Why does this thread tolerate so much blogposting? Perhaps 'everlovin random' is subjective, but there are too many regs that do nothing other than update their personal happenings. I recall a time when low value posters where chased out of here -- without prejudice. Rogue is obviously the most egregious, but there are too many others.
Uconn will have as many titles as IU if they keep rolling.
Per weather underground Lexington had *4* days above 70 for the entire month of March. Again with the wind today. I'd much rather have an awful Jan & Feb, followed by a sunny, warm, glorious March, but I guess the new normal is a mild winter with a cold, gloomy "spring".
Michael Cleveland, arguably the best fiddle player in bluegrass, dropped this album a few weeks ago.
Cast iron smash burgers, duck fat potatoes, and barrel proof pours deliver this time of year. At some point, in the not too distant future, we will have a coach that prioritizes winning games. We won't hear anything about 'players 1st'.