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Last page of the book:

NCAA RULES Title: 91.1.1. Severe Breach of Conduct (Level 1 Violation) A severe breach of conduct is one or more violations thatseriously undermine or threaten the integrity of the NCAA Collegiate Model, as set forth in the constitution and bylaws, including any violation that provides or is intended to provide a substantial or extensive recruiting, competitive or other advantage, or a substantial or impermissive benefit. Among other examples, the following, in appropriate circumstances, may constitute a severe breach of conduct: (Adopted 10/30/12 effective 8/1/13, Revised: 7/13/14) (a) Lack of institutional control; (b) Academic misconduct; (c) Failure to cooperate in an NCAA enforcement investigation; (d) Individual unethical or dishonest conduct, regardless of whether the underlying institutional violations are considered Level 1; (e) A bylaw violation by a head coach resulting from an underlying violation by an individual within the sports program;
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NO way they skate. NCAA is on war path recently with Syracuse and SMU sanctions. UNC is next and it is going too be a demolition derby what they drop in Chapel Hill.

NCAA is tired of hearing they have lost control. Worst time ever for this to happen for Louisville.

Point blank if they can match McGee's cell phone number, which her texts are from a 323 California Area code, and McGee is from just outside of LA this thing is curtains.

Katy bar the door.
Did the show for U of L. Two new recruits, Jordan from Dallas and Montrezl from North Carolina....

I think this part is really telling codifying Mickey and Harrell were on their official visits the same weekend. How else would some random protitute know to mention those names and locations together.
Don't forget Tomma just covered up some titty play of his own and they have a woman abuser on the football team.

What did I miss with Jurich?

Just a great time to be living in Louisville with the football team looking 1-5 in the face, their basketball team looking at the NIT and hopefully a banner coming down, all the while we finally have a solid football program and another Final Four trip with #9 on the horizon.

Even picked up a CJ on the way to work today

Pitino may skirt by and the banner may stay but they'll get plenty. You can't hide behind assistants anymore. At least not like you used to. Other coaches obviously know because he called in the Blakeney hit after he moved to another school.

We may not like the punishment but something is coming. Regardless Pitino and that banner are forever tainted.
Damn near missed the shuttle to the airport reading all the snippets this morning. Book purchased. This should be good in flight entertainment.
UofL may be in the Goldilocks zone of getting hammered by the NCAA. Not blue blood enough to be too big to fail, but just big enough for the NCAA to send a message to everyone else by pulverizing them.

Oh, and if none of these guys will talk to the NCAA, we've seen multiple times that the NCAA takes that and assumes you're guilty. There are A LOT of guys here that would need to lie to the NCAA on record to even attempt to get out of this and I don't think everyone will do it. Also, there isn't just one whore, there's quite a few of them that can substantiate this.
BTW, lady either thought she could get a huge pay day with the book or someone at Uofl pissed her off really badly. Gotta think she asked someone for money, they said no, and she told them she was going to eff them up.

Love how in the first pages they list the mobile forensics firm they used. This IU booster was not messing around.
I love their local press corp trying to poke holes in this. Just hilarious.

The NCAA could threaten Blackney's eligibility if he does not talk. Also kids still in school may have to talk. No the guys that are gone don't have to say anything.
BTW, lady either thought she could get a huge pay day with the book or someone at Uofl pissed her off really badly. Gotta think she asked someone for money, they said no, and she told them she was going to eff them up.

Love how in the first pages they list the mobile forensics firm they used. This IU booster was not messing around.
The way Jurich angrily dismissed the extortion question makes me believe she asked them for money and there's probably a concurrent law enforcement investigation going on as well.
Comes down to the phone situation..

If the NCAA gets the phone records & it's shows McGee's phone being used for texts & calls to this bimbo... Forget it.
The way she held on to all this stuff it wouldn't surprise me BUT they would've rolled her quickly if extortion was the case. I mean we have pretty clear evidence of how UL reacts to a sexual encounter extortion case. [laughing]

Pitino and Jurich's mood speaks VOLUMES. They've never acted like that. No preaching and scolding the media. No pompous dismissals.

We will cooperate fully, we're an open book.
I don't believe any player came here because of a woman.

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It's pretty obvious that she is telling the truth, or at least a story much closer to the truth than "nothing happened, I don't know anything about it."
Pitino seemed defeated. He also lit one slip in the " I don't believe players came here because of these women". It's almost as if he knows there's substantial shit that's going to stick.

Jurich is in an interesting spot. He can't control something like this with his local hack following.
Louisville found out about it awhile ago, and they asked McGee to move on to another job. The text messages, "if there are any" have been destroyed. All payments were made in cash, so there isn't any proof. No real photographic evidence. None of the players are going to rat. McGee gets a show cause. Louisville gets a "get a hold of your shit" probation. And that's it.

This isn't really hard to figure out what's going to happen.
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Louisville found out about it awhile ago, and they asked McGee to move on to another job. The text messages, "if there are any" have been destroyed. All payments were made in cash, so there isn't any proof. No real photographic evidence. None of the players are going to rat. McGee gets a show cause. Louisville gets a "get a hold of your shit" probation. And that's it.

This isn't really hard to figure out what's going to happen.

doesn't her phone have the text messages as well?
Geezus. I'm telling you the way the story is going to unfold. And yes, there is a reference to 700 text messages being "lost" due to a virus. Don't know if that's true or not...the deletion, but regardless, that is the way the story will be told.
based on McGee's statements I don't think you need the text messages, phone records would corroborate a lot imo
I get that 73 doesn't want anything to happen to his boys, but he's being pretty naive here. It isn't the city of Louisville that gets to decide what happens to the University. There is serious serious smoke here, and the days of pinning shit on a rogue assistant are long gone.
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The only way texts can be truly verified is if they get confirmation from the carrier. And certain carriers will hold and store these texts for various amounts of times.
Read the book, 73?

Text messages were destroyed?
Yeah, they used a forensic company to substantiate the texts. We're not talking about Karen Sypher here and it's obvious that UL realizes that. Tons of areas to fill in but there's enough now to do some serious damage. Syracuse and SMU just got scholarship reductions and post season ban for covering up some test scores. This is a staffer paying for recruits to get blow jobs. It's not going away.

They may not get the death penalty, have a banner stripped, Pitino banished... but it's not going to just go away.
I get that 73 doesn't want anything to happen to his boys, but he's being pretty naive here. It isn't the city of Louisville that gets to decide what happens to the University. There is serious serious smoke here, and the days of pinning shit on a rogue assistant are long gone.
Yes. He'll be the fall guy and Pitino will plead ignorance but that won't be enough to avoid penalties. Maybe enough to save his job, which I actually hope happens. I'd love to see him stick around. Let Cal continue to break it off in him while he's under investigation and unable to recruit.
73 is just playing the same game we all played with UNC--that is--expect nothing to come of it and be pleased when they get hammered.

Fortunately, he's wrong on this one.
Yeah, but I'm sure what the NCAA is having trouble with UNC is the fact that students migrate to cake classes at every school. Trying to prove they were directed to those classes is likely pretty tough.

It's also the countless issues and red flags that have come up at UL that we felt were egregious and nothing happened. McGee is going to have a decision to make. Talk or lose his career. Probably already lost it anyway.
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