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What's up with that 'Galaxie Bar' place?

Chad keeps wanting to go down there thinking it's like OTR (it's not) but I always explain there really aren't any bars/drinking places...just a lot of restaurants & weird shops.

Seems like they are starting to add some, which is cool.

-Think we may check out Brendan's tonight...heard it's awesome & a cool atmosphere. Menu is absolutely bonkers.
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- I love DRUNK Kaitlin- one of my favorite people. [laughing]

- My girl is a hilarious drunk 95% of the time, but that other 5%- watch out- it's like dealing with BBdK. She's currently riding a 3-weekend hungover puking streak and landed in Vegas for a high school friend's wedding last night, so looks like the streak will continue. So proud.

- JDrum posted an interesting article on Facebook about Beats by Dre. Costs $14 to make them, they sell them for what- $200? And their quality isn't even top notch compared to the competition.

- I already love Briscoe. You have to have some dickheads on your basketball team. Can't just have a squad full of sweethearts like Poythress and Skal. Need some dudes who will mix it up if need be.

- Happy to have Billy Simmons back! [banana] Now, I just need season 2 of Serial to start.

- Does Georgia beat Bama? I say yes.
What's up with that 'Galaxie Bar' place?

Chad keeps wanting to go down there thinking it's like OTR (it's not) but I always explain there really aren't any bars/drinking places...just a lot of restaurants & weird shops.

Seems like they are starting to add some, which is cool.

Where exactly is NULU? I thought it was the area down by Yum!.
Not to go all Chase on everybody, what what's the bar owned by the Kentucky people in HHI? Captain Woody's? Get to the island tomorrow afternoon, and need a place to watch the game.
Some of you DadBoner-heads may enjoy the brunch menu from my pals at the Northside Yacht Club.

Avert your eyes, Rich.

- JDrum posted an interesting article on Facebook about Beats by Dre. Costs $14 to make them, they sell them for what- $200? And their quality isn't even top notch compared to the competition.

Not only that, they add metal parts in them just to add weight and make them feel more sturdy and premium.
There's a place in Hilton Head that does a Mountain Dew/moonshine "cocktail." As classy and delicious as it sounds. I had two of them! Because they helped take the edge off the children.
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Kentucky fans, the dreamers anyway ( :pray:) need to root for Bama this weekend.

Ole Miss too.
Yep. Could be tied for first in the East after this weekend. Georgia's schedule is easier than ours for the remainder though, IMO. Florida and Tenn schedules are tough. Not going to dream about 1st but 2nd is very doable.
Steamers is owned by a fella originally from Owensboro. Ate there last Thursday.

One of the regulars at the bar had a UK hat on and said the place gets packed for UK games.

Solid fresh seafood joint. Shrimp n Grits was outstanding & their craft beer menu was was one of the most extensive I've seen.
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Let's talk some Wenyen Gabriel. Did some research, watched some vids last night, get ready for some hot takes:

- Kid is LONG- 6'9" with a 7'1" wing span.

- Known for his motor- excellent rebounder and also a good shotblocker with vast defensive potential inside-and-out.

- Very, very good athlete.

- Really good form on his J. Smooth. Compact. Great elbow.

- If K and Cal want you badly, you know the kid is a stud.

- All this wing talk, but he's a college 4. Maybe a Dozier type in the DDM.

- Born in Sudan. UK going international on next year's squad- Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Chapel Hill.
Yeah, I'm not trying to be That Guy. This is just the first time I've gotten a flu shot as an adult. Did the nasal spray. Was curious about side effects and the length.
I'm probably NOT going to be driving in the Indianapolis 500 this year. Just wanted you all to know.
Yeah, if you ever get the urge to go climb Everest, even though it's not technically that difficult, you'll need to get a bunch more shots. FYI
I'm not sure our candidates for governor could be any worse. I seriously think I'm voting for the Fark guy. Conway is a plastic clown, and Bevin comes across as a nut.
im rooting for uga because mark richt is a good christian man.

for the first time in my life, im literally glued to the political scene as it directly impacts my job. a bill is sitting on obamas desk right now for consideration that will determine how we do business in 2016, and we've essentially shut down until that is decided.

pretty amazing the running up everest has exploded in popularity, it requires no technical skill, and anyone with money can give it as good of a shot as a highly decorated olympian or mountaineer, and yet, in the entire history of the universe, only 4000 people have done it.
I'm not sure our candidates for governor could be any worse. I seriously think I'm voting for the Fark guy. Conway is a plastic clown, and Bevin comes across as a nut.
I have no doubt our candidates could be worse.

And that is in no way a disagreement with your description of either of them.
am I wrong, or is drew curtis running as a LEGIT candidate? isn't fark sort of a smartass/the onion type political site?

seems like his best shot would be running as the proverbial shit stirring antagonist. the gatewood/counter culture type. run on a platform of "my opponents are complete dbags."

particularly this year, i think that would be an awfully strong play.

bevin is a weirdo. conway sweats too much. point these things out, drew!!
If you were a male, attended college in 2001-2002, and ingested drugs or alcohol, there is literally a 0% chance you didn't at some point take your shirt off and twist it around your head just like a helicopter. Literally 0%.
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Curtis will cost somebody this election. TS. He won't win, but he'll take votes away from somebody - I'm guessing Conway, but maybe Bevin, too.
moses mortimer barrett iii.

the lexington school grad and delt alum?
convicted felon rapper?
Seriously- can I go a day without seeing Kim Davis's uglyass mug on my Facebook timeline or TV or interwebs? Is that too much to ask? Why is this crazy bitch such a big story?
pretty amazing the running up everest has exploded in popularity, it requires no technical skill, and anyone with money can give it as good of a shot as a highly decorated olympian or mountaineer, and yet, in the entire history of the universe, only 4000 people have done it.
A lot more have attempted. That doesn't count sherpas or repeats either. Don't forget you have a really really small window each year. This isn't something that goes on 12 months of the year.
Seriously- can I go a day without seeing Kim Davis's uglyass mug on my Facebook timeline or TV or interwebs? Is that too much to ask? Why is this crazy bitch such a big story?
SAE's boy went out to lunch with her or something per crazy Facebook. And then instantly was like "oh naw" per counter Facebook.
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