GYERO: New Look

I don't think Wall is any better than Rondo in his prime, no. He obviously hasn't been the same since his awful injury...much like another elite PG out there.

He doesn't crack many people's Top 5 PG list, still, to this day.
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So Rondo is more or less a sociopath right?

That phenomenon has always fascinated me. Sometimes I wonder how freeing it would be to care absolutely nothing about what other people think.
Surprised GYERO is so slow this morning. I mean, the NFL schedule was released yesterday!
I agree with BBdK that if you post in gyero you need an avatar. Don't be that guy with the egg on twitter. Monday is the deadline.
Is anyone here ordering the Mayweather/Paq fight? I'd love to see it but at a 100 bones ill probably follow on twitter.
Why do I have a suspicion Diallo ends up at Kansas? Not buying St John's and it seems like whenever we go head to head with Self the kid chooses Kansas.
His lead recruiters at both UK & Iowa St (2 of his top 5 teams) both went to St. John's in the past month...which is their main bargaining chip. Plus, he's been outspoken about wanting to be a "guy" and main scoring option, and not just "someone who blocks shots and rebounds".

Still think it's UK or Kansas, though.
Part of me wants to see Cal have to rely on Willis, Lee, and Hollywood Hawkins next year. I'm just really curious how it would go if those guys got extended minutes.
Part of me wants to see Cal have to rely on Willis, Lee, and Hollywood Hawkins next year. I'm just really curious how it would go if those guys got extended minutes.

Me, too. I really think Lee and Willis can be a legit starter-type players and Hawkins a good guy off the bench.

But we still need outside shooting and a little more beef.
Willie is such a good interview, really crushing it on KSR.

LOL, he said "I'm gonna be 200% honest with you, I didn't even know who Chris Webber was. We grew up watching Nascar"
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That juco can shoot, as can Willis and Ulis.

Yeah, but Ulis is more a "keep'm honest" shooter. I think Willis can be a good shooter, but he hasn't proven it yet. I never trust JUCOs until they prove their worth.

I'm much more concerned about the perimeter at this point than inside.
Hawkins deserves minutes for his defense if nothing else. I know it was hard to play him this past season with a loaded team, but he played crucial minutes in the Elite 8 and Final 4 in 2014. He's solid. I think Willis can contribute something if given the chance. Hopefully we find out.

I love the idea of Mulder, no matter WHO else we do or do not get. He seems like the full package from the 2G spot. We always seem to need "one more" shooter, and it gets really old.
I love the idea of Mulder, no matter WHO else we do or do not get. He seems like the full package from the 2G spot. We always seem to need "one more" shooter, and it gets really old.
I've harped on this forever, but with the way the game is being played right now, there is no more important attribute than perimeter shooting. Anyone who can shoot 45% plus behind the arc is fine with me.
A lot of folks have faith in Willis and I don't understand why. He hasn't shown any sort of work ethic in practice, proven by zero playing time after Poythress went down. When he does get in the game, he is a sieve on defense. I must be in the minority, but if we are relying on meaningful minutes from Willis, I'm worried.
Like that you can view new posts that come in as you are typing out a post.

Digging the new look. It's very 2015ish
Rondo also had a little bit better situation than J. Wall for most of his career. Just sayin'.

I'd rather have a junior Willis figuring it out as the season went on than some late 3 star pickup.

The perimeter guys are a bigger need, but getting Diallo would be huge on a lot of different levels. Mainly to hear call in shows try to pronounce our front court's names.
A lot of folks have faith in Willis and I don't understand why. He hasn't shown any sort of work ethic in practice, proven by zero playing time after Poythress went down. When he does get in the game, he is a sieve on defense. I must be in the minority, but if we are relying on meaningful minutes from Willis, I'm worried.

Agree, but at least he's 1000x better than 2016 1st Team All American Kyle Wiltjer
Willis can shoot but his issue is not working hard enough to develop his strength. He has to get stronger so he can get his shot off against better athletes and also put it on the bounce better to be more of a complete player.

This is a great opportunity for him.
We shall see how he reacts.
A lot of folks have faith in Willis and I don't understand why.

I don't think it's as much about faith as it is intrigue.

Dude is 6'9 string bean who is skilled and surprisingly athletic. He can play. The question for me is; does he want to be great or is he merely content looking too cool for school on the bench his entire career? He's hid behind all that talent in front of him these first couple years so we don't really know.
A lot of folks have faith in Willis and I don't understand why. He hasn't shown any sort of work ethic in practice, proven by zero playing time after Poythress went down. When he does get in the game, he is a sieve on defense. I must be in the minority, but if we are relying on meaningful minutes from Willis, I'm worried.

I thought he looked great in the Bahamas- really, really good. Loved the way he moved without the ball. Loved the way he passed. Loved his shot. I'm not at practice and neither are you, so no comment there. If you really expected Calipari to go 10-deep all season, you haven't been paying attention. He was aching to shorten his lineup.

It's not unheard of for a kid who hasn't played much to blossom as an upperclassmen. We were just beaten by a team full of those guys and were led to the Final 4 by a team in 2011 featuring two such players in Liggins and Harrellson.
I love the idea of Mulder, no matter WHO else we do or do not get. He seems like the full package from the 2G spot. We always seem to need "one more" shooter, and it gets really old.

Agree on Mulder.

We had four good outside shooters this year and Cal decided to completely de-emphasize outside shooting. That, and continuing to switch everything on D, were his two biggest mistakes with this year's squad.
* Don't like that the ears of my wildcat are cropped.

* Not sure about Willis. He has yet to enter a game and not look like he was about to soil his pantaloons.

* Not really digging all these player interviews on KSR. I get why they're popular, but all they do is remind me of the most painful sports loss of my entire life.

* Freddie Maggard is really high on Gunnar Hoak. Says his tape is more impressive than Barker's or Towles'. Just hope we can hang onto him...
Freddie Maggard is a sunshine pumper and needs to calm the eff down.

Also - I'm never interested in athlete interviews because they are boring and pointless 99% of the time.
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This is why I'm not AS concerned about our frontcourt as most people. You don't have to have, or NEED 5 7-footers in college basketball. Our frontcourt matches up with pretty much anyone, as/is.

You also don't "need" a 6-7' NBA lotto quality swingman. How many teams have those? 2-3 teams out of a few hundred each year? Of course, I'd love one...just saying.

What you DO need, is a lot of good 'basketball players' to go around your handful of super-talented/athletic dudes -- that's the trend. Jones & Cook were the glue of Duke's team, not Winslow & Okafor. And Wisky was composed almost entirely of those kinds of dudes save Dekker & I guess Hayes.

Notre Dame? Same thing.
So, Maker is only going to be available the 2nd semester. My question- what's the point? He wants to be OAD. These days, freshmen who aren't on campus all summer are behind already. There's no way a raw kid like Maker will be able to contribute much of anything coming in mid-December. Pass.
Also, also - the fact that Karl was - by all accounts - a fantastic perimeter shooter but was never really allowed to let fly out there annoyed me considerably. You would think that could've opened up a ton of high-low action. You would think.
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It's not unheard of for a kid who hasn't played much to blossom as an upperclassmen. We were just beaten by a team full of those guys and were led to the Final 4 by a team in 2011 featuring two such players in Liggins and Harrellson.

Just look at Kaminsky. In his first two years he played 600 minutes and scored 196 points.
This is why I'm not AS concerned about our frontcourt as most people. You don't have to have, or NEED 5 7-footers in college basketball. Our frontcourt matches up with pretty much anyone, as/is.

You also don't "need" a 6-8' NBA quality swingman. How many teams have those? Of course, I'd love one...just saying.

What you DO need, is a lot of good 'basketball players' to go around your handful of super-talented/athletic dudes -- that's the trend. Jones & Cook were the glue of Duke's team, not Winslow & Okafor. And Wisky was composed almost entirely of those kinds of dudes save Dekker & I guess Hayes.

Notre Dame? Same thing.

Good post and I agree with about all of it.

We have two PGs who can penetrate and be playmakers.

We have a pretty good rotation of guys who can play the 4/5- Skal, Poythress, Lee and Willis. Yeah, I'd like more bulk and more depth at the 5, but that's a talented lineup.

We NEED shooters/scorers to benefit from Briscoe/Ulis and to keep teams from sagging on Skal.

Would be nice for Cal to actually dictate tempo for once this year instead of letting the opponent choose the pace every time.
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Agree -- basically the only thing I care about with Maker is that he doesn't go to IU.

...seems like Hurley/ASU is really becoming an option. He can step in immediately, whereas as other places he'd be running the risk of never really cracking the real rotation.
The X-factor is Murray. If we're in as good people think we are with him...WOW.
Would be nice for Cal to actually dictate tempo for once this year instead of letting the opponent choose the pace every time.

Yeah - I never understood why we were so content to lay back this year. I feel like we were built to make teams really uncomfortable tempo-wise.