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I think old guy gym nudity is aspirational. I look forward to the day when I give so few f***s that I don't care if my wrinkled old coin purse is on display to any one in the locker room or sauna.

It sucks for other people, which is the point.
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Last time I was at Venetian I enjoyed a few hours in their world class Canyon Ranch Spa, which is a playland of various spas, salt caves, steam, saunas, pools, etc...

...some 50-something Jewish dude was walking around with a cock ring the entire time, and his dick was about the size of my entire forearm :(. Wasn't ideal.
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Last time I was at Venetian I enjoyed a few hours in their world class Canyon Ranch Spa, which is a playland of various spas, salt caves, steam, saunas, pools, etc...

...some dude was walking around with a cock ring the entire time, and his dick was about the size of my entire forearm :(. Wasn't ideal.
How many times do I have to apologize for that?
At what age does it just become alright for Papaw to just parade around in all of his glory? I give little to no F's as is and envy that extra level they seem to have, but I don't think I'll ever get to that point. I just don't see the need to galivant around the locker room fully exposed having regular ol breakfast at Hardees like conversations. Ain't nobody wanting to see my lil ol bird and bag flopped out.
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“Fit shaming?” Really?
Well if they’re going to say I’m fat shaming them then yes I can say they’re fit shaming me. It literally happens ALL the time. Given I’d rather have it my way than theirs but it’s super annoying.

I order a burger and fries somewhere. “Didn’t expect you to order that…” perfectly acceptable.

If I was sitting next to a fat chick and she ordered a kale salad no dressing with grilled chicken and I said the same, they would get pissed.

It’s the same exact thing.

Also, fat shaming works so don’t see a problem with it.
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DOJ finds that Louisville police enforces traffic violations but doesn't solve murders. So now we won't enforce traffic violations or solve murders. Fantastic DOJ; keep up the good work.
I think old guy gym nudity is aspirational. I look forward to the day when I give so few f***s that I don't care if my wrinkled old coin purse is on display to any one in the locker room or sauna.

It sucks for other people, which is the point.
Will never forget a bachelor party I went to for a buddy at Belterra. Me and 5 other guys show up at one of the rooms to pick up his future BIL's. Knock on the door and his future father in law answers the door wide open naked as a friggin jay bird.

Good thing Ol boy wasn't much at manscaping or it would have looked like a baby boy, but was impressed with the zero fawks he gave.
-Old dude at the gym is rough. It’s like they want you to deal with it. Always goes back to the age old question of would you rather see a dick or a bent over butt and the answer is always dick.

-Speaking of being naked, I had a gal get mad at me and threaten to post pics we had exchanged and I said have at it toots said put it on FB/IG I won’t even ask them to take it down.

She was even madder that I honestly didn’t care if she did. Don’t know why it would bother people. It’s just you naked, we all know what’s under your clothes.

-Shewboy my LDL is through the ROOF after lab work yesterday, going to have to cut out a lot of this red meat and eggs but we’ll keep on the protein anyway.
Naked old guy is a gym problem, but the real maniacs are the old guys who roll up in the morning fully dressed in regular clothes and then change into gym clothes.
Looks like I’m going to have dramatically change my approach to showing up at the gym. Gym shorts and sweats it is from now on, no reason to give those young guys another reason to snicker behind my back.
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Take this shit to the political thread with the rest of the incels.
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Cats matched up against Charleston 5-12 in Lunardi’s latest. 👀

At this point we can’t bitch about any seeding or matchups but good gracious I’d really like to avoid that.

Pat Kelsey is a heckuva, young coach who runs a very modern offense with 4/5 out featuring one skilled Euro big always running stuff to finally get the right mismatch they want. It’s almost like watching a NBA type offense but with mid major players. He also places a major emphasis on tirelessly scouting your opponent to expose their weaknesses similar to what Pitino believed in.
At this point we can’t bitch about any seeding or matchups but good gracious I’d really like to avoid that.

Pat Kelsey is a heckuva, young coach who runs a very modern offense with 4/5 out featuring one skilled Euro big always running stuff to finally get the right mismatch they want. It’s almost like watching a NBA type offense but with mid major players. He also places a major emphasis on tirelessly scouting your opponent to expose their weaknesses similar to what Pitino believed in.
This is all probably true and I'm sure they'd give the Cats a hell of a game...but they also just struggled to beat Wilmington and Townson.

Also, UNC waxed them (granted that was in November).
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Richie is a College of Charleston grad so of course he's gonna have that take. Bobby Cremins isn't walking through that door, loser. Cayts by 25.
Not triggered, just trying to avoid your sexually frustrated ass derailing things with some ignorant bullshit.

Keep being weird without politics in here, it provides some comedy for most of us and some confidence for other bad posters like rogue and that new chatgpi guy. But leave the hot button political party talking points in the bedside table with your expired rubbers.
Clarke for UCLA is out for the year. Big hit for them, 13 points, good D. Interesting to see how they fare in the PAC 12 tourney.
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