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cant believe how much ws loves bota box. she may have been their #1 customer, before baby came.

also cant believe ive never tried the stuff. doesnt look as cool in storage, thats my excuse.
- Not sure the consensus, but I feel like an idiot spending $8 on a beer. I rarely spend more than $5 on a craftie.
So now it's $8.00, not $10.00? What happened to sticking to your guns no matter what?

Prediction: by the end of the afternoon we'll be hearing about how bars in OTR pay WCC nickel for every craft beer they give him to drink.
So now it's $8.00, not $10.00? What happened to sticking to your guns no matter what?

Prediction: by the end of the afternoon we'll be hearing about how bars in OTR pay WCC nickel for every craft beer they give him to drink.

No- there are some craft beers out there that cost $10. Personally, I feel like a fool spending $8, although I have done that before.
-I like beer I just can't drink a bunch of them in a sitting unless its a light beer. More than 2-3 crafts and I'm feeling bloated, tired and have a headache.

-Bota Box is clutch. They need a rose' though.

-I still like bourbon, but my family asked me to not drink it so there ya go. More important to me than occasionally having a glass. Scotch is a total cop out but it's still the point, plus I kind of like the scotchs I've found better than most bourbons. Only time I really drink it anyway is my night cap. Almost never out in public.
If you can't find a good $10 bottle of wine, well....that's on you. Tons of good choices in that price range.

I paid $10 for a beer at a SF Giants game. I feel like they would sell more beer if it were $8. Something about the double digit number decreases volume IMO. Could be wrong.
If you go to a place that sells $8-10 beers and you buy one or many... why are you bitching about it? You have the option to NOT buy them. Honestly I think $10 for an ice cold draft beer at a hot baseball game is one of my favorite things in life.

Put a flask in your purse/pocket and drink Smirnoff on the the rocks. Shesh.
-I like beer I just can't drink a bunch of them in a sitting unless its a light beer. More than 2-3 crafts and I'm feeling bloated, tired and have a headache.

-I still like bourbon, but my family asked me to not drink it so there ya go. More important to me than occasionally having a glass. Scotch is a total cop out but it's still the point, plus I kind of like the scotchs I've found better than most bourbons. Only time I really drink it anyway is my night cap. Almost never out in public.

- Yep.

- [roll] Always has cracked me up. Wish I knew Young Anth.
It's all relative. Sure there are "good" $10 bottles of wine (I guess, don't drink wine), but they are not the best wine you can get. $10 bottles of beer are almost always the top 5% of beers, quality wise, you can get.
The final straw was actually the 2007(IIRC) UK vs UT football game where I told an old man(UK fan) I was going to break his hip. I'm a nice guy 99% of the time. The 1% was bourbon and it wasn't pretty.

Young single Anth was pretty awesome though. Not a lot changed other than casual sex.
Who's the bigger prick generally speaking?

Tequila Drunk Guy or Bourbon Drunk Guy

Both are mean as a snake.
It's whiskey drunk by a mile. Tequila is more of a sloppy drunk. Whiskey makes you fight inanimate objects. Tequila makes you pass out naked in a lawn chair in your neighbors back yard.
Can't believe chief got the scoop in just 45 minutes of the report being released. Pretty crazy he had an insider READ the report when it came out. Probably only 6 or 7 hundred thousand people who have read that secret document.
TCCAT gave me the lowdown on BBdK spitting on him. Said he almost choked him to death because of it. He told me this during a conversation in which he was attempting to sell me a fraudulent vacation package.

Glad you spit on him. If a random poster ever deserved it, he did.
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Got into the craft beer craze within the last few months...



Two of my favorites so far.
2009 UT game I walked out of the stadium, grabbed a sandwich off the table at a tailgate, and threw it as hard as I could against the wall at Nutter Field House while yelling a cuss word.

Wrong tailgate of course, and the people took great offense. Jim Beam FTL.
That's right. Those were some sloppy drunk days.

Nothing sloppier than the Vandy UK Winter Shitfest with Randall Cobb. Geez.
That was epic.

People were catching on fire left and right.

Ha, indeed. Like seriously catching on fire...was hilarious at the time tho.

Ugliest weather/game I think I've ever attended...what was it, 25 degrees and POURING rain/sleet the entire day/night?

Those ones where everyone bands together, gets completely obliterated, and toughs it out are usually the most epic...
Yep. 30 of us huddled in a 10x10 tent with turbo heaters on full blast, dancing and pounding blackhaus. That was the single drunkest group of people I've ever been exposed to and it basically had to be that way because the weather was so miserable. 2nd was the LSU game in which several people puked, pissed or shit on themselves that day.
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Your grand finale Galt House Thunder Party was pretty close...until you dumped water on your Mom and all hell broke loose.

Never seen a bunch of adults so scared in my life, myself included...there were literally 5-6 of us HIDING UNDER A BED in the back room while she completely lost her shit on you & everyone within eyesight. [laughing]

Anyone else like to get bourbon drunk and dump liquid on people they love?
Am I imagining this or did BBdK actually live with Anth at some point? That didn't really happen, did it?
Nothing sloppier than the Vandy UK Winter Shitfest with Randall Cobb. Geez.

It was so effing cold yet it continued to rain all night. No idea how it never snowed. Most miserable weather at a tailgate I can ever recall but it definitely was a blast. Everyone in our crew said eff it and got shitty on spiked hot chocolate.
Galt House. Adults sitting on the bed scared to death. Big Anth and Jackie going bananas. We were scared for Anth across the hall. Definitely rock bottom.
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Yeah, that was after those of us hiding in the back room were found & we got moved to the "holding room" across the hall with everyone else, where we waited for what seemed like hours for the resolution.

It was a weird feeling, for sure. I didn't even feel like I was allowed to leave if I wanted to at that point. Getting kind of nervous again just thinking about it, honestly. o_O
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