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That's incredible! This isn't David Beckham coming to the Galaxy. Messi could win the Balloon D'Or this year. He's still a top 5 player in the world. Major, major coup for MLS.

I can't make anymore excuses to miss seeing the GOAT. He also snubbed Barcelona - which is wild because he seemed to be leaning more that way than towards the Saudis. This is the biggest win the MLS has ever had.
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Just referring to Cal currently. He is really scrambling because all these players are being given $ to show up at most schools.

Cal wants a player to earn their NIL. The way it should be. Unfortunately, 9/10 schools are paying for play. Anybody you know prefer work for $ instead of free $?

So tired of this naive, high-minded bullshit. We SEC - who TF really didn’t see this coming? Our brothers since 1933 are the most shameless MFers in sports.

Get with the game- or retire.
If history has taught us nothing else, it's that the Federal government is incapable of keeping a secret.

This renders most conspiracy theories invalid.

The idea that that bumbling band of criminals could plan something on a major scale, execute it, and then keep a lid on it for decades (JFK, 911, UFO's etc.) is hysterical.

And not to be "that guy" (well I WAS that guy) but I worked in collection and analysis for the NSA, and so my opinion on this matter is not just your average jerk on the street mouthing off level garbage.

Case in point: we have access to these UAP videos because some federal dipshit inadvertently granted a FOIA request.

legal - I don't buy silver. It was a throwback to the silver stacking thread. I don't horde cash, precious metals etc. because I wasn't born in the depression or raised in a place where they still think FDR is the POTUS. LOL
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- Just got back from several days in Venice and Barcelona sandwiched around a Mediterranean/Adriatic cruise. Never thought I'd have a reason to go to Slovenia but it was kinda awesome.

- Once found out about a potential pregnancy scare by text while in a work meeting. I didn't have the most professional of reactions.

Can we get a rundown/snackdown?
If history has taught us nothing else, it's that the Federal government is incapable of keeping a secret.

This renders most conspiracy theories invalid.

The idea that that bumbling band of criminals could plan something on a major scale, execute it, and then keep a lid on it for decades (JFK, 911, UFO's etc.) is hysterical.
legal - I don't buy silver. It was a throwback to the silver stacking thread. I don't horde cash, precious metals etc. because I wasn't born in the depression or raised in a place where they still think FDR is the POTUS. LOL

Hording anything will only make you a target. Besides, you can't eat silver or gold. And they'll be useless if society breaks down anyways.
Max - if you buy extremely fine filter paper and a Chemex coffee pot, you can recycle your own urine for drinking water. That's what JD Salinger said anyway.

This is the main reason I have a gun. To blow my ****ing brains out if this happens.

Yes, I'm sure I'll get told to do it anyways. lol

Prepping for a disaster is good. You should. Prepping for the end of society OTOH.
If you live in Lexington or Louisville? You'll get your wish. Assuming you're in ground zero. Outside of that, you might be suffering for a bit.

Just prep for the New Madrid fault blowing its load. We're basically surrounded by 3 rivers. Even the national guard won't go over those bridges. They'll have to go through 10rc. 10rc is gonna have their own problems.

I keep a good 2-3 weeks supply of bottled water and canned goods. Make sure you have can openers,

Anything after that...
The 7th tower and the part of the pentagon that was struck was the budgeting office of the pentagon.

Add into the fact that an audit was scheduled that morning by congress. Not to mention no cameras working at the pentagon when the plane struck. How often do cameras just not work there?

Not saying it was a conspiracy, but it has to make you hmm.
Something doesn't add up on the ole common sense meter.

- we land the highest-ranked freshman class in school history during the NIL era
- we can't convince any current players to stay here or transfers to come here during the NIL era

So, are we good at the NIL or not? I think it's BS to say we are not doing enough to put $$$ in players pockets to load up the roster. I do think it's legit to say we haven't figured out how to best make it work on our behalf OVERALL. Maybe pay out less per player and spread the love around more? I dunno.
I want talent. Cal does best with talent. Wagner, Edwards, Bradshaw and Dilly are all very talented. I expect Reeves back. Shep, Adou and Ugo will be the complimentary pieces. That's an 8 man rotation right there. Why would someone like Kaluma want to come and probably not even start?

Things could've been handled better. It's still a learning process. But give me the talent. We've had veteran squads the past few years and didn't do shit. Maybe Cal just needs to go back to what he does best, coaching young talent. Add Burks, Cyril and Hart to put you at 11. Sure, I'd love more vets, but I still love the potential of this team.
I want talent. Cal does best with talent. Wagner, Edwards, Bradshaw and Dilly are all very talented. I expect Reeves back. Shep, Adou and Ugo will be the complimentary pieces. That's an 8 man rotation right there. Why would someone like Kaluma want to come and probably not even start?

Things could've been handled better. It's still a learning process. But give me the talent. We've had veteran squads the past few years and didn't do shit. Maybe Cal just needs to go back to what he does best, coaching young talent. Add Burks, Cyril and Hart to put you at 11. Sure, I'd love more vets, but I still love the potential of this team.

When we won the title we essentionally had 6 studs, Wiltjer and Vargas.
I want my 15 club (or whatever the f*** I drunkenly signed up for one night so that we could buy players) money back.

Vern - it can't possibly be worse, and sucking at basketball, with literally no reason for hope is kind of zen.
I'm under no illusions that I'll make it in the new frontier. I grew up in the suburbs, and quit the scouting program once arts/crafts and snacks were replaced by camping/outdoors stuff. I'm a day three casualty, no doubt.
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When we won the title we also had Senior Darius Miller. Didn’t have any major or nagging year long injuries.

Think he was second leader scorer against UL in the Final Four.
Best I can do is a 5th year Reeves who went 1-11 against K-State in the roung of 32.
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