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No. It's February 18th and this team has shown zero discernable qualities or ability to actually have a successful season.

Someone's gotta hold this program to the Gold Standard

I guess everyone else can reminisce about that random 2/18 win over UT.

Esp on a day when 3 teams were celebrated who went Title - Runner Up - Title in a 3 year stretch.


But hey, give Cal that free pass for the last 6 Years I guess fellas.

OH BOY WE SWEPT TENNESSEE! Hahaha Rick Barnes! Hahaha

Serious bullshit IU vibes in this program.

Eff off and go root for Louisville if you disagree.
Not when you're up 20 at half and revert back to the same bullshit stall ball you do every GD game

Turn a 20 point halftime lead AT HOME to a 30 point win and show ANY DISCERNABLE CHANGE IN PHILOSOPHY to show growth

FFS 3 days prior you gave up 25 points in the last 8 minutes.

The last 10 minutes of every GD game zaps any sort of potential joy out of these wins

(Or I guess celebrate this excellence we've seen the last 6 years)

Fans celebrating this bullshit is the problem. This isn't the GD standard
EAD and go to Rafters.

2020s Kentucky Basketball - Celebrating regular season wins over Tennessee

We are getting better. The kids are getting mentally tougher. Also, playing through contact better.

I am propped up at the front of the Hyatt watching UT fans leave dejected and it fills my soul with joy.

Don’t let Randall see you enjoying the victory over the hated orange Vols. Guess you didn’t get the memo that this was basically a horrible performance.
Yea. It was. Take the UT part out of it and no one would feel great about this.

But hey we'll all look back on today with reverance after that first round 61-55 loss to Shit State
Very IU basketball vibes ITT today

Good god this program is broken.

Hope everyone enjoys that 2nd half bullshit


Could not care less. Did the team get better prepared for March? No. Ok

The goals of this program are Final Fours and National Champs I thought

Not slog bullshit wins over a football school.
I like you, but STFU!

That was a top 10 team who is the top defensive team in the country. They're not just going to roll over and die. It's hard to score on them. Ask Oats, your f'n savior. Once they hit us with that initial punch at the beginning of the half, which you are an idiot not to expect, we played them about even the rest of the way. They got it down to 10 quick but never got closer than 8.

This was a great f'n win. We swept a Tennessee team that's been top 10 all year. We were short handed and had to grit it out in the 2nd half. Tennessee was much more aggressive defensively and offensively, but we weathered the storm. If you can't find joy in that, then you choose to be miserable.
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Not when you're up 20 at half and revert back to the same bullshit stall ball you do every GD game

Turn a 20 point halftime lead AT HOME to a 30 point win and show ANY DISCERNABLE CHANGE IN PHILOSOPHY to show growth

FFS 3 days prior you gave up 25 points in the last 8 minutes.

The last 10 minutes of every GD game zaps any sort of potential joy out of these wins

(Or I guess celebrate this excellence we've seen the last 6 years)

Fans celebrating this bullshit is the problem. This isn't the GD standard
Enjoy the dub, buddy.
In a place full of irrational fanatics Randall continues to go out his way to prove he’s the most unhinged irrational fanatic like it’s a badge of honor.
🤣 Morg's other alias?
Why? CBB is a zero sum game. You have it or you don't. This team doesn't have it. But hey maybe make a miracle run to Saturday in Nashville and a 2nd round game in Spokane! BLUE WHITE!
Nothing makes sense anymore. With one of his worst teams at KY, Cal sweeps his daddy Rick Barnes who supposedly has a top 10 team.
Make no mistake, UT is terrible.

This emergence of Livingston has me intrigued. Game changer if he stays consistent.

I get Chumps’s frustration. These guys play so tight in the second half because Cal gives them no room for error with the conservative way he coaches with a lead.

At this point, it is what it is. You know what you’re going to get whether you like it or not. My advice is to enjoy it when you can. Live in the moment. There’s absolutely nothing we can do - as the common fan - to stop what’s coming.
They might be offensively challenged, but Tennessee is not terrible. They just beat the #1 team in the country who happens to be coached by the next John Wooden. They may be overrated, but calling them terrible is senseless hyperbole.

I'm also calling bullshit on saying Cal coached conservatively in the 2nd half. We were shorthanded and guys were getting tired. That was the reason for bad passes, loss of focus, etc. Tennessee wasn't going to miss shots all game. They played better. We stumbled, but didn't fall. Cal got us through that game when we could have easily faltered.
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- I am really happy right now. Big win. We have some freshmen really growing up.

- Yeah it’s frustrating but we only have two guards right now. I somewhat understand shortening the game tonight.

- Next step certainly needs to be stretching out big leads. That said, may not have felt that way but they didn’t get any closer than 8.

- We got the guys we wanted at the line. Have to knock them down.

- Look I don’t GAF if we play like Virgina. Just win. Get into the tournament and Cal’s right- people aren’t going to want to see us.

- Vescovi - a flipping little bitch - reminds me a bit of ol’ Pat Sparks. Smart ball player with good ball skills who puts pressure on the D whether he’s hitting or not, and CAN on occasion dominate a game. Was hoping Fredrick had a little of that in him.

- That being said, still believe Fredrick has something we haven’t seen yet.

- Man, I love me some Collins at center. Just like that kid overall. Hope he returns.

- Livingston with some much-needed punch, and HUGE rebounds.

- Wallace is so steady and two-way good, he’s easy to take for granted. Had to be gassed. Played a helluva game.

- Toppin drives me nuts every game but he really helps us as a secondary ballplayers and has been very good overall for a long stretch now.
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