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You know who REALLY liked hippos?

Pablo f***ing Escobar, that's who.

A BEAR on yayo has got nothing on an overamped hippo on Day 3 of a bender.
Even worse than the mortal danger they present, is the fact that they absolutely will NOT STFU...
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Threw out my back this morning when I yawned while stretching. Getting old sucks

-had just made the comment to Mrs Rudd that my back was feeling great this AM while walking through the kitchen...when I noticed a chair had been pulled out from the table: nice side step/textbook old defensive back hip swivel...and there it is again.

^nothing serious at all, just a subtle reminder that I can't have anything nice.
My daughter has convinced me both the word and the body part “belly button” is the funniest ever.

I trust you are on board with this? If not, procure it. Belly button will henceforth be known only as the “bee bo.” And I promise that these hippos are not on drugs, as some other posters would have you believe. Drugs are bad; don’t do them, kids. Books are good.

- BBdK is seeing Tracy Lawrence tonight so we were texting about our Top 5. It’s a tough cut. Mine:

1. I See It Now
2. Alibis
3. Is That a Tear
4. Paint Me a Birmingham
5. As Any Fool Could See

- RE: Teen Eaten by Shark- I mean of course it was F’ing stupid, you self-righteous dbags, but don’t you remember all the dumb shit you did at 17-21 with your buddies? His poor parents.

- Means a lot to me when relatives in film have a passing resemblance. Feel like the director is showing me the smallest amount of respect.

- Among a lot of issues in sports movies/shows is the inability to accurately portray the euphoria of a big victory. I mean compare Ted Lasso and 80 Proof’s house right after we beat Louisville in the 2012 F4.

- IF this Kentucky basketball team is to be really good, our only hope is that one or more of these guys are superstars - Wagner, Edwards, Bradshaw or Dillingham. Thus, it is imperative to clear the lanes as much as possible. Finish your desperate roster with that in mind.

- I’d watch an 8-part reality series on the Clown being a school bus driver.
There is no answer for Jokic. It’s a joy to watch him work, he’s ridiculous. This one is over in five. Heat will get a dub at home, hell of a run they went on though.

- Noticed the baseball game is a 12 today. Would have thought the host team plays the evening game makes more sense. 🤷‍♂️

- Seems like I hear about gator attacks on the news down here just as much as shark encounters. Wild place, man.

Poncho and Lefty- Willie/Merle
Honky Tonk Flame- Tyler Childers
Just got Paid- ZZ Top
Ruby Soho- Rancid
She’s Crafty- Beastie Boys
- MVP of these Finals so far...the 8:35 p.m. start time. Great move by the NBA.

- Didn't realize how aggressive professional speakers are when you simply ask them for more info. All I did was ask for your fees and your availability, man. I don't need to set up a call, I don't need you to pencil in our dates, and I don't need to go ahead and get a contract worked up. I haven't even INVITED you yet.

- Slasher films, shark movies, whatever...NOTHING scared young KL as much as stories about missing/abducted kids. The coverage of that girl that went missing from the mall in Louisville in the summer of '83 literally kept me up at night. Think that whole era caused my generation to be way more cautious as parents.

- My mom was a teacher. So the first week of Summer Break basically just consisted of my brother and I leaving her alone to watch "Perry Mason" and not interact with any children at all.

- Did anyone else's Little League coach forbid swimming on game days? Or was that just mine?
- MVP of these Finals so far...the 8:35 p.m. start time. Great move by the NBA.

- Didn't realize how aggressive professional speakers are when you simply ask them for more info. All I did was ask for your fees and your availability, man. I don't need to set up a call, I don't need you to pencil in our dates, and I don't need to go ahead and get a contract worked up. I haven't even INVITED you yet.

- Slasher films, shark movies, whatever...NOTHING scared young KL as much as stories about missing/abducted kids. The coverage of that girl that went missing from the mall in Louisville in the summer of '83 literally kept me up at night. Think that whole era caused my generation to be way more cautious as parents.

- My mom was a teacher. So the first week of Summer Break basically just consisted of my brother and I leaving her alone to watch "Perry Mason" and not interact with any children at all.

- Did anyone else's Little League coach forbid swimming on game days? Or was that just mine?

Of course swimming is forbidden on game days. We’ve covered this at least 5x through the years. Frankly, you’re a piece of shit who doesn’t give a damn about your team if you swim on a game day.

And not only can I tell your sorryass was swimming all day by your red face and bloodshot eyes, but also because you haven’t been worth a shit today, Ben.
My wife had GIRLS NIGHT OUT!!! last night, and she was very excited as it was at one of the trendy rooftop restaurants that are usually pretty booked out, not to mention the weather was perfect for it, a rarity up here. Well she gets there and the whole outside part (like 70% of the restaurant) is walled off for just one “VIP table”. She texting me very angry about this group of “douchey looking guys - probably golfers in town for the memorial”. Anyway they left about 8 PM and then they opened the outside up and I told her to take a picture of the VIP so I can see who it was. Yup, you guessed it, it was Joe Burrow. I’m ashamed to say my first thought was “man max power would be really pumped”.

Speaking of the Memorial: about to drop off my kiddos at my parents in 30 mins and then Uber to the VIP high rollers house on the 18th hole to party all day. I’m very excited to see any and all the golfers and root for everyone to win equally.
~The portal, combines, etc...holding teams hostage for way too long. something needs to change and get the ball back in the coaches court. These kids have way too much power in the current system.

~If anyone is ever up for a poker game, then let's do it.

~Vegetable lasagna falling "again"...sad that his wife and handlers allow this to continually happen.

~Holy Land trip thru our church on tap for next year. Nervous already.

~The magic 90 degrees hitting this weekend...glorious.

Best summer beers...
Lagunitas Daytime
Corona Light
Bell's Light Hearted
Coors Light if slumming
Of course swimming is forbidden on game days. We’ve covered this at least 5x through the years. Frankly, you’re a piece of shit who doesn’t give a damn about your team if you swim on a game day.

And not only can I tell your sorryass was swimming all day by your red face and bloodshot eyes, but also because you haven’t been worth a shit today, Ben.
Texted my team parents 5+ times this week about no swimming. This is one of the original unwritten baseball rules.
Well we were the only team, to my knowledge, in my Little League that had that rule. Maybe that's why we were a dynasty.
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- Slasher films, shark movies, whatever...NOTHING scared young KL as much as stories about missing/abducted kids. The coverage of that girl that went missing from the mall in Louisville in the summer of '83 literally kept me up at night. Think that whole era caused my generation to be way more cautious as parents.
Ann Gottlib abducted from the Bashford Manor Mall. I was the same age as her and it scared the living shit out of me.

I still think about it when my sons wander off to a nearby park without us.
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I was too young to know what was going on in real time but I recall people talking about that Gottlib case years after. I think anytime we went to that Bacon's my mother told me to stay close...

Case is still unsolved i guess but I heard everything from eastern european taking her back to her home country to a perv doctor that abducted her.

The Unsolved Mysteries storylines are the worst for Ribsandwhitebread
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The one I remember vividly as a kid was the disappearance of Kathy Kohm in Santa Clause, IN in 1981. It was a huge national story at the time. They found her remains 2 months later. The main suspect was an Evansville firefighter, but they only had circumstantial evidence to link him to the crime. He moved away, and then he killed himself years later when investigators came to collect DNA samples and test them. So I guess he did it all along.
- No love for Sticks and Stones, wcc? Surely it was a late cut at worst.

- Llama's reminder about every child getting abducted in the 80's brought back some memories... and is probably today why I still regularly tell my aging parents when I arrive or return from an out of town trip. "REVERSE DIRECTION AND RUN!" was the mantra as I recall on some of those damn PSAs that would air when the creepy vehicle pulled up behind the child walking down the sidewalk.

- Swimming on game day? Might as well chalk up the L before hitting the field.

- Appreciate the regular banter over the years from many of you. Fun and needed distraction when life hits you with something.
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