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Rather telling imo
Because it was obviously published by a dude familiar with the law. Unless its a colossal let down we know at least McGee paid for hookers. They all but acknowledged that tonight and you'd have to assume is accurate. The details are what's going to determine the penalties. Who was involved and where the money came from. If it's isolated to just McGee and players I think they may be ok and just get some probation, loss of scholorships and probably a suspension for rick. But if you get recruits in there and funding from anywhere else and it's going to be a fire sale.
UofL paying for players' hookers? Took at least 3 or 4 years to figure out.
North Carolina funneling athletes into fake classes? Totally missed it... for decades.

Eric Bledsoe's mom possibly had some help to keep them from living in a car? ALL ****ING OVER IT. Investigative reporting!
I think if you're Matt Jones & KSR that's the lede - if it's not true then why aren't they pulling out all the stops to keep this book from hitting shelves and suing this publisher into oblivion?

You seem to know your shit on this, so if the NCAA finds "nothing" could this McGee not sue for defamation? Or if there is stuff in the book that can't be proven nor proven wrong is this just a huge shit stain.

No way Pitino can recruit for at least 1-2 years after this.
I can't imagine what Pitino must have felt like before this presser knowing his past indiscretions would inevitably resurface. At the end of the day, the SOB knows what it means to be a leader of young men. He's a coach. And I know he's a narcissistic prick and has been for MANY years. But I bet there's still that side of him that wants to be a role model/coach to these guys even though he must feel helpless/hypocritical in thIs regard. Sins of the fathers and whatnot. Man, I don't envy him.
So you are feeling sorry for the SOB?

I am hoping chain got one of them chickenhead's preggo and he paid for another abortion....
Even if they skate the NCAA, no way they're suing anyone. They'd be subject to discovery in a lawsuit and there's no way in hell they want that to happen.
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Even if they skate the NCAA, no way they're suing anyone. They'd be subject to discovery in a lawsuit and there's no way in hell they want that to happen.

True, just kind of surprised that they aren't even playing the 'threat' game where they at least talk a big game about legal action.
That was my thought exactly MCF. Usually a bully doesn't just lay down they push and push until the embarrassment is too much to be held accountable, then tuck tail and hide. They don't seem to be hiding here which caught me by surprise.
It's kind of like Clear and Present Danger when Harry Ford told the President to admit he was friends with a drug smuggler. Don't give them ammo to keep digging.
You know since Pitino tried to do his own investigation and was shut down, per him, a conversation was had as to how much it would take to shut her up, and now I'd bet that conversation is about how much does McGee need to take this to save UL.
I'm not a legal ball at all so feel free to humiliate me if this is dumb but is admitting that you were an actual hooker and documenting it not leave you open for any criminal charges?
I'm not a legal ball at all so feel free to humiliate me if this is dumb but is admitting that you were an actual hooker and documenting it not leave you open for any criminal charges?

Well yeah but this is a case where the police, prosecutors, and judge need to look the other way imo.
This is just amazing. How can one athletic department give us so much. Pitino, Petrino and now a whole book about an assistant buying whores for recruits and their dads? I've been giggling all night. What a F'ing joke.
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McGee was in control of a lot when it came to the dorm. Andre told me how he wanted it done, but usually it was for me to send the girls out one at a time. There were seven or eight players and music from an iPod with speakers. Andre played this one song 'Racks on racks' (money on money) by rapper YC that drove the girls nuts they were so sick of it. The girls stripped down to nothing. They were my friends, so they were willing to do it.

While they were dancing, Andre would find out which dancer each recruit and player wanted to have sex with. Then he would work a side-deal with me to negotiate the price. Usually $100-$120 each. Pay was always upfront. Andre paid me and I paid the girls on the spot. After the dancing, some of them went into other rooms with players.
I ordered it too but sent it to my tablet. It's dead on the coffee table downstairs at the moment.
I have dealt with more than a handful of new recruits. So I can say that I am partially responsible for them coming to U of L. Oh, and let’s not leave out Mr. T-Will, yes, Mr. Terrence Williams, people. Believe me, as cocky and arrogant as he was, he paid swell!! $500 for two girls. But my most popular one that I love to (have the) shows for is my buddy ‘Chane,’ (Behanan). That boy has potential in every way. I have done shows for half of Louisville and plan to take over the other half. I’m already blessed with Beauty but it is so much more when you also have the ‘Booty.’

I need to get on the ball with Chane. Rod-Ni is gone and I need tickets to U of L games. It would be nice to sort of be in Chane’s corner because the nigga’s a star. I also get tickets from Andre McGee in exchange for private shows for the team and new recruits. He’s mad because he couldn’t **** my daughter before she left to go to Job Corps. She said McGee wasn’t her type, plus he’s annoying. But she really has a crush on Chane’s sexy ass. He’s tall, light brown skinned, very respectful, but he’s a basketball thug. This nigga cops weed, he loves weed, he says whatever the **** he wants, and overall he’s a beast on the court. Yes, I need front row seats to this. Every time we do a show you can always expect Mr. Chane to participate.
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Of course you know my nigga McGee set it all up for us. I really dig McGee ‘cause he’s cool, he treats us with the utmost respect. He jokes a lot but all in all he takes care of us. Of course you know Chane was there. So we took pictures, me and another cat and McGee. We did a show for a younger recruit. The girls took care of him. So he should choose U of L as his college. (We've) done so many recruits it’s sickening.
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(The ladies) having sex with the recruits had its ups and downs. Some of these guys were babies and didn’t know the first thing about having sex, and for other recruits the girls said some of them knew how to work it off the court. The biggest hype at U of L was who would cum first. Andre teased some of the guys about how fast they would cum and how he was wasting money on guys who took no time to cum.
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The looks on these kids’ faces was s ometimes heart-breaking, because it was all too much for them. Think about it. You are a senior in high school and you get the opportunity to have sex with these highly experienced females, and you don’t want to say no because it makes you look soft in all areas, so you have to do it. I hand-picked these girls so they had the best of the best. There were times when I would look at the recruit’s face and they would look so lost, like this was not something they were expecting on their visit to U of L. A high school kid, some you could tell it was their first time sexually. Sometimes it would be one girl on a guy, sometimes two girls on a guy. It was whatever they wanted at that time to make them sign.
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I only ever had sex with one recruit because I had enough girls to take care of that for me. I had sex with the parents because that’s just the way it was set up. He (Andre) would call me and tell me that it was a parent of the recruit and I had to make him feel good enough to send his son to U of L. All I knew was that it had to be done without questioning, so I never asked. I just did the job. And I was damn good at what I did. Andre would meet me at the hotel where the father was staying, pay me, and take off before he was seen by anyone.
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Andre McGee from U of L called and asked me if I was interested in making some big money. He had a coach who invited some out of town guys to the U of L-Syracuse game. Of course you know I’m interested, it’s money. There were two of them, Dejuan and T.K. aka Travis, Hyatt Regency. $300 and all tips. Of course there was sexual intercourse with the guys and two dancers. Total of five girls in the room.
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McGee, she said, often came across as cocky and confident, but she sensed that “deep down he was under a lot of pressure from the coaches. He always said his job depended on this kid signing." Katina believed that McGee was, if nothing else, loyal to his coach, saying, "you could look into his eyes and see the loyalty he had for Pitino. To him he was just doing his job." Some things were peculiar to her, however. While McGee always liked to say that the ATM was his best friend, many times his cash was wrapped in bank bands—stacks of money with white bands around it and nothing you could get from an ATM. I never questioned exactly where the money came from, I just knew he had help because his account couldn’t handle expenses alone. Andre would stand on the couch and throw money. He'd give it to the guys to throw. It was loud. He’d say, ‘Shit’s getting sloppy. Don’t come in those clothes!’
McGee said he needs all the dancers to be on their A game, meaning he needs the girls to be down for after the show. He says that his job depends on it. His job is on the line. He says we really need this recruit.

Did the show for U of L. Two new recruits, Jordan from Dallas and Montrezl from North Carolina.... Both recruits were taken care of by two dancers. My job was to get them to sign to Louisville by any means. $160, $80 apiece. Everybody was drunk. McGee took care of everything. Yes, the new recruits (a 17-year-old) were drinking Grey Goose.
Russ is my nigga—he’s so sweet and polite with his white boy swagger. Blackshear with his bedroom eyes. He’s a freak though, he wants threesomes on a regular. (Like Chane, Blackshear always asked but never had the money to do it.)
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We got there about 11:15 p.m. at the dorm. We took pics with McGee, Siva, Behanan, a recruit, a tall dark-skinned guy and another guy whose face I will never forget. I was shocked that Siva stayed as long as he did. Chane always ****s with us with his pill poppin’ ass. The one dude that was there when I use to do it with Honey and Meka (Honey and I ****ed him) but yeah that nigga was there trying to cop some weed. McGee paid me $600 cash for T-to **** the one guy whose name I have yet to get. TooTall ****ed the new recruit. Rod-Ni ****ed the tall dark guy (Montrezl Harrell) who’s always joking on how fast a nigga cums.
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McGee: what's up with a show Saturday night?

Powell: U tell me. 4 who?

McGee: This kid who already decided to come here but this will be his first time visiting.

Powell: OK that's cool. Give me details later.

McGee: I'm telling you now cause we gotta talk about prices. I can't keep spitting out 200 and 250 up front. Its basketball season ... so we got some tickets ... so lets talk.

Powell: OK lets talk tickets then.

The rest is kind of he said/she said but if they can match phone records to this... dunzo.
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I received a phone call from Andre McGee. He said he was in Kansas coaching. I was shocked to hear from him. He asked if myself and another girl would do him a favor. So I did! $500 total. He said that they really needed this kid Antonio Blakeney, he’s supposed to be the top pick in the world. It was him and his (guardian). Before we hung up he said, ‘Rick really wants this kid, so make it happen.’ Of course Andre always made it more dramatic than it was, but this time he sounded as though he needed me to put the special sauce on this kid and his (guardian).

Pretty obvious why he committed when you read the next page or two.
“I liked Andre a lot. He always tried to hit on me. He had just graduated when we met him. I thought if this is Andre McGee’s dorm and that is what he wanted to do, then that’s OK. I saw him last a year ago, or right before he left. He was pressured by someone he reported to.”
That coauthor is an old time heavily awarded and respected investigative journalist. No way he staked a pulitizer career on a hooker without vetting records and sources.

Regardless damage is done. Even if they squirm out were talking an extended time of uncertainty and a double black eye. At best they struggle even more recruiting. They don't want to have nightmares about at worst.
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