.)

I go to the manager and ask to see the surveillance tapes. She basically tells me to get bent.

So I threw my drink in her face, called her a cvnt, and told her what a sh1t-ass place she was running.

<—— kept my balance and didn’t face-plant as I was physically tossed out.

I may have missed this but if you want to talk about suck, how about that dude who picked every single game correctly in the first two rounds.

The odds of this are somehow even more astronomical than chiefpaduke ever getting laid so Buick offered to give the guy the red carpet treatment to watch his beloved Michigan Wolverines play Texas Tech.

Now dude's bracket is busted and, presumably, his soul is ripped from him and hurled into the ether as well.

So what I'm saying is: Go Cats!
Cats favored by 3.

Guard the three.

Duke giving 1.5.

Each Duke win only serves to make their eventual loss that much sweeter.

Guard the three.

PJ played 26 minutes.

Take that first half and bottle it.

Reid and PJ should clean up tomorrow.

Guard the three.

This first Saturday without college football or basketball on TV all day is always a little bittersweet.

Got tetanus *and* rabies shots yesterday. I think my favorite thing about the latter is where they inject the needle directly into the gaping wounds. Repeatedly. And I only have to go back three more times!

BRax calling out Jones on twitter for “humble bragging about everything” cracks me up.

Guard the three.
Flying under the radar has been Seth Davis imo. He’s gone from insufferable to . . . not quite as insufferable. He’s had a good March by his standards is what I’m saying.

Speaking of the studio crew, when Chuck and Kenny join Clark K at the desk, I chuckle to myself as I watch Clark try so hard to be cool with those guys. He’s a totally different dude when they’re there. It’s like a high school movie when the cool kids pull up a seat next to the socially awkward band kid. Clark is trying to act and talk like them, over-laugh at their musings. Meanwhile Kenny and Chuck are side-eyeing him like that 50 Cent gif, just waiting for the bell to ring.

When those two aren’t there, Clark goes back to normal, boring Clark. It’s been a hatboggan of mine for the last 2 Dances now!
Tell you what, I thought EJ Montgomery was ok last night. Had 5 rebounds, a block and a steal in only 13 minutes.

EJ last time we played Auburn - 6 points, 7 rebounds, 3 blocks, 2 steals

He only played 10 minutes when they played @ Auburn and didn't do much.

Think he's going to be the key to tomorrow. Hard to tell how PJ's going to be.
Watched the game in a hotel room... in the dark... with the game on mute... with young children and my wife in the room that were trying to sleep. If we had lost that game I'm pretty sure I would have put the remote through the wall.

Yeah, they slowly worked their way back into it in the second half, but the way they took the lead was so fast. I couldn't believe it - didn't seem real - floaters, long threes, offensive rebounds. Thank God for Tyler Herro.

Ok, so now all of a sudden the NET matters. :joy:


At any rate — that’s a hard ass path to the Final Four, and MSU will beat them.

Wofford is better than UCF by any measure. Same with Houston over VaTech. And Auburn has blown out Tennessee, Kansas and UNC the last 2 weeks. Again, I disagree.
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