I find it harder to sleep in hotel rooms these days


Blue Chip Prospect
Jun 23, 2024
Just the insomnia acting up but maybe it’s because I’m getting older (50 last September) I find it harder to sleep in hotel rooms on business.

Use to be I could take a shower, pour a scotch and watch Sportscenter and conk out. Now I just scroll on my phone because I just get restless with my thoughts and can’t sleep well into the next day.

A lot of the times it’s because I miss my wife and kids. I already got one out of the house and graduated college. Two more now in high school and my oldest daughter will be off to college in five months to Michigan. I feel like I’m missing the last bits of fatherhood on these nights I guess.

I don’t know. Maybe I’m just crazy and turning into an old man with the world moving too fast. Probably should drink more Scotch.
Just the insomnia acting up but maybe it’s because I’m getting older (50 last September) I find it harder to sleep in hotel rooms on business.

Use to be I could take a shower, pour a scotch and watch Sportscenter and conk out. Now I just scroll on my phone because I just get restless with my thoughts and can’t sleep well into the next day.

A lot of the times it’s because I miss my wife and kids. I already got one out of the house and graduated college. Two more now in high school and my oldest daughter will be off to college in five months to Michigan. I feel like I’m missing the last bits of fatherhood on these nights I guess.

I don’t know. Maybe I’m just crazy and turning into an old man with the world moving too fast. Probably should drink more Scotch.
I suffer from poor to no sleep in hotels. One exception is if I can open a window and get fresh air. Fairfield Inn had windows that opened. There is something about a room with no fresh air in forever that I can't stand.
Business trips, same issues as the OP. Also, a reoccurring fear of someone trying to enter my room at night.

Vacations, whether it be at a beach house or the Wynn in LV, I sleep like Rip Van Winkle.
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I think it's just natural when we get older to have those feelings. I think when folks hit their 50's they start to realize that a lot of the sacrifices from earlier years don't mean as much as they used to. I think we feel the clock ticking in some ways and it becomes somewhat of a race to reconnect with much simpler times. I'm at that place right now. I'll be 54 in a few days and, at least on my end, I'm trying to keep it as young inside as I can. I try to not get caught up in the rat race of life. And that race has gotten much faster. I feel like a relic stuck in simpler times and a slower pace but it's getting harder by the year to live like that. Just gotta keep moving on my way as best I can and try to keep the way the world is today as distant as I possibly can.
For me its due to the pillows. Was just in Scottsdale at Fairmont Princess and their pillows are crap. So thin. When we travel as a family I almost always stay at Marriotts due to card/points. They are hit or miss with their pillows. Also good air flow like some have said above. I prefer fresh but thats hard to get in a hotel. I just want to cool air coming into the room.
I rarely ever have slept well in hotels. One of the major reasons why I rarely ever do overnight travel anymore. I just don’t sleep well outside of my own bed.

When I first moved out from my parents, i bought a new bed as my parents were just going to keep my room a bedroom. It took me a while to be able to sleep well in the new bed. Even though it was my bed, it was not MY bed yet, if you get what I mean.
Last time I stayed in a hotel was UK graduation night. Guess who booked rooms at the hotel?

I'm a light sleeper anyway so between people in the halls yelling, doors slamming all night, kids running around screaming like they are at the local park, and stress of travel, me sleeping is difficult. Then I get pissed. Then sleep is not happening at all.

I also hate the way most rooms smell.
For me its due to the pillows. Was just in Scottsdale at Fairmont Princess and their pillows are crap. So thin. When we travel as a family I almost always stay at Marriotts due to card/points. They are hit or miss with their pillows. Also good air flow like some have said above. I prefer fresh but thats hard to get in a hotel. I just want to cool air coming into the room.
For me it's the pillows. It seems like they've gotten worse over the last 10 years. They're so flat and you feel like you just laying on the bed with no head support.
I have about 6 conferences per year that I attend and they are spread out pretty evenly. Usually 3-4 nights. First 2 nights I sleep like a baby with no wife. kids, or dogs running around. Nice little peaceful break, but by the 3rd night I'm ready to get the hell out of the room and back home to the chaos.

Luckily most of these in are decent places, already been to NOLA and Charleston last 2 months and have San Antonio, Vegas (not my jam but I can stock up), and Miami coming up. My industry is pretty tight so it helps to have peeps around you are familiar with, plus my vendors treat me very well with food and drink.
I think it's just natural when we get older to have those feelings. I think when folks hit their 50's they start to realize that a lot of the sacrifices from earlier years don't mean as much as they used to. I think we feel the clock ticking in some ways and it becomes somewhat of a race to reconnect with much simpler times. I'm at that place right now. I'll be 54 in a few days and, at least on my end, I'm trying to keep it as young inside as I can. I try to not get caught up in the rat race of life. And that race has gotten much faster. I feel like a relic stuck in simpler times and a slower pace but it's getting harder by the year to live like that. Just gotta keep moving on my way as best I can and try to keep the way the world is today as distant as I possibly can.

The last 20 years have been very good for my wife and I career wise and in terms of finances. I have great kids. Friends.

I’m just having this feeling lately that I’m going to miss a lot of things in life as my kids grow up, get older, start their own families and lives. Where has the time gone?
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I just turned 57 Monday. I don't sleep well anywhere, LOL. But when we travel, we do take pillows from home and even a blanket. (for the ride and in the room / condo / cabin). It takes very little space to pack 4/5 pillows and a blanket, might as well have a little familiarity on the road. I get MAYBE 4/5 hours sleep total at night. Not tired the next day, just can't do the 10-12 hours of sleep, I feel like I am sleeping my life away or missing life in general. OLD.
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Maybe smoke a joint or two and enjoy the solitude while you ponder the meaning of life.
Spot on crow. THC is the best sleep aid ever, IMO.

I don't smoke the flower anymore, instead I go the legal way and buy Delta 8. I'm not anti flower, I just no longer know of anyone who sells it, but it really is terrific as a sleep aid.

Hell, it's good anytime, lol. See you folks in a few......
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It all depends on the mattress, temperature and smell for me. Younger me stayed in some absolute shitholes and slept like a baby, mostly because of the substances I’d ingested. I am willing to pay more for a better room the older I get.

Mattress can’t be trash or noisy, room must be cool with the capability to become a walk-in cooler at a moment’s notice if I desire, and it better not smell like stale cigs, mamaw perfume, mildew or dirty socks.

I also highly recommend THC for insomnia. I’m old school and still enjoy flower, but edibles will do the trick VERY nicely when it comes to sleep.
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You all sound like a bunch of spoiled hens. Your great-great-great-great grandfathers slept on wooden bedsteads with rope or leather sacking, topped with mattresses of corn husks. But your sorry asses can’t sleep cause “my piwwow is a wittle wumpy”. Get over yourselves, take a melatonin, and go to sleep.
You all sound like a bunch of spoiled hens. Your great-great-great-great grandfathers slept on wooden bedsteads with rope or leather sacking, topped with mattresses of corn husks. But your sorry asses can’t sleep cause “my piwwow is a wittle wumpy”. Get over yourselves, take a melatonin, and go to sleep.
Red Roof Inn off Hurstbourne or Econolodge on Bardstown. Make it happen
According to my Marriott account I’ve spent 2,782 nights in their hotels. Never had an issue sleeping.
They have a lifetime status like Hilton does? Cuz I think you earned it
I am Lifetime Titanium Elite and I have a personal “ambassador” (her name is Amanda and I think she lives in Manila) who I can call to set up reservations and other hotel related stuff, which literally takes about 10x more time than just going to the app or calling the hotel myself.
I am Lifetime Titanium Elite and I have a personal “ambassador” (her name is Amanda and I think she lives in Manila) who I can call to set up reservations and other hotel related stuff, which literally takes about 10x more time than just going to the app or calling the hotel myself.

As long as you aren’t one of those douches that starts every sentence with ‘I’m a lifetime titanium…’
So you’ve spent at least 4 out of every 10 nights in a hotel room over the last 20 years? Or the equivalent of 8 full years staying in a hotel. Thats insane.

I had a regular guest at a hotel I worked at that would stay for months at a time. I was talking to him one day about it and he said his wife puts up with it because he has so many points and frequent flyer miles they can go anywhere they want on vacation practically free every year. Like 3 weeks in Europe with flights and hotels paid for.
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You all sound like a bunch of spoiled hens. Your great-great-great-great grandfathers slept on wooden bedsteads with rope or leather sacking, topped with mattresses of corn husks. But your sorry asses can’t sleep cause “my piwwow is a wittle wumpy”. Get over yourselves, take a melatonin, and go to sleep.
tell 'em Wayne.
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For me, it has to be cold. That and there are typically no ceiling fans in hotel rooms. So we have to keep the a/c fan on at all times. It’s just too quiet without.
Normally haven't had sleep problems, but after I had my knee replacement a while back, it took hours for me to go to sleep. I guess it was because it was hard to get comfortable. Lasted about two months. Seems to have gone away.
I had a regular guest at a hotel I worked at that would stay for months at a time. I was talking to him one day about it and he said his wife puts up with it because he has so many points and frequent flyer miles they can go anywhere they want on vacation practically free every year. Like 3 weeks in Europe with flights and hotels paid for.
That used to be the case. I could take my family on a first class flight to super high end resorts for a week twice a year. Now we’re flying coach and only getting one week. The points value has decreased - primarily because so many people got Airline and hotel credit cards.
That used to be the case. I could take my family on a first class flight to super high end resorts for a week twice a year. Now we’re flying coach and only getting one week. The points value has decreased - primarily because so many people got Airline and hotel credit cards.

Oh god the credit cards. The amount of people that would march in acting like their mere existence was a gift to humanity only to pull up their stay history and see they stayed at a Hampton Inn once 3 years ago.
Before the pandemic when I was on the road 100-125 nights a year I rarely had sleep issues outside of being unable to control temp in a room.

In last 5 years that's been cut down to maybe 25-35 nights and it's damn near impossible for me to sleep.

So much so I now absolutely dread those nights out of town. Whether it's for work or vacation.

I've gone from someone who absolutely loved travel, to a preferred hermit like homebody 😏