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-I mean, to be honest the recruits would probably prefer Waffle House, but they rarely want to go fancier. Majority of these dudes aren’t hoping for mussels in white wine sauce or some French escargot stuffed mushrooms.

-Baby Gronk already sleeved up too @WayneDougan 😉

-Saw The Machine last night and laughed my ass off. There are definitely some stupid over the top parts but the majority is really funny. If you aren’t a fan of his comedy I wouldn’t go and if you listen to his pods and enjoy it definitely helps with the story.

-I think you should leave is definitely best in small doses. Almost always do the same, watch two and change it.

This seems like good news.
Seems being the operative word. I love Cal and desperately want him to right the ship, but the more we hear from those close to the program, the more my hope diminishes.

Bonzo cleverly referred to this phase as Cal's fat Elvis phase, though it's starting to remind me of the latter days of Nixon. He's becoming very isolated, paranoid, highly combative with the media, untrusting, etc. Maybe this all will lead to his eventual resignation.

I certainly hope not.
How can you not be romantic about baseball....

I remember watching this... when the movie script is played out in real life.

I was a poor struggling bartender who couldn't take the time off to go to Omaha that year. Nephew was a Florida freshman and hit a grand slam to beat FSU in the first game before losing the next two to LSU to get eliminated. My dad, God bless his soul, was there and loved to tell his story of witnessing that home run in person. Even got flashed on ESPN a moment.

Me? Tried to jump up from the barstool where I was watching at work, and went straight back and down on that stool and hit the floor HARD with my arms raised in triumph. Cocktail waitress said it was the funniest thing she'd ever seen in her life. Best of times.
We had one little black kid in our entire little league. I remember one of the parents always yelled “go get ‘em little joe Morgan” whenever he came up to bat
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remember Little Hercules
His parents were the ones pushing him as well.

Played right along with the trend, actually.
We had one little black kid in our entire little league. I remember one of the parents always yelled “go get ‘em little joe Morgan” whenever he came up to bat
Was it because the kid was an absolute dog shit announcer who completely ruined the sunday night baseball viewing experience and was generally hated by everyone he worked with?
Was it because the kid was an absolute dog shit announcer who completely ruined the sunday night baseball viewing experience and was generally hated by everyone he worked with?
I was going to respond with something similar but I wouldn’t have been as eloquent. He may have been a hell of 2nd baseman but he was insufferable in the booth.
Was it because the kid was an absolute dog shit announcer who completely ruined the sunday night baseball viewing experience and was generally hated by everyone he worked with?

I never really never understood this take. I have nothing but fond memories of Joe Morgan & John Miller-called Sunday Night baseball games on ESPN.

Granted, nothing was better than last night's coverage of Braves Baseball with Franceur, Glavine, Smoltz and Chipper Jones on the call! While you all were jerking off Elly and the Reds who got shutout, the Braves had their 3rd straight 3-run comeback in a row. Probably a top 5 broadcast of all time!

It's because you let nostalgia get in the way. People have fond memories of listening to Harry Caray too- doesnt mean he was good in the booth.
The only person worse in the booth than Morgan was Tim McCarver. He was definitely the highest authority when it came to baseball knowledge. If you didn’t believe it all you had to do was just ask him.
It's because you let nostalgia get in the way. People have fond memories of listening to Harry Caray too- doesnt mean he was good in the booth.
Harry turned into a character in his later years and sometimes struggled, but back in the radio days and early TV days he was considered one of the best.
So that lady they took out on a stretcher, she was just drunk and they were trying to make less of a scene than an arrest mid game of the NBA Finals, right?

Because if it was a “medical emergency” as they said, just one guy grabbing a lady by throwing his arm under her armpit and dragging her up 3 rows isn’t normal is it?
  • Been really down lately; SAE knows why but thinks I'm just being a pussy. You know what makes me feel better? Drinking copious amounts of booze. Is that a red flag? At any rate, I'll put my margaritas up against anything. Tequila, Grand Marnier, and a homemade citrus mix (primarily lime juice, but a little tangerine and lemon too). Keep it simple.
  • I love my summer Saturday routine. Daughter has softball at 9 AM. There is a YMCA next door to practice. I go into the Y, sit by the office, drink their free coffee and answer emails. One of the ladies at the door laughed at me today for bringing my own mug in there because I hate drinking from styrofoam. She said, "where are you going to put that when you're working out". "Oh, I'm not working out, honey".
  • I'm concerned about our political situation (not the reason I've been down). What if we've gotten to a point where the skills to win an election don't translate at all to being good at doing the job? And that's not even touching on you need different types of skills depending on what's going on in the world. I always think about Winston Churchill in that regard. He's known for being awesome during WWII, but he got tossed aside with a quickness after the war for not being good as a peacetime PM.
  • Need to see UK take down LSU. Would be great to see us in the College World Series.
Ooooh, so they were selling it to these businesses and individuals as equivalent to donating to a charity for large tax write offs and incentives. Was wondering why TF all these boosters were giving large sums, just seemed like an awful waste of money outside of a very few select players. How ingenious/stupid. That should absolutely slow down some of the madness I would think.
-Not to go all super serious and lame, but when faced with for real issues, sadness etc I typically go sober. One thing my alcoholic pothead father taught me as I was banging my head against a brick wall growing up always drowning in alcohol pot and whatever else I could consume was if I wanted my life to be different than his I couldn’t continue following in his footsteps.

It resonated and ever since I started facing overwhelming challenges with a sober mind things just have been easier resolve and figure out.

It always gets better, just have to weather the storm.

- Politics? Lol, America is a business too big for other countries to let fail.

Give them assholes their cut to mismanage and make earth your heaven.

- Zach Bryan 5

Come as you are
68 Flashback
Good I’ll do
Highway Boys

- Pressure washing the drive. Once I’m done here with all my pressure washing chores I’d gladly just about go anywhere for free to continue this new found addiction.

- Bought some custom mash from Barton yesterday. Extremely odd for them to have 6YO 75/21/4 mash but they do and it’s a MGP mash that taste NOTHING like MGP.

- Engineers finalizing my dreams. I’ve been let down a few times but I am really falling for this go round. If it fails I really may sell out and call it a day.
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Ooooh, so they were selling it to these businesses and individuals as equivalent to donating to a charity for large tax write offs and incentives. Was wondering why TF all these boosters were giving large sums, just seemed like an awful waste of money outside of a very few select players. How ingenious/stupid. That should absolutely slow down some of the madness I would think.
If you are writing it off, why not just pay the player, like Bully, to advertise your business. I assume expensing it against the business works?
-@WayneDougan as my mom always said after a bad breakup or my GMA passing or whatever it may be, this too shall pass. Never really helps to hear but it’s true.

Just a word to the wise, drinking DEFINITELY makes it worse, except while you’re buzzed, working out improves the mood and overall wellness so much more.

I come pretty close to the top of the mountain of speaking from a position of knowledge in regards to this.

-Potted flowers, walked the dog, cut the grass, getting a beard and haircut trim, gym and then straight to meet my buddy at Drake’s for the game.

That’s a damn good Saturday for Ol Rogue.

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If you are writing it off, why not just pay the player, like Bully, to advertise your business. I assume expensing it against the business works?

Well personally for my business at the end of the year whatever I have left over I have to pay taxes on so we always do a “spend down” to lower our tax expense (you can spend enough to lower your taxes that its basically stupid not to do it). Charities fall under that expense so it would just be really easy if you were a big sports fan or whatever to “donate” to that collective at the end of the year. Would be extremely easy and less expensive than setting up advertising for players and some businesses it wouldn’t really make sense to use an athlete for advertising.
I have absolutely no desire to work out anymore after I found out Zuckerberg did a sub 40 Murph with a vest on. That just took the wind out of my sails.
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