GYERO: New Look

Also, also - the fact that Karl was - by all accounts - a fantastic perimeter shooter but was never really allowed to let fly out there annoyed me considerably. You would think that could've opened up a ton of high-low action. You would think.


The fact that Karl Towns operated as little as he did out of the high post/elbow was criminal. Instead, Cal turned him into a repeat of Cousins and kept him under the basket limited to both blocks.

Too busy unleashing noTrey, I guess.

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Agree with what Wodie is saying.

It's much more important offensively that the pieces fit. As absurd as this sounds our pieces didn't fit all that well offensively with our front court this past year. You need a wing shooter and open driving lanes.

When Lyles was at his best he was playing the 4 when we went small. There were open driving lanes instead of 2 other 7 footers clogging it up.

Poythress needs to be at the 4. He's not skilled enough to play the wing.

Cal is fixated on size but in college we need the pieces to fit better.

This is why anyone who says 2010 was a better COLLEGE TEAM than 2012 is a total simpleton. The pieces in 2012 fit so much better and the spacing of that team was a thing of beauty.
"Garrett Johnson is absolutely our most prolific receiver right now"

Stoops on for this hour...KSR bringing it today, if you aren't listening.

Man, I love listening to Stoops talk. Dawson, too.
- I like Mulder cause he seems to be that guy we play against 2-3 times a year where we collectively think "why can't we just find one of those guys a year to come here"

- I think Willis is classic "backup QB" guy, lots clamor for him and he make a few good plays that justify the hype... But ultimately gets badly exposed and we all realize why he didn't get clock
<----- This dude has me ready for football season.

If Stoops doesn't elevate UK football to a respectable level, just disband the program. I don't think we're doing any better than him.
Freddie Maggard is a sunshine pumper and needs to calm the eff down.

While he does tend to toe the company line, this was from a text he sent me right after the commit. So unless he's always Johnny Glass-Half-Full even in private settings, he genuinely likes him.

Which probably just means we'll lose him to Ohio State on signing day.
-Mulder's a two-year guy and won't scare off any of the 2016 guards we're after, so YES.

-Even if they land Diallo, I wouldn't mind them picking up that big from Charlotte(the HS kid) if they truly feel he has potential down the road. Let him practice for a year against Skal/Lee, then contribute as a SO. If we're gonna be losing the rest of the frontcourt after next season(Lee is now a mock 1st-rounder, and Skal/AP are gone), it would be good to have at least ONE returning post player. Nothing wrong with investing in a project who, again, won't scare off any of the elite 2016 bigs.

-For the reasons WCC listed, a big no to Thon.

-Anyone thinking of hitting up KBA for that Nike event this weekend? Tons of elite UK targets, and cheap admission.
Regardless of star power, how many times has a recruit come in mid-season and made any real impact?

Team chemistry for the first 2-3 months gets shot to hell most the time.
Just booked a nice weekend in Nashville for October. Jason Isbell with Parker Millsap opening. The Ryman is an awesome venue.

A little vineyard action. Some bar hopping on Broadway.

*reds putting up 16 runs last night with a couple GRAND SALAMIS.

A few guys are seeing the ball really well at the plate. Kinda exciting, but giving up 10 runs is a little concerning. Gonna need middle relief help if they want to have any chance in the Central.

*stoops takes any question head on, doesn't he? Very diplomatic with his answers, but you just know he means business inside the walls of his program.

Man crush.
Regardless of star power, how many times has a recruit come in mid-season and made any real impact?

Team chemistry for the first 2-3 months gets shot to hell most the time.

Only time I can think of a freshman starting midyear and doing anything is Jarnell Stokes.
-Mulder's a two-year guy and won't scare off any of the 2016 guards we're after, so YES.
I mean I guess he could be but I just don't know anymore. I will tend to think they are all one and dones and if they stay then its a bonus.
So, Maker is only going to be available the 2nd semester. My question- what's the point? He wants to be OAD. These days, freshmen who aren't on campus all summer are behind already. There's no way a raw kid like Maker will be able to contribute much of anything coming in mid-December. Pass.
Correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't we have Maker for a year and a half if he came at the semester break? I remember people saying that would be the case had Dante Exum decided to come to UK or college in general mid year. Something about the 1 year removed from high school rule.
Other than the ending the biggest disappointment last year was that in the Bahamas we looked like we were going to play breakneck mid 90's pace and flat out fly up and down the court. As the season wore on it just kept getting slower and slower despite Cal saying he wanted them to get more possessions. Horseshit I refuse to believe these kids wanted to play a slow pace.

I also will believe it when I see it when it comes to UNC and NCAA sanctions.
My Stoops man crush has admittedly subsided a bit after the 2nd half debacle last season. That took a lot of wind out of my sails.

So I waited until the last minute and finally renewed my season tix this AM, so marcus. Think Dawson will really help Towles with his decision making and footwork. Making the right quick reads and completing those routine (not really, ha) throws are going to make or break this team.

I mean I guess he could be but I just don't know anymore. I will tend to think they are all one and dones and if they stay then its a bonus.
He will be a junior and unlikely a one and done, most certainly a two year guy.
All that time playing softball, never got deep enough into the criminal

Puppies to CJ Conrad, heal up bud.

Shake shack down the street at New York New York, may cheek that out for lunch. Meals are important.
I think Cal refuses to dictate tempo for the same reason he's always freaking out on the sideline. He's scared to just let his players play. While he doesn't call 80 timeouts a game, which is a good thing, he is a micromanager in other ways.

I think the reason Cal slowed it down this year is he thought it wouldn't matter... We're better than them, we can beat anyone, any style.

false, unfortunately
Jesus, Porsche. Duffel = military version of

make sure to post something from later on.
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