- Show up for a mandatory training I forgot I signed up for yesterday only to discover it’s being led by … @WynnDuffy . Boy did I have some questions for that dude. 🙋🏻‍♂️

- Little Casamigos Anejo pour last night.

- In the lab working on a rum old fashioned. Haven’t got it where I want it yet. Can’t stop thinking about the one I had the Ocean Club last year.

- Desperately need a vacation but having a four month old kind of hamstrings you. Any plane ride means checking two car seats, a pack-n-play for sleeping purposes and a stroller. I mean F me. All that to deal with a baby isn’t worth the trouble. Also can’t see a 10-hour drive. That leaves local. Decided on a 3-day getaway at the French Lick resort. Oh well.

- The number one question that comes about when you have kids is - “what did I do with all that time I used to have?” Wife and I chatted and realized we pretty much just drank a lot.

- That said, now that the baby is 4.5 months old, she’s gotten to be a lot of fun. The first 3 months pretty much suck. Nowadays, you’re getting that payoff, seeing her personality and it’s really cool.

- Instagram has been delivering a lot of wildlife content to me. I really don’t enjoy seeing a lion kill a poor water buffalo or a grizzly gouging a moose- it makes me sad. But jaguars jumping into the Amazon and pulling out caiman is pretty cool. I mean, F those guys.

- My Top 5 Predators:

1. Jaguars
2. Gators
3. Sharks
4. Cougars/Catamounts/Mountain Lions
5. Grizzlies

His March/April stats make up 39% of his season, and you just completely delete that time frame from the conversation in order to make your point.

You have to be the only person I’ve ever talked sports with that is 100% convinced a smaller sample size is significantly more representative of a players value than a much larger one.

How about we just eliminate May for no particular reason? Without that he’s hitting .259 with 11 home runs and 26 stolen bases, the Reds are winning the division, and he’s firmly 1st place in the MVP race while David Bell wins Manager of the Year.

It is an interesting question - is it better to be consistently above average across the entire season or have some big time ups and some big time downs but end with the same overall result in terms of things like OPS?

As an extreme example, the platooning catcher for the Braves went like 10-13 with 5 HRs over the course of a three game series. With that weekend his OPS is .750 - pretty good. Take that weekend out he’s like .625 - awful. But it legit feels like he’s a .625 hitter because that’s what he is for all but three games.
Maybe he wanted to hire his son. I get it. And maybe he could have if he had started and played his best players and/or coached them to some level of success in the conference or national tournament.

Next week we'll see two UK players get drafted in the top 10 after being our best bench options all year in the eyes of the coach. Maybe hosts will remind viewers of our losses in the first round of the SEC and NCAA tournament. We'll remember all of that and say to ourselves "no, dipshit, you don't get to bring your son onto the staff now and it isn't because of him, it's because of you."
I am SO glad it's over.
- The largest law firm in the universe and I have respectfully parted ways. Any of y’all know anyone looking for help in the most soul-crushing profession in existence? Joking aside, “peaks and valleys of life,” ATKOT.

- On that note, trip to Baha Mar with Wildcat Sloot and close internet friends can’t arrive at a better time. Need this.

- Spoons are superior to forks for salad, and it’s not even close. Especially at the end, what a pain in the ass trying to get those last few bites with a fork.

- Dammit, Bat Cats.

Proud of ‘em, though. Future is bright.

- “Pope’s Hopes.” Trademarking/copyrighting that, so probably won’t even need another law job anyway due to merch sales alone.

- Stoops & Co. just quietly still making moves and getting it done over at the corner of Alumni and College Way.

- Cheer Dad life is, uh…well, it’s something. I will always support CEC in anything she wants to do, but the competitiveness, pettiness, politics, etc…man. I just stay back and let Wildcat handle that one.

- CFC, whom we’re trying (apparently very unsuccessfully) to raise as a Cub fan, asked for an EDLC jersey for his birthday - which he got - and requested 44 as his jersey number going forward; previously was always 3 for The Babe or 23 for The GOAT. To our credit, we’re not WGN Cub fans and have legitimate connections, but I know Tony, Rudd, and all of the Cub haters are loving this.

- Summer Solstice. Best day of the year. Stay cool out there, GYERO. 😎
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Lakers hiring JJ Redick to be new head coach after Dan Hurley flirtation

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- The largest law firm in the universe and I have respectfully parted ways. Any of y’all know anyone looking for help in the most soul-crushing profession in existence? Joking aside, “peaks and valleys of life,” ATKOT.

- Spoons are superior to forks for salad, and it’s not even close. Especially at the end, what a pain in the ass trying to get those last few bites with a fork.

So you're out here saying salads should be eaten with a spoon and you want someone to hire you as a lawyer?
My 5-year-old nephew is all about EDLC including having a 44 Reds jersey. I saw him over Memorial Day, and he sat there for like 10 minutes telling me all about him and the Reds. My brother and I grew up worshipping the OG Red 44, so I looked at him and said, "You are raising this one right."
My little kids think EDLC sucks because they saw him live and he did less than my 8YO who gets 3-4 hits per game.

Also, my older kids think he sucks because I like the Cubs and he let them win the game we took them to.

Both very fair points, unlike UKO.

Just saying!
So you're out here saying salads should be eaten with a spoon and you want someone to hire you as a lawyer

Forks are worthless for anything other than holding meat while cutting it. MAYBE picking up veggies, but even that’s a stretch, spoon can still be used to greater effect other than something long like asparagus or green beans. TMFS.

And I’ll be fine. 😉
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- Spoons are superior to forks for salad, and it’s not even close. Especially at the end, what a pain in the ass trying to get those last few bites with a fork.

- Stoops & Co. just quietly still making moves and getting it done over at the corner of Alumni and College Way.

- Cheer Dad life is, uh…well, it’s something. I will always support CEC in anything she wants to do, but the competitiveness, pettiness, politics, etc…man. I just stay back and let Wildcat handle that one.

~No. If you're actually doing this, then keep it on the down low on your Golden Corral visits.

~The only thing Stoops is doing is trying to figure out how to get that 6th win to get to another bowl and avoid another SEC losing season.

~Cheer dad life memories are some of my fondest, especially spending $$$$$ on all-star cheer comps all over the US of A. Now watching my 5 year old granddaughter doing standing tucks makes an A1 Proud Grandpa.
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Man - best t-shirt I have is from BahaMar. Moisture-wicking. Pure white. Teal lettering. Clean. Classic. Great collar. Great fit. Feel like a million bucks wearing it in the summer. Wish I would have picked up a few more.
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-to be fair, I don't hate the cubs... just cubs fans*.


-much like cats. I like cats... but I loathe "cat people", again most. Some are ok.

-also... the grateful dead. Saw them in soldier field and other spots in the 90's. A couple of their albums are classics... but it's the "deadheads" that are problematic.
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My hill.

Technically, you can even hold a piece of meat in place with a spoon while you cut with a knife, unless you’re a weak bitch.
Jesus. Didn’t know a hot take random and genuinely facetious follow-up from me would get this much attention.

Eat your salad however you want and chill the **** out.
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- Robin Williams was truly one of a kind. Just an absolute runaway spitfire whirlwind comedic tour-de-force. I got caught up in the Youtube rabbit hole of going back and watching some of his appearances on Johnny Carson, with some of those shows being some of my earlier memories, and below is probably tops for me. It starts out with a little political talk, so calm down you poli-cultists, but he comes out guns a blazing and Johnny just lets him go. So good.

- So the Bronny James story is really puzzling to me. You have a kid who clearly doesn't seem to be a NBA level player, and has the scary cardiac arrest episode, but it still seems pretty clear he's a lock to go in the first round because he is the son of Le God (no pressure, kid). And there are all of these rumors about whether the Lakers will take in him the first, or if another team will jump the Lakers to draft him to try and lure LeBron onto their team, and how Bronny was cancelling requested workouts from teams not named the Lakers or Suns...

I'm just completely confused here. Why is this a big deal and why do NBA teams even give a f? LeBron turns 40 next season. His days of being the top guy or close to it on a championship team are over and at some point very soon he's hitting a hard wall that all athletes ultimately hit. And what's the payoff? So the Lakers are 18-20 going into late December, it's the start of the 4th quarter on a Tuesday night at like 11:50 EST because NBA games start so GD late, and they're down like 15 to the Kings, and off the bench comes Bronny!! OMG!!1 He literally came out of LeBron's penis and now he's playing next to him in a NBA game, holy shit!!1 And then what's next? 30 seconds later, the reaction is "Hmm, well ain't that something, *click*" and then it's back to Pornhub or whatever. It's just all this lead up for some ho-hum sports moment that really won't mean anything. I mean, we've seen dads play with their sons before in the same game.. Ken Griffey with Jr., Big Ben when he played the Bengals, happens plenty of times.

- If you're chewing gum and walk into a public bathroom, do you find that you end up chewing more aggressively, less aggressively, or just keep chewing the same? Does it make any difference if there's someone occupying the shitter?

- It feels like Japanese vending machines are having a moment. Why don't we have some of these around here?
If you watch the Bob Weir doc on Netflix, I think even The Grateful Dead hated the deadheads.
I thought all the Deadheads hated Rock Star Bobby.

“You can actually stop truckin' now, Bob. The Dead's insistence on staying on the road post-Jerry Garcia has proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the band was just a collection of semi-competent nerds with a prodigiously charismatic and talented frontman. And "Rock Star Bobby" is the worst of the bunch, a bona fide gravy trainer who would've probably invited frequent guest Huey Lewis to join the band as a full-time harmonica player had Garcia not understandably kept his pink Izod-wearing ass in check. Weir's side project, Rat Dog, is basically a below-average bar band with a frontman who needs a teleprompter to remember his own lyrics. But frankly, given our unyielding love for all things Garcia, we were willing to forgive and forget until Weir & Co. jumped on a stage in a movie-studio lot to appear on Leno recently. With Garcia on the injured list (for good), Weir stepped in to sing lead vocals on "Touch of Grey." Horribly. Why he didn't just defecate on Jerry's headstone instead, we'll never know.”