GYERO: New Look

Hit up Dad's Favorites today over on Lane Allen. Since I moved to different part of town I don't quite make it over there as much as I used to. But that place still effing delivers, man. Went with the Cuban today. Un. Real. Dad has that place rolling. Still need to get over and check out the Main Street location.

My dogwoods look absolutely amazing right now. Phlox are making the flower beds pop. Grass is as green as I've ever seen it. It's just a great time to be playing around in the yard. My azaleas are hit and miss, though.

Missed Wall go ape up North last night but witnessed a re-emergence of Dwight Bitch Ass Howard. Dude dialed back the clock last night with some haha Atlanta Celtics AAU shit with Josh Smith. If Rockets get this kind of effort from Howard, I think they take the west. Don't think Bogut can handle that monster.
at the 1450am 'promo/commerical' voice guy here in Louisville. He tries his best to sound like ESPN or whatever, but it's so exaggerated & awful that it makes me LOL every time.

...especially the 'Golf Card' commercial.
Not a huge flower/plant guy, but our Hostas are beasts. Despite the abuse around our house the past few years (trees falling, painting, powerwashing, Gillie trampling/fertilizing them daily, not taking care of them really, etc), Nothing can hold those rascals down -- and when they decide to pop, they do so with a vengeance, seemingly out of nowhere.
-I guess I'm done pouting over the game, besides it looks like gyero needs me

-BBDK you got that sweet above ground pool ready for the season yet?

-My worst nightmare came true. The Southend poor's found keeneland. I thought we had them restricted to Churchill, then I see a Facebook picture of anth and wife at keeneland. He has a tie clip on, and she has, and I'm not making this up, a Touching Sunbrella. Yep, an umbrella for the sun, complete with ruffles and everything. Outside of Mary Poppins, who does that?
I'm betting at least a dozen old blue blood ladies had heart attacks seeing that shit.

Just reaffirms pavlos theory that no matter how much money you give someone, it can't change years of breeding.

This new format sucks.

Not surprised SAE didn't pay for his bracket. Drives a BMW but can't pay for his bracket, I think there is a word for that.
Why in the world would Winston's people/advisors agree to let him go on that Draft Academy show and get drilled like that about all the negative stuff?

Dude has been on ESPN every day for 2 months, seems to have a firm grip on #1, and certainly doesn't need any more exposure (good or bad)

That's bizarre to me.
I like the new format. Wish the smilies were the old ones, but I like clicking on GYERO and going to the place I left off.

It is pretty chalky, though.

And, I do think my date is off. Thought it was during the 2003 winning streak that I started posting.
Over/under on a search of Rob's writings/posts/tweets containing the following

  • Chester drawers
  • Colon (instead of cologne)
  • Fast paste
  • just trying to make ends-meat
  • All intensive purposes
  • Tow the line
  • Wreaking havoc
  • Doggie dog world
Over/under on a search of Rob's writings/posts/tweets containing the following

  • Chester drawers
  • Colon (instead of cologne)
  • Fast paste
  • just trying to make ends-meat
  • All intensive purposes
  • Tow the line
  • Wreaking havoc
  • Doggie dog world
Thrown in "ATM Machine" & "PIN Number"
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Reactions: K-GAR
- I think Willis is classic "backup QB" guy, lots clamor for him and he make a few good plays that justify the hype... But ultimately gets badly exposed and we all realize why he didn't get clock

Not that this can't happen, but I think for Willis it's more of a coming out nervous and as he grows comfortable his natural ability take over and the game slows down for him. The only thing to question here is his maturity not his ability. Dude has the basics, is very basketball smart, and is more naturally suited for a Euro style game that the NBA is moving toward.

If he gets a chance with somewhat of a long leash the kid will absolutely grow into a hometown hero Scott Padgett style.
Part of my thinking is Willis' comments about "falling out with the game"
Ollie and Donovan are rumored for okc. That means that Marc Stein made ish up.
Part of my thinking is Willis' comments about "falling out with the game"

This has been touched on here by several. He fell out of the game because he got some UK basketball player level girls(what words are allowed in the new forums?) and he was absolutely fine taking a backseat to all of the NBA talent Cal brought in. He did not want to have to try harder to establish himself.

In that same comment he said he was getting back to taking it serious, and planned on being a contributor.

It is absolutely up to him as to how good he will be here and how he will be remembered but it is not talent that will hold him back at all. Kid can play, and flat out fill it up.
NBA Guys- how highly regarded is Terrence Jones around the league? Seems like he puts up good numbers and has the skills/size to be a solid modern NBA 4-man.
He's good. Could rebound better, but he plays a lot of stretch. He's developing 3 pt range and that will pay him a lot of money to be an outlet. He's a solid rotation guy that will be in high demand if he ever hits at a 40% clip from deep.
What do you mean "seems"? He did it all year when he wasn't injured. When he finally got his groove before his last injury, he was throwing up double doubles on an almost-nightly basis, with some monster games sprinkled in

Started 71 games last year, and would have equal this year if healthy...for one of the best teams in the league.

He can't seem to catch a break health-wise though.
I irrationally hate Houston. I want them to suck because the Beard's game is not fun to watch. Damn is he efficient though.
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What do you mean "seems"? He did it all year when he wasn't injured. When he finally got his groove before his last injury, he was throwing up double doubles on an almost-nightly basis, with some monster games sprinkled in

Started 71 games last year, and would have equal this year if healthy...for one of the best teams in the league.

He can't seem to catch a break health-wise though.

He just doesn't seem to garner much buzz and I've also seen him mentioned quite a bit in trade rumors. Got me wondering.
I think he's a their answer if he stays healthy. They're starting to flip those guys out for other pieces. Houston will be a 50+ win team the next decade, with or without Howard.

The one thing that could see him shipped out is Morey is one of those guys that will ruthlessly trade guys or let them walk based solely on analytics.
Gary Parrish reporting Newman will pick Miss State.