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-Well of the 11 there is a some obscurity so we'll need to firm that up I'm sure before making a bet that could cost you $12500. Obviously the richie one is not measurable. Also, Bob, if the other things happen you're getting a lap band. But if we can get that narrowed down I'm in for sure.

-I'll concede the Richie one since I just assume you mean he is going to get saltier once his kid is born. Or go plain dumb for while like SAE did.
-SAE has to have a second child, bbdk, MCF pregnant
-3 engagements and Chad married
-UK football has to make a Bowl game and UK MEN'S BBALL has to make the NCAA Final Four (as opposed to the Women's team getting down to its Final Four scholarship players)
-Bob has to lose 40 pounds from his CURRENT WEIGHT. If he adds another 40 in the next 6 months (more likely than him losing 40), THEN drops back to his current status, you lose. According to him, he's what 225?[roll]
-Bonzo falling hopelessly in love? That one's tricky. I'd say he has to fall in love and end of marrying the woman, even if it's not in the 12 month window. Not sure how else to account for that one. Not accepting him "falling hopelessly in love" with a chick then breaking up with her 6 months later.
My observation locally is that full-contact, travel football for kids between kindergarten and fifth grade (or so) has the net effect of running kids off at an early age who might otherwise be good football players. Chubby kid forced to play the line at age 7 is now QB material at 13, but will probably never play again b/c he hates football.
Agreed. Crazy adults have basically destroyed the framework of this country.
Booker - you guys should send goose on a one way trip to Japan and let him for fend for himself. That guy is a real loser
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Sitting here watching women's Olympic soccer and enjoying it. Huh. Need to learn more about the rules and strategy, but I may be changing my opinion of soccer. I'll keep GYERO updated.
Congrats on allowing your son to play. Parents who intentionally are not letting their kids play football for fear of stubbing a toe are ridic.
Totally agree that it would be ridiculous to not let your son play football for fear of stubbing a toe. Way more likely in soccer, imo.

But fear of brain damage? Pretty good reason.
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My HS was apparently in the news last year for ALLEGED POSSIBLY homoerotic hazing in soccer so keep that in mind.
The best thing about soccer is that there's no commercials and it's over in less than two hours. I find that this makes up for a lot of its shortcomings.

You also just described every "Police Academy" movie. Now, tell me you wouldn't rather watch Tackleberry, Mahoney, and Hightower than those crying, flopping Euros.
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(SCENE - The academy firing range)

Tackleberry - "Finally, after years of waiting, I get to live my dream of carrying a giant gun and being a cop."

Jones - (Makes boombox noises followed by Galaga shooting sounds)

Tackleberry - "HE'S GOT A GUN!" (Fires 57 rounds into Jones)

Jones - (Makes Pac-Man "game over" noise, dies)

Mahoney - (Mugs for camera)
Police Academy with gyero cast:

Mahoney = PTI

Lt. Harris = UKO

Commandant Lassard = CatManDoo

Tackleberry = Adam

Leslie Barbara = Llama

Hightower = Mashburned

Hooks = Ladycat

Blue Oyster Dancer = Rogue

Larvel Jones = BBdK

Fackler = Brax

I'm open to other suggestions.

(SCENE - The academy firing range)

Tackleberry - "Finally, after years of waiting, I get to live my dream of carrying a giant gun and being a cop."

Jones - (Makes boombox noises followed by Galaga shooting sounds)

Tackleberry - "HE'S GOT A GUN!" (Fires 57 rounds into Jones)

Jones - (Makes Pac-Man "game over" noise, dies)

Mahoney - (Mugs for camera)
It's funny because it's topical.
If Pti turns down the role *cough*

I believe I could be of assistance. I've got more 80's cheese in my little finger than he has in that whole svelte shaved body of his.

And for the record, I was trying to do the Christmas party when I lived downtown.
Totally agree that it would be ridiculous to not let your son play football for fear of stubbing a toe. Way more likely in soccer, imo.

But fear of brain damage? Pretty good reason.

It is a good reason, and if there were actual stats to prove brain damage occurs by playing youth football, I would support kids not playing. Kids get hurt doing anything and everything...skateboards, bikes, all sports, etc. Can't let them live in a bubble, although some parents do.

Btw...drinks on me at Bull/Bear or Inside the Park at St. Barts on 9/22 or 23 if you can swing it.
You don't get hit hard enough in youth football to cause brain damage. Now high school is another story. Bill Polian's (former Indy GM) son played at my HS. Kid had a couple of concussions during the pre-season and they shut him down for good.
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