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Last I checked, Big Pharma and the doctors are not out there prescribing Fentanyl with Tranq sidecars to patients. Shit is rolling in illegally from China through our southern border.

This is the overdose epidemic. It needs to be stopped. Philly is zombie land at the moment. Even if it’s a losing battle… battle it. Better than Billions to Ukraine.
Remember how a perfectly safe lab in China was totally safely creating brand new strains of virus in a safe, sterile manner and then leaked it out to the world to kill millions of people, engaging in a corrupt cover-up and lying about the entire process from start to finish?

That's kinda like Big Pharma getting filthy rich off totally legal fentanyl and then claiming the OD deaths are caused by Mexicans.
Last I checked, Big Pharma and the doctors are not out there prescribing Fentanyl with Tranq sidecars to patients. Shit is rolling in illegally from China through our southern border.

This is the overdose epidemic. It needs to be stopped. Philly is zombie land at the moment. Even if it’s a losing battle… battle it. Better than Billions to Ukraine.
Lol. Need to clarify they're still not out there pushing doctors to over-prescribe opioids and pill mills are mostly gone. So, don't get twisted because this mess started with them.
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Doctors were prescribing fentanyl LOLLIPOPS, for god's sake. 50x stronger than heroin.

All good, though. FDA approved, so it's safe.
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The best thing about the whole opioid epidemic was that it’s been found, studied, and verified hundreds of times in the last five years that taking 600 mg of ibuprofen (3 Advils) plus 500 mg of acetaminophen (2 Tylenols) together is SIGNIFICANTLY AND BY MULTIPLES a better pain killer and more effective at reducing pain than opioids. Like 5 times stronger at pain relief than an oxy. So not only was this massive epidemic started by these pharma companies, the whole point (pain relief) wasn’t even true! The whole thing was just completely f*cking made up. People could’ve just been taking advil and Tylenol and had better pain relief the whole time.
Take 2 Wynn gummie (Lumi version) and feel no pain. If you haven't tried his more recent rec, they're quite a bit stronger than the last ones.
-not mutually exclusive, ****wads.

^big pharma/fda*/docs are responsible for starting the epidemic *AND* China is sending metic shit tons of fentanyl through our porous southern border...which isn't being correctly policed** by those bureaucracies in charge*.

*when are y'all gonna learn the Govt is not looking out for you. A hint of blame being cast at your "side"/worldview and you go full retard. Stop it.

**I am pro immigrant. This ain't that.
I can’t wait to check the temperature of BBN and more specifically the BJW segment tonight after these decisions are made.

Considering we’re a patient, rationale bunch and we’ve enjoyed a high level of success the last few years it should be a real doozy.
Do NOT get excited if your favorite team plays well, you idiots.
Yeah, no kidding. My Cubbies just took two straight from the best team in baseball. Both of those were one run games, which we have been struggling mightily at winning. Maybe we're starting to turn a corner. I'm pumped!
The best thing about the whole opioid epidemic was that it’s been found, studied, and verified hundreds of times in the last five years that taking 600 mg of ibuprofen (3 Advils) plus 500 mg of acetaminophen (2 Tylenols) together is SIGNIFICANTLY AND BY MULTIPLES a better pain killer and more effective at reducing pain than opioids. Like 5 times stronger at pain relief than an oxy. So not only was this massive epidemic started by these pharma companies, the whole point (pain relief) wasn’t even true! The whole thing was just completely f*cking made up. People could’ve just been taking advil and Tylenol and had better pain relief the whole time.
I’m no medical professional but I can’t tell you how many times I’ve recommended this to people after the nurse in UK’s ER suggested it to Anth after he broke his collar bone.

I’ve used it for bad headaches many times and it works.
Literally every single player from last year's team except Adou Thiero has either left or has/will tried/try to leave and we haven't gotten close to a single transfer.

Maybe things will change in the next 24 hours but things with the basketball program are the lowest they've been in a looooong time. This years class is one we've been pointing to as a high point and Cal is still f***ing it up.
I can’t wait to check the temperature of BBN and more specifically the BJW segment tonight after these decisions are made.

Considering we’re a patient, rationale bunch and we’ve enjoyed a high level of success the last few years it should be a real doozy.
Here’s my temperature:

Get pumped. The lot of yous.
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I’m no medical professional but I can’t tell you how many times I’ve recommended this to people after the nurse in UK’s ER suggested it to Anth after he broke his collar bone.

I’ve used it for bad headaches many times and it works.

I guarantee you people read my post and went “what?”. Most people still have no idea. If you asked most people they would say “Ya that was horrible but you know there is still a great need for them for people with legit pain”. That’s how bad it is - most people don’t realize that opioids aren’t even that good at getting rid of pain - that’s the really sad part about it. I get in discussions with people about it all the time. Just look it up. 3 advil and 2 Tylenol taken together is FIVE TO TEN TIMES STRONGER THAN TAKING TWO OXYCONTIN. Just read that. It’s incredible.
Part of me wants the worst case scenario. Cal has been arrogantly proclaiming he has everything under control for too long when it's clear that the program is actually unstable. He won't be able to spin this no matter how hard he tries.
I get it.

I hate that I get it, but I get it.
Part of me wants the worst case scenario. Cal has been arrogantly proclaiming he has everything under control for too long when it's clear that the program is actually unstable. He won't be able to spin this no matter how hard he tries.
Anyone who continues to believe anything Cal says, that is on them. He has not shown anything in the last several years that says he has everything under control. The program is a direct reflection of its leader.
I'm befuddled the guy that openly promotes players first, lets any recruit make him a cuck bitch like Sharpe did, blames the fans for when things aren't going well, refuses to adapt his play style to compete with how the game is played today, that puts his favorites in over the next best available, forgets about players being on the bench, hasn't seen anyone since anything happened so have to go ask them is not getting it done today of all days.

No wait, I'm shocked.
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