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Dustin Johnson has never come off as the deepest or sharpest guy so whatever, but Paulina pulling the “he’s joing LIV
for me and his kids” is absolutely hilarious. I mean, F off.

She’s one of the dopest babes in the world - maybe #1 (who’s hotter? I can’t name anyone) but a complete out-of-touch dipshit.
That's an apartment by the Yum which two good buddies of mine used to be a part of a number of years ago. One of them, who has since passed away but was legitimately one of the most hilarious and fun people I'll probably ever know, named it "The Poondennis Club," mocking the more venerable Pendennis Club a few blocks over. It was quickly shortened to just "The Poon."

Complete asshat Mark Blankenbaker calling it that is pure sacrilege, and every time I see or hear him do it I shudder for my buddy. That nerd wouldn't have been let in the door if he was still around.
No. It's February 18th and this team has shown zero discernable qualities or ability to actually have a successful season.

Someone's gotta hold this program to the Gold Standard

I guess everyone else can reminisce about that random 2/18 win over UT.

Esp on a day when 3 teams were celebrated who went Title - Runner Up - Title in a 3 year stretch.


But hey, give Cal that free pass for the last 6 Years I guess fellas.

OH BOY WE SWEPT TENNESSEE! Hahaha Rick Barnes! Hahaha

Serious bullshit IU vibes in this program.

Eff off and go root for Louisville if you disagree.
You a GD Minnesota Timberwolves, Reds, Blue Jackets, and Bengals fan. You have no GD standards, you whiny c***.
The Standard is the Standard.
You make of it what you want to.
Some are not happy without greatness.
I guess others have gotten IU'd over the last 7 years.
Have some pride. It's Kentucky Basketball.

This Thread in July:

Oscar back! Fredrick healthy. Final Four or Bust

This Thread in February:

We beat Tennessee! 9 seed! We're back!


Equally sad is giving any sort of credence to beating GD Tennessee in basketball. A football school with zero career Final Fours.

But hey, the standard is the standard I guess.
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Sorry guys, guess let's celebrate John doing the bare minimum of winning an SEC game at home.


You acknowledge these teams and you either get dragged down to their level or you pull them up to yours.

I'm the only one here remembering what UK basketball is supposed to be. Everyone else is filling in for someone.
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No one here is saying they are gonna win it all….nor is anyone now blind to the current issues with the program. But man, if you can’t enjoy an ass whooping of a rival, who is also a top10 team, in this season that has been frustrating…what the hell are we even doing man?

Best I’ve felt with the team all season. Not big picture but at any one point in time.

Go cats!
You a GD Minnesota Timberwolves, Reds, Blue Jackets, and Bengals fan. You have no GD standards, you whiny c***.
Playoff/Postseason Record since March 2019
Timberwolves - 2-4
Blue Jackets - 10-10
Bengals - 5-2
Reds - 0-2
Kentucky Basketball - 0-1

So yeah, UK's standards have dropped apparently to my shitty sports teams.

Either way, I digress and will stop posting about our awesome basketball team that's definitely queued up for a huge postseason run after a sterling 27 point 2nd half at home.
No name-calling here. If the only thing you can takeaway from yesterday's win was that this team is clearly not up to traditional UK standards, then you need a sports break. I don't think anyone here would disagree with you that the second half performance was underwhelming and that this UK team doesn't look anything like our expectation of a team that should be really rounding into form for February 18th.

But I'd argue you'd be hard-pressed to find many people who are exclusively negative after a good win over a UT squad that typically throttles their opponents offensively (and have done so all year). Not to mention a double digit, ran away from them from the jump and barely looked back win at Rupp vs a top ten team that we truly needed to get over the hump.

It's not healthy to keep swallowing that poison Randall.
-Started my day with 6 eggs (actually cook them on the weekends) and 5 Purnell old folks sausage patties and a glass of whole milk. That’s a good ol fashioned Sunday breakfast right there.

-Groceries are pretty wild right now. $268 for eggs, veggies, bone broth, #8 meat, two gallons of milk, kombucha and protein bars. Shewee, can’t imagine trying to feed a family healthy food jeez.

-That being said, I went to drakes yesterday for 2 beers, NY sushi roll and Poke bowl and it was $72. In my previous city that would’ve been $100, give and take I guess.
I’m with chumps. Get yals heads out of your asses. This is the crap that cools off Johns seat.

No one. And I mean no one except maybe bradyjames wants a Tennessee win more than me but I’m not gonna simp over us beating an obviously overrated vols team that we are a terrible match up for.

This season went from final four or bust to let’s see what he can do with some athletes next year.

Spoiler: they’re gonna shoot long twos. Five seed.
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Here come the lurkers trying to gain Gyero cred. EATDs
You, and your Davis = Henson level post are the reason that they all came out.

Nothing like trying to enjoy a top 10 victory over the team rated 3 in the NET, just to come on here and find out how shitty the win actually was.

Just an FYI, that’s the first time we have swept UT since 2011-12. Very gold standard like.
GYERO CREW: Hell yes! We just hit $1000/piece on that trifecta!!

Chumps: You all can celebrate all you want. That damn horse was up 20 lengths at the top of the stretch and only won by 12. I'm done with this horse, give me a closer. Give me my money, I'm out of here.
Randall, look at it like this: Yes, it's a funeral, but they got a 6 foot party sub in the family room, and just because I loved the deceased, doesn't mean I'm not gonna go in balls deep on that bad boy. Enjoy what you can in this life. Leave the rest to rot.
UF, Auburn, Vandy and Arkansas.

3-1 to finish into the SEC Tournament.

Then do our best to wreak a little havoc.

If that isn’t your mindset with this team right now then good luck to your blood pressure for the next month!
Randall, look at it like this: Yes, it's a funeral, but they got a 6 foot party sub in the family room, and just because I loved the deceased, doesn't mean I'm not gonna go in balls deep on that bad boy. Enjoy what you can in this life. Leave the rest to rot.
You gotta go individually wrapped sandwiches at a funeral. The six foot party sub is inappropriate for the occasion.
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