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Is that Big Game Chane? And since December 2013 was a long time ago, was it ever specified why Louisville ran Chane from their team the day after the Kentucky game?
Please have pictures of Rick getting down with Katina too...especially with his L tattoo.

Awesome, it's trending on FB now.
This is going to be a big damn story. Unbelievable really. I mean this is just not good for them. It sounds pretty damning. I mean the publisher's name in on the IU Law School and the writer is a Pulitzer winner. As Jones said, for the early indications this "could" be one of the largest scandals in college history. If there is any any link above McGee the Jurich might be in trouble. Pitino has to be done. Un-believ-able.

We've been saying something has been going on over there for years. Since TWill, then Chain/Wayne.

Thing is, the damn financial cover up is probably the bigger story.
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Just began Fall break.
It's our anniversary.
Kids are at g-parents.
Belly full of cocktails.
Sitting on the couch, reading how this scandal is playing out.

I GOT A FEELING this is what the Black Eyed Peas song was all about.

Bless us, boys.
Everyone keeps saying this is going to do Pitino or Jurich in and under normal circumstances, that's very likely true, but that place is not normal. Who is there to answer to over there? The BOT has no oversight over the athletic department or the university president. The AD has stuck by one coach through a public sex scandal and proudly hired another coming off of a public sex scandal. They fleeced the taxpayers with that arena deal as they had their loyal minions on both sides of the negotiating table, with absolutely no consequences and the local press has been completely neutered by them. John Schnatter doesn't give a shit about this and I doubt most of the other big corporate donors care either.

That place was a glorified community college until about twenty years ago. There's 0 checks and balances. Who is going to hold anyone accountable for anything? This won't rise to the level of a "show cause" situation for Pitino from the NCAA. Pitino is going to deny all the way, his lieutenants are going to deny his involvement all the way and he is going to completely cooperate with the NCAA. They will slap him on the wrist. The only hope that anything remotely touches Pitino or Jurich is the our shit don't stink ACC. That's the best shot anyone of any consequence loses their job over this- the ACC twists their f'n arm off, which I find hilarious given the way they basically bullied their way around all those shit bag conferences they were in for the last fifteen years.
Honestly, him staying might even be better. Ts. Would love it and mattox is absolutely correct. Jurich's only fired coach was for losing.

Also, I honestly do think if they keep him they'll lose a lot of good will with those puppets.
I can't imagine what Pitino must have felt like before this presser knowing his past indiscretions would inevitably resurface. At the end of the day, the SOB knows what it means to be a leader of young men. He's a coach. And I know he's a narcissistic prick and has been for MANY years. But I bet there's still that side of him that wants to be a role model/coach to these guys even though he must feel helpless/hypocritical in thIs regard. Sins of the fathers and whatnot. Man, I don't envy him.
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The thing is these sorts of incidents usually uncover other messes. The real kicker is going to be when someone answers the question "where did the money come from?" Seems pretty obvious there's gonna be evidence of hooker/player relationships. How said hookers got paid is the NCAA issue.
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One possible benefit for Tomma and RP, it will distract from the shitty year they are going to have.


Yeah, they were probably f'n high fiving in the office once they found out about this.

WOO HOO! No one will notice we're 22-12! I can't believe our luck Tom. What a break. [cheers]
I can't imagine what Pitino must have felt like before this presser knowing his past indiscretions would inevitably resurface. At the end of the day, the SOB knows what it means to be a leader of young men. He's a coach. And I know he's a narcissistic prick and has been for MANY years. But I bet there's still that side of him that wants to be a role model/coach to these guys even though he must feel helpless/hypocritical in thIs regard. Sins of the fathers and whatnot. Man, I don't envy him.
Maaaaan, f***k that bitch.
Perfect timing with some high target recruits on campus.

Regardless of what actually happens, there will always be a cloud hanging over that 2013 title.
I think if you're Matt Jones & KSR that's the lede - if it's not true then why aren't they pulling out all the stops to keep this book from hitting shelves and suing this publisher into oblivion?
So...where did the Director of Basketball Operations get 10 grand to pay for hookers?

Why was Behanan driving around in a late model car tied to a huge UL booster (Nelligan)?

Because that whole program has been corrupt as hell for years.
That's just to her. She says there's more money for the escorts she pimped out.
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Yeah, they were probably f'n high fiving in the office once they found out about this.

WOO HOO! No one will notice we're 22-12! I can't believe our luck Tom. What a break. [cheers]
I was thinking more like 12-22. Then Forde has an angle of Pitino being distracted by the ongoing investigation, etc.
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