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Dudes like Zay and Cousins HAVE TO GO to a program like Duke or UK to succeed. They have to play for an established coach they respect or I think they can be problems. Cal will keep the kid in line.
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I don't think you anti-SEC guys realize just how much it drives the rest of the country crazy when the SEC does well. Particularly the SEC! SEC! chant at the end of winning bowl games. We are talking DefCon1 redass. @Stonewall12 can verify this.

And the rest of the country hates UK bball so I'm good with pulling for multiple SEC teams to have a great record in football.
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Dudes like Zay and Cousins HAVE TO GO to a program like Duke or UK to succeed. They have to play for an established coach they respect or I think they can be problems. Cal will keep the kid in line.
IF you haven't, go read the free article on Briscoe on rafters. Good stuff.
The new club level at Comonwealth is dope, great place for an event. Nice being around royalty. While technically not difficult, only 2 people out of 30,000 get crowned a year.
I took the elevator like everyone else.

Pretty sure my lazy ass could still make you tap out before I get winded.
Not a real good day to be a jockey in Lexington.
Probably a good day to bet some long shots tho
Your nope earlier was rather emphatic. Have you heard any rumblings? And why is Apple struggling? Other than people doubt they can continue to sell hundreds of millions phones.
My nope was emphatic because you were saying FNMA might go up 40x. And that's silly. Would make it a 550B market cap, unless you are assuming the Treasury just surrenders their 80% warrants. So, yeah, Nope.

Apple is fine. It's flat ytd vs the S&P down 5-10%. The watch thus far has been a bust, but it's trading like the iphone is an annuity. Which is worst case IMO. That stock will be fine.
...and BIG OLD FALSE. I'm a former wrestler too buddy and it pretty solid cardio shape. You might be able to get me but it won't be quick.

Pretty much owned all the Louisville wrestlers I stepped on the mat with during my tenure. Your best option would be to run. Imo
I don't think you anti-SEC guys realize just how much it drives the rest of the country crazy when the SEC does well. Particularly the SEC! SEC! chant at the end of winning bowl games. We are talking DefCon1 redass. @Stonewall12 can verify this.

And the rest of the country hates UK bball so I'm good with pulling for multiple SEC teams to have a great record in football.

Jacob is correct. Just browse the MB it gets pretty heated.
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I WAS going to pull for UGA this weekend. I only pulled for Bama when the SEC had a streak going. Like LSU,UGA,Auburn way before Bama in terms of a casual SEC who do you pull for in football.
Homecoming ceremonies can eat a dick because all they do is make halftime longer and no one but sororities gives a shit about them.

"AND THE WINNER IS ... NO F***S GIVEN!" (tepid applause)

That would seem accurate, and that it's really a much bigger deal for the HC Queen than the HC King. That's why that old photo is so bizarre - only one of the two has arms high in the air, celebrating like a little girl. And it's not the girl.
I think homecoming would be a lot more interesting if the winning dude/chick could close down one of the frats/sororities for a year or if they were given permission to murder someone without repercussion. I could get into that.
Pretty much owned all the Louisville wrestlers I stepped on the mat with during my tenure. Your best option would be to run. Imo

I honestly didn't know there was wrestling in Lexington high schools. We never saw you guys at the state tournaments. I thought Woodford was as far east as wrestling went.

From a single leg, to a tree top, to a cross face to a half nelson. Pinned, on to the next.
My nope was emphatic because you were saying FNMA might go up 40x. And that's silly. Would make it a 550B market cap, unless you are assuming the Treasury just surrenders their 80% warrants. So, yeah, Nope.

Apple is fine. It's flat ytd vs the S&P down 5-10%. The watch thus far has been a bust, but it's trading like the iphone is an annuity. Which is worst case IMO. That stock will be fine.
Thanks. Many think the warrants aren't good but will be used in negotiations. Just look at AIG case. The judge basically said warrants were crap. But they'd already been used so not much could be done. But yeah, if warrants are in play then it is $20-30. Still a good bet for PTI. He collects even if it goes to 0.

Apple - I see it as being fine down the road. I really want to play this roller coaster ride it is on to try and gain shares. Might around the upcoming earnings. Think it will run up and then drop because of the phone sentiment. I'm looking at 10-15 years when they are making the same or more money with half the amount of shares or less.
"Shastaine, as this year's homecoming queen, you have the power to close down the sorority of your choice for one full year. Who will it be?"

"The sorority I choose to close is ... CHI OMEGA! Get the f*** out, c***ts! Tri-Delts run this bitch now!"

("Hit the Road, Jack" plays over P.A. as dozens of screaming hens are escorted from the stadium)
Isn't the colorguard for homecoming Air Force? They really need to find a way to implement jets into the ceremony.
Basically make homecoming a scaled down version of what I understand the Hunger Games to be, only everyone loses in the end.
I honestly didn't know there was wrestling in Lexington high schools. We never saw you guys at the state tournaments. I thought Woodford was as far east as wrestling went.

From a single leg, to a tree top, to a cross face to a half nelson. Pinned, on to the next.

Neither one of you could possibly get your meaty arms around the other's rotund waist these days so I guess we'll never know who would've won that epic wrasslin' match.

You two start rolling around on the mat now and one of you is going to pop a boner after grabbing the other's D-cups.

What a couple of fags.
The whole tradition of playing UL the Saturday after Xmas sucks. Allegedly it began because Pitino years & years ago refused to come to Rupp until the semester ended & the students were gone.

Only 1 game from Dec 20th to Jan 1, plenty of time for CAMP CAL!!!1!
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