where can I get a wildcat paw Ls down shirt like WCS was wearing?
@MaxPowerrr I found it!

I know this is GYERO, but 125 for a sweatshirt seems a little steep....on sale for 63 plus shipping though!
Of all the mostly fake tough stuff going on last night, WCS smashing bitch ass CHRIS!! with no apologies, who purposely slid under him (and of course drew a bullshit dead ball foul 🙄) was the best.

Dude basically committed to this squad for this *potential* game only, and straight balled like it was 2015. So good.

Also, game winner aside, Andrew was low key MVP imo. Aside from Sestina’s ridiculous 3Q flurry, we basically had zero offense 2H. Especially late.

Only guy who was actually driving to create offense for others. Bledsoe was straight abysmal. He blew at least 3, 2/3 on 1 breaks among other too cool/lazy shit. Props on the final assist, but he was legit making me angry otherwise.

Andrew deserved that winning bucket.🔥
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