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When you pay a coach 9 million per year for a job that could be done for $2 million you’re going to get weak/outdated facilities.

The guy who breathed life back into the program is taking it right back out with his old age, stubbornness and arrogance.

He and Mitch may dislike each other but that’s because they are more alike than most realize.
I wonder what $10,000,000 in Craft money would look like translated to new basketball facilities…
After working out in a rundown, undecorated, cinder block room with a concrete floor and yard sale equipment at the Seaton Center in college, I just can’t bring myself to utter any words involving teenage kids needing better exercise facilities.

GTFOtta here with that bull butter.
This is where Sadie and Oliva, the Tri-Delts from Sacred Heart, stay during their freshman year on campus:


This is where multiple NBA All-Stars stayed during their one year on campus:

When will a facility be enough? I mean the best UK team in my lifetime (96) that would beat any of these Cal teams practiced in an old Memorial Coliseum with ancient amenities compared to today and an old Wildcat Lodge and did not seem to have any issues with their performance. Yes, I get kids today are spoiled and are entitled to these ridiculously nice facilities but at what point is enough enough? Especially for basketball where all you need are some courts to practice on, weight room and nice lounge areas to hang out in. Nope, not good enough. Need a separate dorm room the size of a home, tv's and bling everywhere, LED signs, leather chairs that look like mini beds in the locker room, etc etc. Yep, that is going to make you play well. Off my old man rant now....
You say that our basketball team can't compete because our facilities are lacking, then show us 3 videos of FOOTBALL facilities. The notion that our BASKETBALL team is behind the times because our facilities don't stack up against other major programs is ridiculous.

As a reminder, the last 2 years we've lost to Kansas State and Saint Peter's.
Again, for someone who is so well read, your comprehension is awful.

-Have a friend that's a NBA scout, he has been telling me for a few years that UK is WAY behind in facilities. I doubt that's why we're losing 1st weekend games but it is ridiculous. Think Alabama or OSU are way behind in football facilities? Cal literally hasn't had an upgrade by the University since he arrived.

The point is, we're the preeminent basketball program in NCAA. We spend 10 million on a coach. We sell million dollar court side seats. We have athletes sponsored by Beats and Nocta. We should have the the best facilities as well. Instead we're a generation behind. I'm just passing along what the guy told me before Cal even started to mention it. Maybe it's never cost us a recruit but we shouldn't be getting passed in any aspect of the program. They're obviously important in football.
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He raised the money for both and both are really minor projects. Believe the locker rooms are now 10 years old. That's why I said University sponsored.
You did your best. I mean we suck and obviously don't need to spend any more money on basketball until they win a couple of more titles. Seems fair. We'll just spend all of the SEC money on all of our other teams that are killing it.
Cats just landed 3 of the top 6 HS players, facilities be damned. My guess is UK could throw some kettlebells around Douglas Park during recruiting trips and it would have the same affect as a multi-million dollar facility.
Again, for someone who is so well read, your comprehension is awful.

The point is, we're the preeminent basketball program in NCAA. We spend 10 million on a coach. We sell million dollar court side seats. We have athletes sponsored by Beats and Nocta. We should have the the best facilities as well. Instead we're a generation behind. I'm just passing along what the guy told me before Cal even started to mention it. Maybe it's never cost us a recruit but we shouldn't be getting passed in any aspect of the program. They're obviously important in football.

If you seek comprehension, well friend, this isn’t the internet thread for you.

It’s not that the inhabitants lack the ability to comprehend, they just don’t give a damn about doing so.

See to them, comprehension, as important as it may be, is secondary to annoying and embarrassing their friends.
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