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I love the one where the guy thinks he's getting hit by one cart, stops it, then gets nailed from the blind side by another. That shit is dangerous AF though, there HAS to be some fights and serious injuries over this.

Another good one is the planted #hissalot snake by your opponent's cart. [laughing]

Great IG Follow, btw. I will be purchasing this.

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Nope -- Federer is the greatest tennis player of all time, as anyone who knows anything about Tennis (including all the greats) agrees.


Agassi disagrees, and evidently the head to head ass kicking does too....but you go with whatever you feel is right for a Monday.
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Something that didn't suck - The Defiant Ones on HBO. Knew nothing of Jimmy Iovine and not much about Dr. Dre before watching. Highly recommend. Dre has made a lot of great decisions in his life but I guarantee he knows where some bodies are buried.
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I mean, if a bunch of 40 somethings wanna take a limo to a bar, why the hell not. If they need to feel special, then more power to them.

New set of tires on the Porsche, shewee...(AND ITS PAID IN FULL) :sunglasses:

Gonna try and golf all week. Boats pretty well cleaned up and ready for my VIP charter. Gonna be a scorcher this week.

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The Swiss Miss aged nicely IMO:

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Like I said, UKO is a sports idiot. Congrats to Rafa on owning him playing on mud though, he's without question the best to ever do it on that little niche surface, where 10 of his Grand Slams reside. He also had an amazing overall stretch, like many before him. It's over.

...Fed hasn't lost an ATP match to Nadal since 2014, winning the last 4 (the last 2 he won in straight sets)

He was the best tennis player ever before this weekend, but discussions could still be had I guess -- the discussion is now over.
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Fed is the best ever but as was said before Nadal is 5 years younger. That being said Nadal's style of play is much harder on his body. If Nadal could get within 2 we have a conversation but I doubt that happens.
Another good one is the planted #hissalot snake by your opponent's cart. [laughing]

Great IG Follow, btw. I will be purchasing this.

Those videos are amazing. Actually glad I saw that so I dont become a victim. Would purchase for my dad to use but his buddies are all old and have cardiac issues and I dont want a death hanging over my head.

The top viral video for the moment is still Terry the wheel chair guy lighting the fireworks and not being able to get out of the way.
Pretty sure watching those videos will have zero effect on whether or not you become a victim.

8 frosties in, singing along to Regulate, and then walk around the corner and nearly step on that at the last moment ---> it's going to get anyone, every time, if placed properly.
Golfers are fn weird.

Ex. A

Also had our member guest/invitational this week. It's a quota and modified stableford format. Par minus our combined handicaps (15) 1 point for bogey, 2 points for a par, 4 for birdie, 5 for eagle, 8 for double eagle. We were tied for third after Saturday, quota was adjusted by half our overage. Needed six points on last hole to just hit our second day quota.

What happened to "I shot X, other guy shot Y, it was fun."?
High 4* USC tackle prospect just transferred in.

Might want to tell Stoops to keep the cheating at a reasonable level. Don't need the Ole Miss treatment
Roger is from Basel, Switzerland. Can't wait to visit there soon and see my ancestral heritage.[smoke]

- Finally got to see Booker Nation up close and personal. Wow. Pool is dope and all that but what really makes it is the view out into the rolling horse farmland of central KY. Just awesome to have that backdrop everyday laying out on the raft with a coldie in hand. Now you just gotta seal the deal and landscape it. The 3YO's first time off a 'board' and she loved it. Probably went 50 times and wore ol' dad out.

- Love the LJ comp to Zion. He's not just on another level, athletically. He's 2 or 3 levels above your typical college 3-4. Unreal. You watch his clips and you swear he's playing on a 9' goal. Think ndo they provide some shit sticks if you don't bring yours, I'm assuming? Help - TIA.

- Speaking of Cincinnati, since we're 56% through the season and the Reds are 11.5 GB -- us where we're at as of today?

- The Strain has officially become FUBAR. Awful. Just end already. Can't believe Guillermo del Toro put his name to this shit story line.

- Cut and dried? Get a life, gaffots.

I have been to Basel!
Don't hear that town name a lot

Drove there for 1 night fm Ramstein and it was peasack cold - great feel - typical Euro architecture - but that's normally good --- I Think there's a 9mm handgun in a lake near the Polizei station
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Vern its all fiction buddy. The whole premise is over the top. I mean, a lot of TV is like that- not sure if you're aware. What made you first question the reality of the show? The identical twin assassins storyline? Maybe the chicken restaurant owner being a drug kingpin? None of it was real life (spoiler alert). Pretty sure you can suspend belief as soon as you turn on the TV.

I dont want to really ruin your day but guess what Vern? The characters on Friends probably couldnt afford that apartment in NYC. And (will have to ask c_back for confirmation here) but some of those hospital shows- they are a bit exaggerated as well. AND!!! WAIT FOR IT- A lot of Special Victims crimes aren't solved in 45 minutes and every crime scene doesnt have semen all over it! I KNOW, RIGHT.
A lot of workplaces seem to fall into one of two 'contact culture' categories

a) most people interact verbally, you normally expect some type of verbal greeting in the a/m, eye contact generally made in halls, corridors, plant/office settings, probably several ppl that have known each other for some time

b) much less formal and informal communication, 2% chance of eye contact in halls / corridors (let alone interaction), you may walk a while before -perhaps- the person/ppl next to you greet you --

I've seen ppl get unnerved with the 'I DONT SEE YOU" approach in the hallways

- was wondering when that dumb golf cart thing was going to hurt someone. Looks like a mutilated leg. Idiots. Carts are sneaky dangerous. Had some buddies, maybe clarks class, thay flipped one in hs and ****ed themselves up pretty good.

- honeywood was pretty good. That mess out there is insane.
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