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King G turned 2 last week, so I guess we're 16 years away from him becoming the next Massiello -- cruising up to The World Famous every Thursday in a stretch Navi. That is, if he can stoop so low as to attend a public state university.
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Picked up from TR late afternoon was our only visit. Surprisingly we didn't hang in the bars much. Hit Gerstle's for a couple Friday night until the average age dipped below 21. Then Saturday ended up at Bearno's by the Bridge to listen to a friends band. 1 Drink at TR waiting on their buddies limo to arrive.

Word. They live life to it's fullest. So much energy. Love it.
King G turned 2 last week, so I guess we're 16 years away from him becoming the next Massiello -- cruising up to The World Famous every Thursday in a stretch Navi. That is, if he can stoop so low as to attend a public state university.
Compare my kid to Massiello again and I'll fly to NOLA and break your dilapidated legs.
Haven't been to Gerstle's in 2 years or so, but feels like they are always doing something that place. Every time I do make a random visit there is a new addition, patio, bar etc. That's all good , but hope it doesn't get too "nice", that will kinda take away from what made it Gerstle's. Anth saying the 21 year old crowd took over kinda says it all, as that was almost never the case previously.
Looked the same as I remember it and I'm pretty sure this was not the 21 year old crowd. I've not been hanging at the bars recently but fairly certain these kids were under 21.
Maybe you're just old. A 21 year old looks younger with each passing year.

We have a few at my club, sons/daughters of members, who I'll double take when I see them drinking a beer at the pool b/c they look like they're 14.

Hell, my little sister is 21 now, and she looks around 15 or so to me.
Gerstle's got some coin from Brown Forman about a year ago to redo the stage and bar on the inside and brand it with Jack Daniels signage.
Shout out to my boy Roger, btw -- 19th Grand Slam, 8th Wimbledon. Gonna finish the year #1 in the world at 35...which in Tennis marcus welby 50. What a pimp. :fire:

*Had a couple guys doing roof work at the house over the weekend. I let them borrow a bluetooth speaker bc one of them said he had a :fire::fire: playlist. I was outside doing some other work and after about an hour I finally had to ask them "Is this playlist really only 4 songs, just looped over and over?"
1. Copperhead Road
2. Have you ever seen the rain
3. Jack and Diane
4. My My Hey Hey

All great jams, but over and over and over again- c'mon. Finally convinced them that CCR pandora station would be best suited.

*I like Game of Thrones. Was late getting into it but its one I look forward to now. Not quite on par with Breaking Bad- but not too far behind.

*I havent been to a "bar" in a long time, not counting sports bars or just having drinks at the bar portion of a restaurant. Pretty sad. I think Memphis was the last time I went out.

*Took the dog for some annual shots recently and the vet recommended that his age, giving them goats milk really helps with quite a few issues older dogs have... So I went to pick some up at this boutique pet store- and its $15/gallon [laughing]... have some 2% bud.

*Still not sure if I will pull for Bryson Dechambeau or not... I dont root against him, but something with him just seems off.

*Saw a story about a girl that was found dead at an Iberostar in Cancun... and noticed it was the same one we stayed at a few years ago for a wedding. Girl and her brother were found unconscious in waist deep water after drinking at the pool bar in broad daylight. Now other people are coming forward with stories about their drinks being laced with something at the same hotel. Not a good look.
Speaking of Tin Roof, always liked that place UNTIL they just ousted the Lazy Gecko (a local favorite on Duval for those that are familiar) and closed its doors. Man....touch those guys. They offered $6K more on the lease, putting that lease around 28K/month. So instead of having a cool, divey original bar we'll have one more chain POS. Exactly what people want when they come here, the same effing bars they can drink at back home[eyeroll].
Roger is from Basel, Switzerland. Can't wait to visit there soon and see my ancestral heritage.[smoke]

- Finally got to see Booker Nation up close and personal. Wow. Pool is dope and all that but what really makes it is the view out into the rolling horse farmland of central KY. Just awesome to have that backdrop everyday laying out on the raft with a coldie in hand. Now you just gotta seal the deal and landscape it. The 3YO's first time off a 'board' and she loved it. Probably went 50 times and wore ol' dad out.

- Love the LJ comp to Zion. He's not just on another level, athletically. He's 2 or 3 levels above your typical college 3-4. Unreal. You watch his clips and you swear he's playing on a 9' goal. Think Quickley is already in the bag and the visits are a formality.

- What shoes will Lonzo wear in his next Summer League game? #pins/needles

- I think I really like the Rondo acquisition for the Pels? Could really bring out the best in AD/Boogie. They're gonna get a lot of open jump shots provided he doesn't slit someone's throat... I think Gentry will give him the reigns which Rondo *has* to have because otherwise he'll pout like a bitch and destroy that team. You know, since he knows more than anyone else ever.

- Topgolf in Cinci this weekend with another couple... Psyched. Do you bring a few irons or what? Do they provide some shit sticks if you don't bring yours, I'm assuming? Help - TIA.

- Speaking of Cincinnati, since we're 56% through the season and the Reds are 11.5 GB -- is that good or bad? Can some of you dbags give me a trend up/down on the rest of the season? Would love to get some data maybe on a cool Bell Curve based on current contracts situation and stadium attendance. That would be fantastic. Anth, can you create some kind of pivot table showing us where we're at as of today?

- The Strain has officially become FUBAR. Awful. Just end already. Can't believe Guillermo del Toro put his name to this shit story line.

- Cut and dried? Get a life, gaffots.
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-When does GoT end? Nothing worse than completely normal people turning into fantasy land dorks for the next few months.
Except for completely normal people who don't watch your show, and defend their tastes by acting like a high school kid that seethes with jealousy because he wasn't invited to sit at the cool kids lunch table.
I wouldn't call pricks who draft behind their parents, wear bicycling shorts, and suck dicks "completely normal."
Impossible statement Vern. Breaking Bad was one of the few shows that got it right from start to finish. The finale was excellent. If GOT can pull it altogether when they wrap it up- maybe you can make that argument.

I disagree. I just don't think BB was that good. The finale was shit, totally unbelievable.
It's fantasy, dipshit, you know you're supposed to suspend belief going in.

I'm supposed to believe a chemistry teacher who is the subject of a nationwide manhunt makes it cross country undetected? Then gets back to his home town where everyone knows who he is and is able to fully execute his plan without much deterrent. And on top of all that, his protege is able to escape despite a large portion of Albuquerque's police force arriving minutes later.

That's just the finale. Each episode contains similar crocks of shit.
I like GoT fine. It's not an all-timer for me (because fantasy is for nerds) but it'll do.

I will say this, though. It's about 30% less enjoyable than it otherwise would be because of how every single sportswriter is constantly jizzing out about it.

Settle down, pointdexters.
^One is based in reality, the other isn't. Big difference. I love them both though.

@Geese Feeder I wouldn't show up with my own clubs. It's not like a place where you go to practice really. That would be akin to taking your own at to Sluggers batting cages in Wrigleyville.

Top Golf is the tits though.
Vern its all fiction buddy. The whole premise is over the top. I mean, a lot of TV is like that- not sure if you're aware. What made you first question the reality of the show? The identical twin assassins storyline? Maybe the chicken restaurant owner being a drug kingpin? None of it was real life (spoiler alert). Pretty sure you can suspend belief as soon as you turn on the TV.

I dont want to really ruin your day but guess what Vern? The characters on Friends probably couldnt afford that apartment in NYC. And (will have to ask c_back for confirmation here) but some of those hospital shows- they are a bit exaggerated as well. AND!!! WAIT FOR IT- A lot of Special Victims crimes aren't solved in 45 minutes and every crime scene doesnt have semen all over it! I KNOW, RIGHT.
Thanks for the clarification, ho. Guess what? It still sucks.

And BBdk, I like UK and women. What else do I need to agree on?
Shout out to my boy Roger, btw -- 19th Grand Slam, 8th Wimbledon. Gonna finish the year #1 in the world at 35...which in Tennis marcus welby 50. What a pimp.

19 slams for Fed to 15 for Nadal

All matches: Nadal, 23–14
All finals: Nadal, 14–9
Grand Slam matches: Nadal, 9–3
Grand Slam finals: Nadal, 6–3
ATP Masters Series/ATP World Tour Masters 1000
matches: Nadal, 12–6
ATP Masters Series/ATP World Tour Masters 1000 finals: Nadal, 7–4

Congrats to Roger but the head to head slaughter tilts towards Nadal being the GOAT.

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