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So many problems with our health care system, and this is just one. The best remedy to just about any issue is "diet and exercise."

Good luck building a medical practice around that. [eyeroll]
People have completely unrealistic expectations about their health/bodies too, which doesn't help. If you prescribe PT, they often go once or twice, say "it made my pain worse" and never go back. Well yeah that may be what happens short term but it would've helped you long term. People also expect to have surgery and have zero pain afterward. You're basically getting stabbed, having your bones cut and out back together, etc., only difference an expert is doing the stabbing (feel free to take that out of context, boat).

Our attendings who have practiced in other countries laugh at how overly sensitive we are about pain. In a lot of European countries and India the patients expect to have post-surgical pain (because it's.. You know.. Surgery) and do just fine taking Tylenol. Here the same patient might be prescribed 60 OxyContin and 180 oxycodone pills. But if you don't give enough pain medication your patient satisfaction scores will be lower and you'll get paid less.
That is because the more pills you give them, the more money they make ,,, selling them illegally to pill head Fred waiting in the pharmacy parking lot for ole little Mrs. Jones to get them filled. The more she gets, allows her to take a "few" for her actual pain, then sell the rest for profit.
In a lot of European countries and India the patients expect to have post-surgical pain (because it's.. You know.. Surgery) and do just fine taking Tylenol.
Those people escaped their shithole countries to come to the USA. Of course their countrymen have a higher tolerance for discomfort - their standard of living is garbage compared to our junkies. That's why they worked so hard to become doctors and left their shithole countries.

Basically, tell your foreigner friends to suck Uncle Sam's cawk or GTFO.

I'm sorry, I thought this was still America.
CClark is a scumbag. I was way out in front of this, way back in the 2010 Chicago Marathon days. F that guy.

Jack3d = illegal. Heroin = legal. Got it.

Very underwhelmed by the catchy-ness of that JT song.

Depressing country is still my flavor. "Beaumont," by Hayes Carll. Current selection.

Got sized at a 39 regular yesterday. Diet and exercise, y'all. And extreme levels of selfishness, for the win.
Dr. Curtis Wright, who led the agency’s medical review of the drug, declined to comment for this article. Shortly after OxyContin’s approval, he left the FDA and, within two years, was working for Purdue in new product development, according to his sworn testimony in a lawsuit a decade ago.

Shocking :rolleyes:
It amazes me how much people rely on man made pills/supplements to get through day to day life. I understand there are some with legit medical conditions and can't help it. I'm thankful I don't take medicine at all, especially nothing regularly.

Sure, I'll take a couple ibuprofen if I have a headache (maybe once every 2-3 months), or go through a round of anti-biotics if I catch a little cold (once every 3-4 years), but I'm not dependent. I'm sure that will change as I develop conditions that come with age, of course.

My dad ran his own little local pharmacy. If I ever had serious pain (like the time I was in a head on jet-ski collision), he'd make sure the Dr. prescribed me horse doses of ibuprofen instead of any type of prescription pain med.

I've never done supplements either, outside the time I was a teenager and trying to bulk up for basketball. I only did that for a few months. I'm 39 now, married, and have 2 small children. What the hell do I need to train for? I'm done, man.
If/when I leave my job, the thing I'll miss most is all of the completely unhinged nutjobs I talk to on the phone. There really needs to be a law school class that focuses on that, imo.
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I mean, at least twice a week I think, "There's a good chance that this person will come to my office and try to shoot the place up." Not sure editing a law journal really prepares you for that.
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What a sad GYERO today. A lot of our best are partying it up at the Oaks and the vile BBdK is in Europe.
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If/when I leave my job, the thing I'll miss most is all of the completely unhinged nutjobs I talk to on the phone. There really needs to be a law school class that focuses on that, imo.

As a first year associate, the task fell to me to speak to random people that called our firm "wanting to speak to an attorney", but generally had no idea what our firm did. Most of them were innocuous enough...except for the one guy who called looking for an attorney to represent him in bringing a $4 billion (with a "b") dollar lawsuit against the federal government under the Federal Tort Claims Act, because he was convinced he was being spied on, drugged, and generally harassed by the NSA. That was a fun call. He basically ranted for 15 minutes, in incredible detail, all the ways the government was f'ing with him. It was both extremely hilarious, and quite sad, as the guy had obvious mental illness.
That Oxy article is a tough read. I wouldn't have known that they were 'in the know' on the 12-hour thing, but I have to think some people along the way were noticing that they were prescribing way too much of that sort of medication. Didn't someone in here comment recently about the whole 'almost zombie' segment of the population that's out there but rarely seen?

Don't watch a ton of NBA, but pretty impressive that GSW can lose their best player and still waltz through the first two rounds of the playoffs.

"Vile" - reminds me of a cartoon villain like Simon Bar Sinister. Wait - have he and BBdK been seen in the same room before? No??
And oxy ain't even close to the biggest problem. It's all the "lesser" painkillers, and shit that people eat Ike candy because it's cheap and widely accepted - Vicodin, adderal, lortabs. Most of these zombies live on this shit, just to maintain. Then they might suck some dick or something so they can afford some heroin/oxies to get F'd up.

The big stuff now is all the shit they give you to get off heroin. Suboxone, and other shits. I've read they're more pure and powerful than heroin. I don't know that as fact, but because they are legal and regulated, you feel you're getting a quality product opposed to lord knows what you're getting from Rico at the Quality Inn.

Like they told all the kids tens years ago, be a pharmacist or sales rep!!!!! ;)
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In my short time working in a law office I was able to speak to a woman who lived in Casey County and wanted to get a restraining order on Ric Flair for stalking her.
People's pain tolerance or lack thereof amazes me. My co-worker and I both had the same knee surgery last year. I took exactly 3 of the 45 Percocet the doc prescribed and tossed the rest. My co-worker took all 45 and went back and asked for more. Personally, I don't like how the make me feel. I'd rather be lucid and slightly uncomfortable than drugged out of my head. The longest I've ever taken pain meds was when I ruptured my Achilles and that was for 3 days and then I couldn't stand taking it anymore.

Shit hurts. It's supposed to. Pop some naproxen or ibuprofen and deal. I get that some people have chronic issues that require something stronger, but that's not the majority. Also, being out fat and seriously out of shape also makes your body hurt so exercise and diet ATKOT.
People's pain tolerance or lack thereof amazes me.

Shit hurts. It's supposed to. Pop some naproxen or ibuprofen and deal.
I guess that's it in a nutshell. I suppose some people just assume that there should be zero pain after a surgery, an accident or some other major trauma.

Some is genetics and your raising as well. I remember being around my grandparents refusing some of the prescription pain meds because they "didn't want to get addicted." I rolled my eyes at the time and then you read articles like today's and realize that they may have been onto something.
Re: Oxy

I had a client who was one of the first patients given large doses after Perdue got FDA approval. He had such a terrible intestinal disorder that he was hospitalized for 9 months and his doctors were certain that he'd never make it.

Because the pharmaceutical company told them that that Oxy wasn't addictive, the doctors pumped him full of huge amounts of it for his entire hospital stay. By the time he was discharged, the medical records indicated that he was exhibiting drug-seeking behavior and had become a problem. So, of course, they gave him absolutely no prescription medication and booted him out of the hospital to fend for himself.

Fast forward three years, and he's buying pills on the street to feed his addiction and selling a few on the side to make ends meet. He gets convicted for two separate drug distributions, one involving two pills, the other three. And then he gets caught going into Tennessee to buy pills for himself. That was his third felony drug offense, so the Feds picked the case up------>Boom. Career offender. 15-20 years.

So, yeah, drug companies are pure evil, and Clark can GGP.
Most people are damn stupid and scared so when a doctor gives them a bottle of pills to take and tells them to take them as prescribed they're gonna do it because doctor said. If doctor says increase the dose and come see him for more, they're likely going to do it. Abusing trust and preying on the weak for profit. Smh. It's F'd and I am really surprised that in today's GO GREEN!!!! ORGANIC!!! YAYYY health!!!! world that there is still not much real talk about the biggest social problem in America....which you would believe is racism and LGBT rights of you follow the news. It's a fn joke.

I would like more doctors to talk about it. I would like for college professors/counselors to not recommend students go to the clinic for fn adderalI . I would like adults to act like gd adults for the sake of the children. When people you look up to and trust recommend this shit, people that know better, there's a big problem. Again, Rico at the Loves's truck stop ain't pushing this shit. If he was, the educated would be crying for someone to stop Rico at Loves he's destroying our children omg!!!
3/8 exacta returned $46.80.

5 & 7...we're still waiting on to finish.

$46.80-$24= +22.80. Nothing to write home about, but helps the Oaks fund a bit if I can still get 9/2 on the 12, and the 3 hovers around that 8/1.

Didn't think LB's odds would drop, but have no issue getting the 9/2 on the winner who was much the best today.

GLA the rest of the evening. [thumb2]
I was in Neuro ICU at UK when mursing. So legitimately, 75% of our patients were pain pill related admissions, mostly from eastern Kentucky. It's insane how many people just pop those things til they stop breathing, just rolling the dice every day to be a zombie 24/7. I had people that would chew fentanyl patches to get a buzz and then end up dead. I mean who in the touch does that? An addict, that's who. That shit is awful.

On top of that, people who were post-op that probably needed some pain management, rarely if ever turned down their PRN pain meds. The only people that ever turned them down were older(60s+) or people that you could tell weren't there for the buzz and wanted as little as they could get away with during their stay. Pain medicine was probably 70% of the medications I administered. It's really unbelievable that it's gotten this far without many people batting an eye.
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