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Day 3 of a killer stomach bug. Had no idea a human stores as much poop as I’ve released the past 60 hours. Nothing has went in to replace it either.
Yep Sandy hasn’t been sharp at all and Jazz is hurt again (of course).

Luis Arraez tho 🔥

Rainy days were made for some AIC. Best of all the Seattle bands- imo
Add Chris Sale to the list of cursed pitchers.

My Redsox need Duval and Story back quickly before any shot of a Wildcard is gone.

An MLB player with a girls name will ultimately fail, just like having an ugly girlfriend (See Moneyball).
Or will be playing for the Dodgers or Yankees in 2 years anyway.

Curb Your Enthusiasm.

And agree on SA. Could have been aliens from Mars as much as I trust US intelligence.
Are we really blaming Saudi Arabia for 9/11? I don’t care what our government says about it I think we are to the point now that we can take what US intelligence says with a grain of salt.

Well, Bin Laden's dad was a huge government/road contractor for the kingdom, so the entirety of his wealth came from there, and nearly every one of the 9/11 hijackers was Saudi.

So yeah. I can see people being a little put off by those fellas.

All good, though. We spent $6 trillion bombing every square inch of sand in Afghanistan to make up for it.
SA most assuredly had ties to 9/11
Am I misreading the room? Is there any legitimate doubt about that? LOL

But, Bayer manufactured Zyclon-B and Siemens took advantage of forced labor from the camps in WWII and we all buy products from both of those companies on a regular basis.

My point is, you don't have to bury your head in the sand, so as to not feel guilt about engaging in commerce. It's the way of the world. Always has been.
I remember years ago at a Keeneland yearling sale they published the top 20 or 25 buyers in the world and their net worths. Lots of billionaires on the list including guys that were listed up to $80 billion. The only person who's net worth wasn't listed was one of the Shieks. For his net worth it said "unlimited". Which is what it is.
It's scary what they can control if they want to. Anybody that promises a handicapped, past his prime golfer 1 billion dollars has unlimited wealth.
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I'm really wrestling with the decision between my feelings towards the origin of some money I can't do anything about and only seems to hurt me and mine if I take a hard stance against it vs dipping my toes in a new pool.

Needless to say, the Mrs. was contemplating a career change and that, much like the virtue of the PGA Commish, is gone and I say back up the brinks truck because CANNONBALL!
Just referring to Cal currently. He is really scrambling because all these players are being given $ to show up at most schools.

Cal wants a player to earn their NIL. The way it should be. Unfortunately, 9/10 schools are paying for play. Anybody you know prefer work for $ instead of free $?
I hope in all this Saudi talk today, I hope we don't lose sight that we just lost our greatest Middle Easterner of all time....the Iron Sheik.

The guy was a Twitter legend. (I know there was a "team" behind those tweets but I prefer to attribute them to the Sheik himself).

His recent A&E biography was actually really fascinating.

Long live the Camel Clutch.
Just referring to Cal currently. He is really scrambling because all these players are being given $ to show up at most schools.

Cal wants a player to earn their NIL. The way it should be. Unfortunately, 9/10 schools are paying for play. Anybody you know prefer work for $ instead of free $?
Cal, placing an emphasis on earning what you're being paid is monumentally hilarious.
- Just got back from several days in Venice and Barcelona sandwiched around a Mediterranean/Adriatic cruise. Never thought I'd have a reason to go to Slovenia but it was kinda awesome.

- Once found out about a potential pregnancy scare by text while in a work meeting. I didn't have the most professional of reactions.
Eat shit, Saudis.

F'ing awesome and though he won't - I hope he does something like this.

Just referring to Cal currently. He is really scrambling because all these players are being given $ to show up at most schools.

Cal wants a player to earn their NIL. The way it should be. Unfortunately, 9/10 schools are paying for play. Anybody you know prefer work for $ instead of free $?
Yeah, I was in a room listening to him talk about this and how we'll never use collectives.
Canadian forest fire smoke making NYC look like a terrible Fixx video from the late ‘80’s. It is supposedly a sunny day here today, but the smoke is thick and acrid. Unreal.

Tough to breathe.

At least we have baseball.
Speaking of 9/11, I saw a youtube short recently of Joe Rogan talking about how crazy it was that Gen. Wesley Clark basically admitted in broad daylight that our intentions weren't to stop at Iraq/Afghanistan but to push on to Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Sudan and Iran.

Couple that with the recent whistleblower who says we have intact non-human space crafts and it's been a heavy gummy week in this household.
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The 7th tower and the part of the pentagon that was struck was the budgeting office of the pentagon.

Add into the fact that an audit was scheduled that morning by congress. Not to mention no cameras working at the pentagon when the plane struck. How often do cameras just not work there?

Not saying it was a conspiracy, but it has to make you hmm.
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