
Usually these things end up in suicide or suicide by cop so it wouldn't surprise me if they find his body in the next few days. I wouldn't bet on that being his only firearm, that's for sure.

I feel for his family (they're victims of his crimes too), but I hope that he's already offed himself, and if he hasn't, then I hope that his miserable existence ends via a suicide by cop, and that it's as painful as possible (and that nobody else gets hurts in the process). And the officer who gets the honor should be given a medal.

I'm so, so sick of this crap. My thoughts are with the people he's hurt, and in lieu of prayers, I'll be making a monetary donation (after I do some research on which organization's the best to donate to -- I'm open to suggestions).
I wasn't blaming Mexicans. I was blaming the Biden-Harris administration who turned a blind eye as Venezuela, Columbia, El Salvador and Guatemala sent their actual criminals up here. There is no F'ING way I'm giving up my "assault rifles" when that went down. And my point was, yeah, we're going to have the occasional mass shooter (who in this case was white), but I'd rather have the insurance policy of armed Americans agains the larger problem which is a completely porous border.
You're trying to take focus off this guy, who happens to be a young Kentuckian and a legal citizen, and put it on "the others." It's a tired play but one you think works. None of what you posted has anything to do with what happened yesterday but you got likes from the usuals who want us to complain about brown people instead of talking about this dipshit currently on the run.

Also, your guns weren't taken away when another young and legal dipshit went into an elementary school and slaughtered little kids several years back. He was another angry white guy and if I remember correctly, people on the scene talked afterward about little bodies literally ripped apart in classrooms by his gunfire but how 'bout those evil brown people in South America? Right?

Ya can't put everything on the countries underneath us and pretend it's always them when our citizens are doing much more damage to this country. That's your lesson for the evening. Hope they catch this guy soon.
You're trying to take focus off this guy, who happens to be a young Kentuckian and a legal citizen, and put it on "the others." It's a tired play but one you think works. None of what you posted has anything to do with what happened yesterday but you got likes from the usuals who want us to complain about brown people instead of talking about this dipshit currently on the run.

Also, your guns weren't taken away when another young and legal dipshit went into an elementary school and slaughtered little kids several years back. He was another angry white guy and if I remember correctly, people on the scene talked afterward about little bodies literally ripped apart in classrooms by his gunfire but how 'bout those evil brown people in South America? Right?

Ya can't put everything on the countries underneath us and pretend it's always them when our citizens are doing much more damage to this country. That's your lesson for the evening. Hope they catch this guy soon.
Of course he's trying to take the focus off the guy who did it. It's statistically proven that white men are the biggest perpetrators of domestic terrorism in the US. To change that would probably take people on this forum looking in the mirror and they don't want to do that. It's easier to just blame the brown people.

The fact is right now there are multiple school districts closed for tomorrow because there's a white mass shooter on the loose. It's absolutely embarrassing for that to take place in a developed country like this. They can frame it however they want, but until illegal immigrants start shutting down schools and mass murdering children on a regular basis, blaming them or the current administration for any of this is factually inaccurate.
Of course he's trying to take the focus off the guy who did it. It's statistically proven that white men are the biggest perpetrators of domestic terrorism in the US. To change that would probably take people on this forum looking in the mirror and they don't want to do that. It's easier to just blame the brown people.

The fact is right now there are multiple school districts closed for tomorrow because there's a white mass shooter on the loose. It's absolutely embarrassing for that to take place in a developed country like this. They can frame it however they want, but until illegal immigrants start shutting down schools and mass murdering children on a regular basis, blaming them or the current administration for any of this is factually inaccurate.
We'd be glad for your traitorous ass to move to Haiti too.
Of course he's trying to take the focus off the guy who did it. It's statistically proven that white men are the biggest perpetrators of domestic terrorism in the US. To change that would probably take people on this forum looking in the mirror and they don't want to do that. It's easier to just blame the brown people.

The fact is right now there are multiple school districts closed for tomorrow because there's a white mass shooter on the loose. It's absolutely embarrassing for that to take place in a developed country like this. They can frame it however they want, but until illegal immigrants start shutting down schools and mass murdering children on a regular basis, blaming them or the current administration for any of this is factually inaccurate.
I don't even like looking at it from a "it's the white guy!" pov. There's terrible people of all races and creeds who do terrible things daily but again, I know the play and it's tiresome. There's a meme that some often use which is a collage of *only* black faces. It's criminals involved in gun violence and the meme was created to show that it's a black problem and nothing more. Because of the ongoing issues at the border (which existed in previous administrations as well) some see whatever issues this country goes through as a black and brown problem. This is a legal citizen who turned a region of KY upside down for some reason. And there are countless other legal citizens who do similar daily. The play has always been to blame "outsiders" as "invaders" to shift most, if not all, blame away from legal citizens who do most of the damage.
They found his cellphone abandoned with the battery pulled out so it can't be pinged. My wife is from the area. We Google mapped the exit. They have atv trails coming off the hill next to the gas station that may have been left without care the last few years.

In Daniel Boone Forest, I think, or near.

If he wanted to try to lead the authorities on a manhunt, he picked a helluva manner to do it.
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They found his cellphone abandoned with the battery pulled out so it can't be pinged. My wife is from the area. We Google mapped the exit. They have atv trails coming off the hill next to the gas station that may have been left without care the last few years.

In Daniel Boone Forest, I think or near.

If he wanted to try to lead the authorities on a manhunt, he picked a helluva manner to do it.

Dude is toast... those boys in law enforcement over there live for this sort of thing,
If you're a dog handler, this must be your Super Bowl.
I worked with and around dog handlers in the military. One night one of them thought it would be cute to try and scare me with his dog. It was on leash, but he had it only a couple of feet from me, lunging and trying to attack. I pulled my weapon and said, "I will kill your dog if you don't stop." He called the dog off.
I'll make a deal with you. Once the illegal immigrants start shooting up schools like American citizens do I'll move to South America.
Illegals are murdering people with a steady consistency here in the states - you live under a rock ? Or maybe a media spell ? Might not be a school shooting but dead people are dead people - school or not
Illegals are murdering people with a steady consistency here in the states - you live under a rock ? Or maybe a media spell ? Might not be a school shooting but dead people are dead people - school or not
Everyone is murdering everyone in this country with a steady consistency. The fact is illegal immigrants commit less crime, including violent crime, per capita than American citizens do. American born American citizens are the most dangerous group of people in this country. Immigrants, legal and illegal, commit crime at lesser rates. This isn't an opinion. Well researched statistics prove this.

The Cato Institute, which is funded by the Koch Brothers, showed that illegal immigrants commit crime at lesser rates [1].

Another study showed that illegal immigration does not increase violent crime rates [2].

Another showed that illegal immigration actually DECREASES drug arrests, DUI arrests, drug overdose deaths [3].

Another study showed that giving drivers licenses to illegal immigrants in California had no affect on the rates of car accidents, but DECREASED the rate of hit and run accidents and actually led to a net gain on traffic safety [4]

An analysis of the 2010 census showed that illegal immigrants were over half as likely to be incarcerated as native born Americans. In fact, illegal immigrants from Guatemala and El Salvador (two of the countries y'all love to fear monger over right now) who were male and uneducated were over five times LESS LIKELY to be incarcerated compared to non-high school educated native born American men [5]

And because I'm getting tired of linking sources that you'll just dismiss as leftist propaganda anyway, I won't source these but studies have also found increased deportation of illegal immigrants has ZERO impact on crime rates, increased apprehensions of illegal immigrants has ZERO impact on crime rates, and murder rate convictions in Texas for illegal immigrants was 1.8 per 100,000 while for native born Texans it's 3.2.

There is zero data that shows illegal immigrants commit violent crime at higher rates than native born Americans and a mountain of data showing the exact opposite.





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Dude is toast... those boys in law enforcement over there live for this sort of thing,
Don’t be so sure. This guy made the Hope, Washington PD look like a bunch of Barney Fife's.
And stats show mark stoops is the all time greatest SEC coach since nick saban ( hyperbole but stats don’t always tell the whole story )
Wtf was the mayor thinking if he didn’t know that? Really dumb thing to say if not true.

This whole story is getting weird. Feds need to take it over if they haven’t yet. Couldn’t imagine this lack of details if it occurred in a metro area.
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Don’t be so sure. This guy made the Hope, Washington PD look like a bunch of Barney Fife's.

Well the film First Blood is based off of David Morrell's 1972's book First Blood -- which is set in Madison County, Kentucky, directly north of Laurel County. So maybe the police should start looking for Couch at the Pinnacles, which are just around fifteen miles north of where the shootings occurred. ;)
Also, I’d call out how people inject their own agenda into every mass shooting, but it’s a great American tradition on the internet time tested by hundreds of events. For this reason, I believe mass shootings will decrease if our state finally gets a pro team.
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Also, I’d call out how people inject their own agenda into every mass shooting, but it’s a great American tradition on the internet time tested by hundreds of events. For this reason, I believe mass shootings will decrease if our state finally gets a pro team.
UK players are pros now. They literally get paid.
Well the film First Blood is based off of David Morrell's 1972's book First Blood -- which is set in Madison County, Kentucky, directly north of Laurel County. So maybe the police should start looking for Couch at the Pinnacles, which are just around fifteen miles north of where the shootings occurred. ;)

You shittin me? Madison Co has Bucee’s and First Blood? That bumps an already great county up a few notches.

I’d like to see a power ranking of top KY counties. Someone should do that, so I can tell them they’re dead wrong for not having Madison top 5.
Everyone is murdering everyone in this country with a steady consistency. The fact is illegal immigrants commit less crime, including violent crime, per capita than American citizens do. American born American citizens are the most dangerous group of people in this country. Immigrants, legal and illegal, commit crime at lesser rates. This isn't an opinion. Well researched statistics prove this.

The Cato Institute, which is funded by the Koch Brothers, showed that illegal immigrants commit crime at lesser rates [1].

Another study showed that illegal immigration does not increase violent crime rates [2].

Another showed that illegal immigration actually DECREASES drug arrests, DUI arrests, drug overdose deaths [3].

Another study showed that giving drivers licenses to illegal immigrants in California had no affect on the rates of car accidents, but DECREASED the rate of hit and run accidents and actually led to a net gain on traffic safety [4]

An analysis of the 2010 census showed that illegal immigrants were over half as likely to be incarcerated as native born Americans. In fact, illegal immigrants from Guatemala and El Salvador (two of the countries y'all love to fear monger over right now) who were male and uneducated were over five times LESS LIKELY to be incarcerated compared to non-high school educated native born American men [5]

And because I'm getting tired of linking sources that you'll just dismiss as leftist propaganda anyway, I won't source these but studies have also found increased deportation of illegal immigrants has ZERO impact on crime rates, increased apprehensions of illegal immigrants has ZERO impact on crime rates, and murder rate convictions in Texas for illegal immigrants was 1.8 per 100,000 while for native born Texans it's 3.2.

There is zero data that shows illegal immigrants commit violent crime at higher rates than native born Americans and a mountain of data showing the exact opposite.





A few flaws that should be noted:

All of your links use old or otherwise limited data. None of it was gathered since 2018 (for some of the Texas data) and even older than that for some of the other articles. Millions of people have come into the country since then, so it needs to be re-examined to see if any changes have occurred. Texas is the only state gathering the data regarding the immigration status, and Texas has a reputation of being tougher on crime. If someone is coming to the United States with the intention to commit violent crime, then are they more likely to settle in a locale that has a perception of being "soft on crime" (California, Chicago, New York City, etc.)?

Not all crime is caught, and we need to know what percentage of known crime goes unsolved. Is there any demographic information regarding areas where most crime goes unsolved? Is it possible that crime committed in high immigrant areas are more likely to go unsolved because peaceful immigrants are unwilling to cooperate with police investigations due to fear of retaliation from criminal immigrants? Snitching is not encouraged in a lot of communities with high crime rates.

When you discuss El Salvador, you are still using old data. The 2010 census isn't going to be helpful considering that the country has had a significant political change since that data was collected.
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A few flaws that should be noted:

All of your links use old or otherwise limited data. None of it was gathered since 2018 (for some of the Texas data) and even older than that for some of the other articles. Millions of people have come into the country since then, so it needs to be re-examined to see if any changes have occurred. Texas is the only state gathering the data regarding the immigration status, and Texas has a reputation of being tougher on crime. If someone is coming to the United States with the intention to commit violent crime, then are they more likely to settle in a locale that has a perception of being "soft on crime" (California, Chicago, New York City, etc.)?

Not all crime is caught, and we need to know what percentage of known crime goes unsolved. Is there any demographic information regarding areas where most crime goes unsolved? Is it possible that crime committed in high immigrant areas are more likely to go unsolved because peaceful immigrants are unwilling to cooperate with police investigations due to fear of retaliation from criminal immigrants? Snitching is not encouraged in a lot of communities with high crime rates.

When you discuss El Salvador, you are still using old data. The 2010 census isn't going to be helpful considering that the country has had a significant political change since that data was collected.
That is some of the most recent data available. If someone has something more current I'd love to see it.

No data is perfect, but this data isn't showing a tiny difference. There's a huge difference in the crime rates between illegal immigrants and native born Americans. And this isn't something that was observed for a short period and then went away. It's been like this for a long long time. And a lot of these peer reviewed studies which stood up to scrutiny that would have brought up similar questions that you did.

If violent crime by illegal immigrants is such a gigantic problem surely someone would have data to prove it. We rely on the data we have until there's new data to replace it or show things have changed. At the moment that new data is absent. So if someone is making a claim that the recent influx in illegal immigrants has increased violent crime they have the onus to prove it.

The "illegal immigrants are dangerous" drum has been beaten before, none of this is new. And it's never actually been born out in the data. Until it's proven, there's little reason to think this time is any different.
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A few flaws that should be noted:

All of your links use old or otherwise limited data. None of it was gathered since 2018 (for some of the Texas data) and even older than that for some of the other articles. Millions of people have come into the country since then, so it needs to be re-examined to see if any changes have occurred. Texas is the only state gathering the data regarding the immigration status, and Texas has a reputation of being tougher on crime. If someone is coming to the United States with the intention to commit violent crime, then are they more likely to settle in a locale that has a perception of being "soft on crime" (California, Chicago, New York City, etc.)?

Not all crime is caught, and we need to know what percentage of known crime goes unsolved. Is there any demographic information regarding areas where most crime goes unsolved? Is it possible that crime committed in high immigrant areas are more likely to go unsolved because peaceful immigrants are unwilling to cooperate with police investigations due to fear of retaliation from criminal immigrants? Snitching is not encouraged in a lot of communities with high crime rates.

When you discuss El Salvador, you are still using old data. The 2010 census isn't going to be helpful considering that the country has had a significant political change since that data was collected.

It’s such a stupid argument. Even if the statistics hold true after the Harris border policy, and even if those statistics were accurate at the time, the acceptable level of violent crime per capita for immigrants is 0%, and for illegal aliens is a number that can’t be computed because the denominator is zero.

No doubt the illegal alien violent crime rate per capita may be low since they’ve flooded the country with tens of millions of illegal aliens to inflate the denominator.

No need to voluntarily let anyone in this country who is going to commit violent crime. Obviously the laws are different for native born Americans in America. Plenty of issues we need to solve without the added burden of importing criminals from across the globe.
Im not blaming illegals or whites im just not giving up a single gun or projectile.

we shot over 1000 rounds this weekend in the woods in Cumberland County

Have also ordered ammo by the pallet. Split it with several people and it came in my name. It was a few years ago but im pretty sure we split around 10k rounds for around .25 per
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Im not blaming illegals or whites im just not giving up a single gun or projectile.

we shot over 1000 rounds this weekend in the woods in Cumberland County

Have also ordered ammo by the pallet. Split it with several people but it came in my name. It was a few years ago but im pretty sure we split around 10k rounds for around .25 per
What a waste of money. You should give up your guns because the 10M illegals are making our country safer. Especially the ones from Haiti.
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The "illegal immigrants are dangerous" drum has been beaten before, none of this is new. And it's never actually been born out in the data.

What do you mean exactly? You don’t need data to know the reality of what’s happening. People are dangerous in general. Some countries are more dangerous than the US.

Ask the people from Colombia how gun control works. :rolleyes:
That is some of the most recent data available. If someone has something more current I'd love to see it.

No data is perfect, but this data isn't showing a tiny difference. There's a huge difference in the crime rates between illegal immigrants and native born Americans. And this isn't something that was observed for a short period and then went away. It's been like this for a long long time. And a lot of these peer reviewed studies which stood up to scrutiny that would have brought up similar questions that you did.

If violent crime by illegal immigrants is such a gigantic problem surely someone would have data to prove it. We rely on the data we have until there's new data to replace it or show things have changed. At the moment that new data is absent. So if someone is making a claim that the recent influx in illegal immigrants has increased violent crime they have the onus to prove it.

The "illegal immigrants are dangerous" drum has been beaten before, none of this is new. And it's never actually been born out in the data. Until it's proven, there's little reason to think this time is any different.
Data can be very useful when it is complete and used properly. But data on violent crime in America is incomplete because of the reality that so much violent crime goes unsolved. That means that the data is unreliable and relies heavily on conviction rates, an even smaller piece of the pie. Unsolved killings are at a record high according to NPR. Who is committing these murders and why is it so difficult to solve them?

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KSP is now in charge of the search. Maybe that will open up more resources.
Wouldn't shock me if the pause and cordon last night was to bring in Bortac/Marshall tactical teams and other federal assets such as high tech drones and other resources even KSP doesn't have.
The running joke locally, per my wife's Hengroup text thread, is that he's located in a holler full of bootleggers who are just waiting for the reward money to increase before they shoot him and call the cops to get the body.

Here's what appears to be a much better account of what happened. What the hell was up with the mayor on KSR?

Looking more like he might be dead?

It goes on to state that the individual provided text messages from Couch, who claimed he was "going to kill a lot of people, along with himself," and was determined by officials that the text was sent on Saturday at 5:03 p.m.

Shooting started around 5:30 pm. They had pinged his cellphone to that exit by 6:53 and located his car (presumably with the cellphone in it) by 7:55 pm.

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