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Now that our daughter is 4, we decided to rescue a 3 year old pup since my our last animal passed before she was born. He's only been here an hour and is the perfect pup. Playing with the kids, eating snacks and following mom everywhere around the house. Family dynamic already feels completely different.

Dogs are incredible animals.
My 13-year old diabetic, blind poodle is now 80 percent deaf. Fella still does his puppy dance stuff at times throughout the day when he gets excited and walks a couple miles a day. I think he might have an extra 2 years left in him. Or in diabetic medicine cost terms = ~$5K. Dogs are incredibly expensive animals.
Granted I tried to avoid Red Mile, Virginia, Broadway area, UK campus near Kroger Field was not bad at all.
For anyone who follows the bat cats, is Zach Lee consistently this good? Seems like he could be a solid baseball prospect.
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- I just had a conversation with a lightning bug in the woods for maybe going on twenty minutes. Incredible creatures. Summer is here.

- oldest is a really good catcher, but I don’t think he can hit the breaking/off-speed stuff, which the good pitchers his age are now able to throw somewhat decently. It’s going to be a shame and awfully hard to have that conversation with him, whenever it’s over. I’m hoping we can get at least another year with a good team. Hitting a baseball is hard. In any event, going to get some private hitting lessons before fall ball starts. Going to throw everything we have at it before anyone thinks about throwing in the towel.

- Hitting people is easier. He is a vicious linebacker, shows no mercy. Fall camp can’t get here soon enough. Thirteen solo tackles and three sacks his last time out in November. Tough 20-16 playoff loss to the eventual champions.

- Sturgill’s Sound and Fury has always been a favorite of mine. Such raw and visceral music. Often captures how I feel, I suppose unfortunately.

- That old hound dog my wife and boys rescued a while back has turned out to be a ridiculously cool dog. He’s mostly plott hound. Southern Appalachian bear dog. He gets his kicks from hunting and fighting bears to the death. Either the bear or him, whichever comes first. Don’t ever again need to worry about some crankhead breaking into my abode at night.

- which leads me to a good old fashioned paddock question - what is your go-to home defense weapon? I.e, what are you going to reach for if you wake up in the middle of the night and the shit is hitting the fan? You all will laugh, but mine is my 20 gauge Remington 870 that I’ve had now for 30 years. Sure there’s a million better options, but there’s something to be said for an old friend who’s been through thick and thin with you and who you know like the back of your hand. That’s always what I want to know I have in my hands when the cards are on the table.

- there is a parish festival happening two doors down. I wandered around and tooted my pen and drank some beers and saw some old friends/cousins. Got a few moms high with said pen behind the gym. Summer is good.

This is proving my long held belief that people are irretrievably stupid.
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Exactly. I think. That’s some deep shit, man.

Going to let this one go - my wife has on the Jim Bob Duggar show. These people were some sick f**ks. Makes you think that organized religion might just be the greatest human con in all history?

Which is why just eating some fried fish, participating in some casual gambol, etc, is the way to go. And putting a cool private school decal on the back of your suv.
This is some wild shit. I never watch tv, this is probably the first show I’ve watched in over a year. Duggars. Creepy folks.

Individuals who identify with a particular religion has dropped, statistically, ridiculously in this country over the past three decades. In Western Europe it’s way beyond - they are basically a secular society at this point. Census details I find interesting.

Religion has shown us that since the get go, humans crave groups to belong to, identities to craft themselves around. I wonder if in the internet age, to satisfy this innate need for tribalism, people have migrated from organized religion, to whatever squawk box they listen to online, tv, am radio, etc. In other words, the dude who two generations ago was a hard core fire and brimstone baptist, is now just right wing asshole on social media. And doesn’t actually go to church.

I will go to church at maybe a 50% weekly rate - and mainly when I do go, it is for the bloody Mary’s at brunch afterwards. o_O
- which leads me to a good old fashioned paddock question - what is your go-to home defense weapon? I.e, what are you going to reach for if you wake up in the middle of the night and the shit is hitting the fan? You all will laugh, but mine is my 20 gauge Remington 870 that I’ve had now for 30 years. Sure there’s a million better options, but there’s something to be said for an old friend who’s been through thick and thin with you and who you know like the back of your hand. That’s always what I want to know I have in my hands when the cards are on the tatable.
Beretta .40
quick and nimble

Also have a Remington 870 (mine is a 12 guage) that is high on the list for personal defense.
At the Bats game, but didn’t get there until the top of the third. First action I see is a ground ball to first which Votto fields cleanly and flips to the pitcher for the out. The pitcher then starts the process of throwing it around the horn, but instead of throwing it to the second baseman like everyone expects, he fires it to PTI’s boy and future HoFer Elly De La Cruz who isn’t even looking. The ball thankfully misses his face by mere inches, thus saving his teeth/nose/eyes/year, but preventing this message board from having one of its more rousing and entertaining conversations regarding PTI and the curse on his Reds.
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Remington model 11, 12 gauge with 00 buckshot will definitely change the situation. If I see them in the yard the British .303 warning shot concussion gets their attention with a quickness. Have many other options but haven’t gotten the opportunity to utilize them yet.
They’re running out of room for all these guys. India (2b) is having a great season, McClain (SS) just got called up and is taking, and Steer (3b) is in the running for NL ROY.

Elly is a SS, too. And Noelvi Marte is mashing at SS/3d.

So you’ve got to put these guys at 1B, outfield, or DH if you want them in the lineup.

CES just destroys the ball. He may hit 50 hole runs next year and strikeout 250 times. I’m totally cool with it.
Once you evaluate the parentheses, it becomes a left to right solve.

6/2 * 3

3 * 3 = 9

Most of facebook will argue until they're blue in the face that it's 1 (which it's not)

They continually insist that 2*3 is the denominator, which ignores, you know, MATH.
I feel like both answers could be correct, but you’d have to have a narrative (word problem) describing the situation.
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I feel like both answers could be correct, but you’d have to have a narrative (word problem) describing the situation.
No they can’t. It’s simple math. If we can’t do that basic problem, public schools have failed us. Multiplication and Division (from left to right), Addition and Subtraction (from left to right).
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They’re running out of room for all these guys. India (2b) is having a great season, McClain (SS) just got called up and is taking, and Steer (3b) is in the running for NL ROY.

Elly is a SS, too. And Noelvi Marte is mashing at SS/3d.

So you’ve got to put these guys at 1B, outfield, or DH if you want them in the lineup.

CES just destroys the ball. He may hit 50 hole runs next year and strikeout 250 times. I’m totally cool with it.
The Reds are just too effing good. No room for those guys.

Also my kid just won the Kentucky State (soccer) Cup after back-to-back days of both games going to penalty shootouts. I’m exhausted and I did literally nothing.
I feel like both answers could be correct, but you’d have to have a narrative (word problem) describing the situation.

It’s a dumb question. It could be a 1 because there is not an easy way to type a fraction on a keyboard. So honestly, the answer using strict PEMDAS is the right answer but the other answer shows who are the deep thinkers.
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No they can’t. It’s simple math. If we can’t do that basic problem, public schools have failed us. Multiplication and Division (from left to right), Addition and Subtraction (from left to right).
This article explains the problem with this kind of question. Math isn’t necessarily subjective (the application of it can be) but things change over the years. I guarantee my 7th grade math teacher would have answered “1” and my current math teacher friends would say “9”. And from what I can surmise, my Facebook friends would say something completely incorrect somehow.
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