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It would be incredible if the NCAA hammered them in part because their administration and coaching staffs created a culture of sexually inappropriate behavior. It's obviously true, and they obviously won't say it, but man...just even the chance that they could :fire:
Clint Hurtt had a freaking show cause by the NCAA, and still continued to coach at UofL. Hurtt signed 5-6 extremely high profile guys out of Miami (including my boy Teddy), and not a thing happened to them. Not. a. thing.

The UNC stuff is way worse. As was the Miami stuff. This is embarrassing for UofL, and a death knell to Andre McGee's career, but nothing else. Another sex scandal for Teflon U. Tarnished, but they'll shine that baby back to normal in no time.
It doesn't really matter what happens to UL from an NCAA standpoint. They are being publicly flogged and humiliated. This is all we have ever asked. Papa john. Crooked horny administrators. Bobby petrino. 1-3. Shit basketball. Street racer football jerseys. :cool2:
the ridiculousness, salacious details, video evidence, text messages, retrieved emails, awkward press conferences and general embarrassment will end up being way more harmful than the eventual penalties.

and I'm totally comfortable with that.

gonna be an AWESOME next month or two.

hooray, sports! #redstripevoice
I skimmed through the book this morning. A couple of notes that may effect how things play out:

* Two of Powell's daughters were underage while this was going on and it appears that at least one of them was underage while actually having sex with some of the recruits. Given the length of the relationship between McGee and Powell it seems unlikely that he would not have known that there were underage girls at orgies in the UL basketball dorms, if what Powell claims is true.

This is based on my memory of skimming through the book, but I am fairly certain that Powell said that one or both of her youngest daughters were involved before they were 18.

* After McGee left UL and was apparently in California coaching, he still arranged for Powell to bring hookers to the UL dorm for recruits and the book claims that she has the wire transaction records to prove it.

That could end up being the fact that keeps UL from spinning it as just a rogue, low-level assistant who was way too close to the players.

Who was directing McGee to get hookers for UL players/recruits after he was off staff and why would he have any motivation to fund that personally after he had already moved to a new job?

* Katina Powell might be one of the worst mothers in Louisville history. And the idiot wrote a book about her exploits of pimping out all three of her daughters and seems proud of it.

What a loathsome whore.
How many counts of statutory rape took place at UL since 2010? 10? 15? Really hoping this turns criminal so all of the dirt is dug up and Jurich has zero chance of keeping anything buried.
Clint Hurtt had a freaking show cause by the NCAA, and still continued to coach at UofL. Hurtt signed 5-6 extremely high profile guys out of Miami (including my boy Teddy), and not a thing happened to them. Not. a. thing.

The UNC stuff is way worse. As was the Miami stuff. This is embarrassing for UofL, and a death knell to Andre McGee's career, but nothing else. Another sex scandal for Teflon U. Tarnished, but they'll shine that baby back to normal in no time.
The Clint Hurtt stuff didn't involve UL. SEC teams sign seedy players all the time. Those were ammo for rivals and hard core football fans but not really that uncommon. This is a sex scandal. It won't be brushed over.

Like PTI(pti) said, the penalties won't stack up to the embarrassment. On top of the Petrino/Pitino sex scandals this is the icing.
At this rate I fully expect the following ...UL football to continue to implode while we beat Auburn on 10/15.

Stoops shows up in Doc Brown's Delorean with Marrow riding shotgun for the raucous post game celebraish..

Booker is happy with the win but is bitching about the traffic situation. Stoops starts the Delorean and it raises 5 feet in the air. "No worries, Book. Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads."

*Grove Street Party comes blasting through the Delorean speakers, heads explode simultaneously all at once. *
The Hurtt thing was just pure dumb luck. If the NCAA had not gotten caught with their hand in the cookie jar during the Miami investigation, then Hurtt would have been toast. The NCAA wasn't in a position to really sabre rattle or poke around Hurtt at that point. That had absolutely nothing to do with Louisville and everything to do with how the NCAA f'd up the Miami investigation.
Don't see much with the SatRape angle.

Turning points:
-Will McGee sue. That's where it would get interesting. Cox indicated they would without saying it. Coolcat mentioned that yesterday.
-Like Hank said, the fact the Blankeney thing happened after he was coaching at another school means someone else was involved. Obviously NCAA is very interested in that if they've already talked to Blankeney. If he isn't allowed to start the season we'll have our answer.
-The money trail. A moneygram is out there. A low paid 23 year old assistant was getting this money somewhere.
-The text messages. Publishers are playing a pretty bold line which makes me think they're pretty confident in the info.

There's just way too much. It's obvious something went down, it's obvious other people had to know this was going on. If they just shut down then they risk the big guns. Going to be interesting to watch.
I go Internet dark yesterday afternoon and evening and this happens? God bless America. So the 2013 title was built with the blood sweat and tears of whores? That is so UofL.
Pretty good write up on it. I'm not linking it because the dude used black background and white font which is amateur and obnoxious but a nice write up on it anyway.

The UL Sex Scandal. What to know. What to expect. - Eric Ashley
I rarely write about sports. The rare exception is when my experience as an attorney and crisis manager may give useful insight to the casual observer. This is one of those times.

In case you missed it, news broke late Friday evening that a book was about to be released by a Louisville Madam who claims she was paid for her and her friends to perform sexual acts for current and prospective UL basketball players. Allegations included the pay for sex with prospective players was to entice them to sign with UL.

Explosive is an understatement. But lets break down exactly what we know, what it means, and what to expect.

1) Pat Forde broke the story late Friday evening. Anyone in PR/crisis management knows Friday evening is the time to dump bad PR news. That way there's an entire weekend news cycle before Monday hits. Typically, weekend news ratings are very low. Plus there's always the good chance another big news story will break over the weekend, which gives people something else to talk about on Monday. For example, this weekend will be Hurricane Joaquin.

The other important part, is letting Forde break the story. Forde is a long time friend of the UL program and Pitino. Forde even co-authored at least 2 books together. So he's hardly an unbiased reporter. By letting Forde break the story, he becomes the "authority" to the casual observer. This means he can be used to later filter in the UL side of things later, without the casual observer knowing any better. Its already happening, with Forde saying Pitino had no knowledge. Maybe Pitino did. Maybe he didn't. But don't believe it just because Forde says so.

2) The press conference was a disaster. Jurich and UL knew about the allegations since August. They almost surely fed Forde the information, and coordinated with him about its release (remember it was Friday evening). So its not as if this was totally unexpected. Yet it went terribly, which speaks volumes. This likely means they think the allegations are true, or mostly true.

There was also an important interchange between Pitino and a reporter. During the exchange, a reporter tried suggesting that Pitino was saying the allegations weren't true. Pitino quickly and sternly corrected him, and explained that he was not saying they weren't true. This likely means Pitino was mindful of avoiding any language which may result in a defamation suit. This leads us to the next point.

3) There was likely negotiations to keep this information private. Blackmail/extortion is illegal. However, its legal to offer the sole and exclusive right to publish the book to anyone who's willing to pay the asking price; including Pitino, Jurich, or any of the players. Of course that means the book would never be published, but that's the point. Why do I think this?

Players were contacted months ago about this book. Pitino and Jurich knew about it since August, and there's even been an investigation. Yet there's been no leak and the Friday press conference looked a little surprised, given all things. Why wouldn't the story break before now? The publisher certainly would not choose to release this book Friday night. There's really no other explanation except negotiations had been ongoing, but suddenly fell apart; so Jurich and company went preemptive.

4) Jurich and UL are incredible at protecting information. Players knew for months. Jurich and Pitino knew since August. Compliance knew. Private investigators knew. Thats alot of people to know about such explosive allegations. Pretty incredible noone leaked it.

5) McGee almost certainly did not act alone. Im not saying Pitino knew about it. But someone almost certainly funded this operation. We may never know, unless this case ends up in the legal system; which is a definite possibility. But there's almost certainly a bank trail, since the book mentions McGee getting money from ATM's.

6) What to expect. There are several factors to consider. Pitino is a legend, with his legacy at risk. McGee is on the move up, but is a true company man. The 2013 national title is in jeopardy. Jurich will be untouchable, short of the money being traced back to him. As of now, UL thinks the allegations are true.

I would have McGee take the fall, claim Pitino had no knowledge, admit to major infractions; but only following the 2013 season. McGee is on the way up, but is still expendable in this scenario. This somewhat saves Pitino's legacy, which will be tarnished regardless. It would save the 2013 banner. Jurich is safe regardless. Based on what we know right now, its what Id do. I think its what they'll do too.
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So if you have kids and you're a Louisville fan, WTF? How do you address some of this shit with a ten year old? I guess the one thing you have going for you is you've probably had a lot of practice if your kids are old enough to remember Sypher.

Daddy what's a hooker?

And you can't really just ignore it because it will be impossible to follow their team without hearing about it. It will come up during every game and every talking segment all year, well unless they manage to top it with something worse, which is not entirely inconceivable.
Due I guess to the rivals acct overhauls all blacklists have been lifted. Enjoy at your own discretion. What a great day. [banana]

If you're really good at the interweb, you should be able to insert Andre McGee in there in place of the Godfather or maybe Chane when he starts swinging his arms and running toward the hoes. Also edit W 42nd Street to Floyd Street. And if you do undertake this, watermark it, so you'll get credit for doing so.

If you're really good at the interweb, you should be able to insert Andre McGee in there in place of the Godfather or maybe Chane when he starts swinging his arms and running toward the hoes. Also edit W 42nd Street to Floyd Street. And if you do undertake this, watermark it, so you'll get credit for doing so.
Change the street to Floyd St. Yeah Drew or willy need to do that.
You could put Peyton Siva's dad in there somewhere too, but you'd probably have to tone down his wardrobe.
I honestly don't care if Louisville gets in trouble with the NCAA because the story and the book is good enough on its own.

Any sanctions or win/title revocations would just be icing on the cake.
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Don't see much with the SatRape angle.

I don't mean criminally. But the fact that some of the callgirls were underage has yet to be reported in the coverage I have seen. McGee had to know that at least some of the girls were underage.

Maybe that's one of the reasons UL acted first to control the story, as the guy in the article you posted suggests. Louisville Assistant Basketball Coach Paid Teenage Hookers To Sleep With Recruits is even worse a headline that what we are seeing now.

That wire transaction receipt could end up being the Card-version of the Emery airmail envelope.
Louisville found out about it awhile ago, and they asked McGee to move on to another job. The text messages, "if there are any" have been destroyed. All payments were made in cash, so there isn't any proof. No real photographic evidence. None of the players are going to rat. McGee gets a show cause. Louisville gets a "get a hold of your shit" probation. And that's it.

This isn't really hard to figure out what's going to happen.

Spoken like a true fan!!
<-- doesn't give a flying touch if the ncaa even bats an eyelash at this. can't stress that enough. if you're overly concerned about probation, you're missing the gd point.

this is high comedy. all the rest is just icing on the cake.
Can't even imagine how delighted Mags is. This is just absolute radio gold for him.

Having the conversation about all this with my dad is a little odd, tbh.

In the ICU today, slow so far so this scandal is just perfect timing.

All in all, just a [cheers]:100points::100points: weekend.
Anyone buying Pitino's press conference act is a fool and it's pretty sickening to see so many falling for it. It's all so calculated. He's known about this since August yet comes out yesterday playing the "shocked and devestated" act. Even Matt freaking Jones said he actually felt bad for him during the PC.

Everything about how and when this came out was so carefully planned by UL. Best part is though that it wont end up mattering. But Pitino will skate playing the ignorance card and that really sucks. Anybody REALLY think he had no clue what all of his best recruits were doing on their recruiting visits? Riiiiight.
Jones has the easiest job in the state on Monday and probably for most of this season for that matter. His show prep will basically be waking up and driving to the studio.

I read the whole book. If they'd never asked for the white chicks, she'd have never rolled on them. The whole tone shifts after that point. You can tell she goes into "I'm gonna get these f---ers mode." My thoughts...

I doubt Louisville loses their title. They will probably go on probation, lose scholarships and Pitino may even face a short suspension. McGee will basically be radioactive forever now. Truthfully, the most terrifying thing for Louisville at this time should be the fact that Andre McGee's career is over and he has one shot at making real money- a tell all book. They better hope he's a loyal soldier and is willing to flush his career for Pitino and Jurich, because if not, he is the person who could cause that place to come crumbling down.
In Jones' Periscope on Friday, he was openly speculating that Pitino would have to resign if this pans out to be true. I doubt it, but I love that Matt Jones has a megaphone all over the state just as this happens.

That guy just got handed a Willy Wonka golden ticket.
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