Here's one from an actual American playing pro ball in Europe (from Quora)
"Overseas pros make a huge range of salaries:
The Top
In Euro league: the best 30 players make somewhere between 1 and 3 million USD per year
In the top national leagues such as the ACB, VTB, ESAKE, BSL etc. most players will make between 5–10k a month
On top of this: house, car, food, and sometimes even taxes is paid for the players
The Middle
As you move down the ranks, payment gets a lot muddier. You have players in lower leagues getting paid more than players in higher leagues because they are popular and can draw a crowd. Veterans command more money than rookies and bigs often command more than guards. Then you have to consider each players value if they are considered an import or a local.
It is all very confusing, but between 1k and 3k a month is pretty good in the mid level leagues, any more you are doing really well.
The Bottom
One of the very cool things about the European system is you have a huge range of players that are getting paid to do what they love.
At the lower levels the contracts get much more creative as well.
Often players that are just getting their start will take a contract from 0–300ish a month just to build their resume and hope they can move up. These contracts often include food, travel, and a place to live. Sometimes the teams will set the players up other jobs in order to make some extra money.
Even below that you have players getting paid by the game, or paid only with incentives to win. This multi tiered system is awesome because it allows for serious competition for a much larger group than in the US. The other really great thing is that even the small teams draw a committed and rowdy crowd."