Would LeBron?

If LeBron is a wimp, that would make you an all time pusillanimous pipsqueak. And in a time of “load management” and being an aging player, he’s not one to miss a whole lot of games. There’s something clouding some of y’all’s objectivity when it comes to LeBron. I just wonder what that could be…
Go kick rocks with that bullshit.
Lebron is one of most naturally gifted players in history with MJ, Wilt,and likely now Wemby.

Lebron is maybe the FAKEST person in all pf major sports an definitely the 1 sports star I just 100 do not like an always root agsinst. Love AD but won't ever root for LA if Lebron is there. I would say the TOTAL CHINA HYPOCRICY was last straw but I reached limit before that
His game would have been perfect for the 90s. It's his mentality and toughness that probably wouldn't. Oddly enough, this isn't really the era for him. An era thats become more about 3's and analytics, as opposed to just willing your way to the basket.
They were still pulling HGH out of cadavers in Italy in the 1990s, so he’d be a shell of what we’ve seen him be.
I continue to try and explain this to people, ESPECIALLY, when they say, “I miss the steroid era in baseball” or whatever sport, ummmm hey pal they’re ALLLLLL juiced right now.

They’re just not on DBol and Primo and all that. It’s evolved and those tests are easy to catch people (at least during season) unless they’re very careful.

Most are hitting TRT, Stem cell therapy, HgH, blood doping, etc. as well as newer gear they don’t have tests for.

How do you think these dudes are playing 20 years like they’re still 25?
Here’s the difference: Jordan would not have taken the 2007 Cavaliers to the Finals.
MJ had every built-on advantage available as the cash cow of the NBA
Oh No Facepalm GIF by Aminé

Like how Lebron was part of the Miami super team of 3 of the top 7 players in that era and won 2 of 4 titles. Would only have 1 if Ray Allen didn't save his ass!!

Replace Lebron with MJ on that Miami team they coast to 4 titles.
Anyone that thinks the most athletic 6’8” #250 person to ever play basketball, with an immense basketball IQ, would struggle in any era is a fool.
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Go kick rocks with that bullshit.
It wouldn't be the direction I'd go in but that weird, cringy vibe has lingered, esp. on Rafters, for the last couple years. Posters seemed deathly afraid of Bronny ever being here even though he was always going to stay out west. Some then claimed he was a thug and a criminal. Yeah, no racism there. Let's just call the black son of the rich black athlete who is overrated on the court a thug and criminal and pretend he'd personally split the fanbase and destroy team morale if he was ever at UK. You can guess those threads usually got zapped. LeBron? The hate for him is over the top and questioning his intelligence is silly. Yeah, he didn't scream obscenities at China so that must mean he doesn't know how to read and can't possibly finish a book. I'll note posters who go in that direction usually use memes as a form of communication. Sure, he whines too much, flops, and has gone from team to team. We'd likely all do that too if it worked...and it works. But anyway, it ain't 100% complete bullshit as your post suggests because others have seen it on CI.
So Lebron has averaged 55 games per season and Michael Jorden averaged 71.5 per season, please note Lebron did not play college so he has 3 to 4 seasons on anyone from Michael Jordens era.
Even this year way past Jordan’s retirement age he’s WAY better than Jordan was at the end of his career, not debatable.
Also, Lebron James would have annihilated teams back in the 90s. There are some players who started for title teams back then who couldn’t get a 10-day contract today. The basketball quality was pure unfiltered garbage.

Not trying to shit on old basketball, but the Youtube algorithm had me watching NBA games from the 80s and.... man they had so many dudes who couldn't shoot worth a damn. Just some ugly stuff.
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Here’s the difference: Jordan would not have taken the 2007 Cavaliers to the Finals.
MJ had every built-on advantage available as the cash cow of the NBA
Jordan would have never, ever, in a million years pissed down his leg in the Finals like LeBron did against the Mavs in 2011.

LeBron's joke of a performance, on the biggest stage in pro basketball, is an automatic disqualifier for GOAT claim. It is beyond funny how LeBron fan boys always omit this series when talking about him. He was an absolute no show. Couldn't handle the moment, and deferred to Wade the entire series. Absolute mental midget that series.
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Oh No Facepalm GIF by Aminé

Like how Lebron was part of the Miami super team of 3 of the top 7 players in that era and won 2 of 4 titles. Would only have 1 if Ray Allen didn't save his ass!!

Replace Lebron with MJ on that Miami team they coast to 4 titles.
This is a total myth. Lebron scored 16 in the 4th that game. To will the heat back into the game. I guess Paxson also saved Jordan's legacy, right? Derek Fisher saved Kobe's? And LOL at super team. The heat went 47-35 and lost in the 1st round to Boston, 1-4. Before Lebron came there. But sure.

Kevin Durant going to the 73-9 GSW is what a move like that. Looks like.
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Love how you Lebron lovers keep changing the criteria, so now it is who is the best in their old age, not career or titles etc.
Dude I never said LeBron was the “best” or Jordan, I said at the same age LeBron is way better currently. I’m a HUGE Jordan guy but I’m also not blind. LeBron is absolutely amazing as was Jordan.

I’m fine with picking either as the GOAT, but again it’s tough. Russel, Kobe are also debatable. I can make an argument for any of them, mostly Russell, Jordan and LeBron though.
Jordan would have never, ever, in a million years pissed down his leg in the Finals like LeBron did against the Mavs in 2011.

LeBron's joke of a performance, on the biggest stage in pro basketball, is an automatic disqualifier for GOAT claim. It is beyond funny how LeBron fan boys always omit this series when talking about him. He was an absolute no show. Couldn't handle the moment, and deferred to Wade the entire series. Absolute mental midget that series.
You can’t actually know this so good effort in saying what you “know” would’ve happened which you don’t. Probably correct, but we don’t know.

And deferring to D Wade is a bad thing? That franchise’s greatest player ever and one of the top 20 players ever probably? Yeah that’s SMART bball when you know you have that on your squad.
So rather than discuss the thread topic, it has turned into a Jordan / Lebron debate. Par for the course, threads NEVER stay on topic. Lebron could have / can play in ANY era of basketball. Who would guard him back then ? A SF ? LOL, PF ? Good luck. The thing that makes Lebron so great is, he does not have a position, he plays 1-5. I do not think one is greater than the other, but could MJ play PF or Center ? Hell no. There is no right answer in this debate, they BOTH are the answer.
Dude I never said LeBron was the “best” or Jordan, I said at the same age LeBron is way better currently. I’m a HUGE Jordan guy but I’m also not blind. LeBron is absolutely amazing as was Jordan.

I’m fine with picking either as the GOAT, but again it’s tough. Russel, Kobe are also debatable. I can make an argument for any of them, mostly Russell, Jordan and LeBron though.
The actual threat was how Lebron would fair playing in the 1990's NBA when he fakes contact like a Dukie in this day and age. Not debating his talent, but people can't seem to stay on the actual subject.
Yes he would be just fine in the 90s. Just like Laimbeer wouldn’t maim guys coming down the lane if he played today because he’d be suspended for 5 games every 6 games the way he played. He’d adjust, just like LeBron wouldn’t flip because that wasn’t a thing that worked back then.

Players do it because they get the call. They would NEVER get those calls in the 90s so no he wouldn’t flip like it’s so common today.

I think if anything he’d be more of a beast because no one back then was that big, strong and athletic.
You can’t actually know this so good effort in saying what you “know” would’ve happened which you don’t. Probably correct, but we don’t know.

And deferring to D Wade is a bad thing? That franchise’s greatest player ever and one of the top 20 players ever probably? Yeah that’s SMART bball when you know you have that on your squad.'s a very bad blemish on an otherwise outstanding career. It is an automatic disqualifier for GOAT consideration.

He averaged 17, 7, and 7 for the series...his highest scoring game was 24 pts, and he only scored 8 flippin points in a pivotal game 4. Jordan, would never, ever, have a Finals series with that statline. Ever.

And Jordan would never defer to Scottie Pippen, like LeBron did to Wade. Jordan was the ultimate alpha, LeBron, not even close.
I get the whole kiss Jordan’s ass thing, I really do. I just get a kick out of revisionist history and now the “90s” basketball is some thing.

I remember coverage suggesting that there was now an opening for other players to win (Jordan included) die to Magic getting HIV, Birds back, Pistons breaking up and players like Dr J etc leaving the game.

LeBron would have been LeBron in any era. Can’t stand him either.'s a very bad blemish on an otherwise outstanding career. It is an automatic disqualifier for GOAT consideration.

He averaged 17, 7, and 7 for the series...his highest scoring game was 24 pts, and he only scored 8 flippin points in a pivotal game 4. Jordan, would never, ever, have a Finals series with that statline. Ever.

And Jordan would never defer to Scottie Pippen, like LeBron did to Wade. Jordan was the ultimate alpha, LeBron, not even close.
Jordan “would’ve” <—— You don’t know because it didn’t happen. Deferring to Wade is A LOT different from deferring to Pippen buddy.

You can’t just say “blank” would’ve NEVER happened, because you can’t know. Like someone saying I pulled out of your mother, never happened, but how can we prove it?

This wasn’t who’s the ultimate alpha thread, was it? I’ll give you he is that over LeBron, as I said, Jordan is my favorite ever but to talk like LeBron isn’t in the conversation, in your opinion, because of one Champ game or series is silly.

LeBron had played in 10, Jordan only 6, how do you know what Jordan does if he makes it to 4 more? Again, we don’t, but what I do know is LeBron went there 4 more times than Jordan.

There are a million ways to go about it, don’t talk like LeBron isn’t right there man.
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Jordan “would’ve” <—— You don’t know because it didn’t happen. Deferring to Wade is A LOT different from deferring to Pippen buddy.

You can’t just say “blank” would’ve NEVER happened, because you can’t know. Like someone saying I pulled out of your mother, never happened, but how can we prove it?

This wasn’t who’s the ultimate alpha thread, was it? I’ll give you he is that over LeBron, as I said, Jordan is my favorite ever but to talk like LeBron isn’t in the conversation, in your opinion, because of one Champ game or series is silly.

LeBron had played in 10, Jordan only 6, how do you know what Jordan does if he makes it to 4 more? Again, we don’t, but what I do know is LeBron went there 4 more times than Jordan.

There are a million ways to go about it, don’t talk like LeBron isn’t right there man.
He's not. 2011 Finals ruined it for him. What a joke of a performance by a "GOAT." LOL, scored 8 points in a pivotal finals game. Was beyond scared. 8 pts. Only averaged 17 for the series. What was Jordan's worst finals performance, and how does that measure up against this James performance.

LeBron lost his team the finals by being a mental midget and not showing up. Get back to me when MJ ever did that.

And what do you mean I don't know if Jordan wouldn't have performed like that? You have 6 finals to look at. 6! Not just one or two, 6!!! Your logic is not good. Sorry.
He's not. 2011 Finals ruined it for him. What a joke of a performance by a "GOAT." LOL, scored 8 points in a pivotal finals game. Was beyond scared. 8 pts. Only averaged 17 for the series. What was Jordan's worst finals performance, and how does that measure up against this James performance.

LeBron lost his team the finals by being a mental midget and not showing up. Get back to me when MJ ever did that.

And what do you mean I don't know if Jordan wouldn't have performed like that? You have 6 finals to look at. 6! Not just one or two, 6!!! Your logic is not good. Sorry.
You don’t know what Jordan would’ve done in 10 champs because he didn’t play in 10. To say otherwise is to claim to know the answer to a what if.

Jordan has a better finals record and more titles, LeBron has most everything else. Again, Jordan is my guy, but to talk like LeBron isn’t right there just admits that you’re blind to loyalty and love of Jordan because the stats and eyeballs agree they’re very, very close.

If there was ZERO dispute then why do people argue it all the time? If there was no dispute then we’d all say it’s Jordan.
If LeBron is a wimp, that would make you an all time pusillanimous pipsqueak. And in a time of “load management” and being an aging player, he’s not one to miss a whole lot of games. There’s something clouding some of y’all’s objectivity when it comes to LeBron. I just wonder what that could be…

Not arguing Lebron's greatness as he's clearly a great player, an all-time great. But, let's not act like he's playing every game or even close to it (Jordan played 82 games 9 times in his 15yrs including his last year at 39yo)...

This is the first year in 6yrs (yes, one was the covid year) he will have played more than 67 games (as long as he stays healthy for 2 more games). In other words, he's missed almost 20% of the season for half a decade. Since he turned 30, he's played 74 (90%) or more games three times in 10yrs (won't get there this year with only 5 games remaining). He's played a full 82 games ONE time in 20+yrs.
Not arguing Lebron's greatness as he's clearly a great player, an all-time great. But, let's not act like he's playing every game or even close to it (Jordan played 82 games 9 times in his 15yrs including his last year at 39yo)...

This is the first year in 6yrs (yes, one was the covid year) he will have played more than 67 games (as long as he stays healthy for 2 more games). In other words, he's missed almost 20% of the season for half a decade. Since he turned 30, he's played 74 (90%) or more games three times in 10yrs (won't get there this year with only 5 games remaining). He's played a full 82 games ONE time in 20+yrs.
He’s also played 3.5 entire SEASONS worth of playoff and championship games, you want to count those in there too because that’s a hell of a lot of wear and tear as there are no off nights in the playoffs.

103 games or a full season plus 21 games more than Jordan.