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Fascism: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

I’m a fascist? Well, you’re a c***.

I just want to get over this shit. The vaccine is available. It’s the simplest way to move on and Kentucky is sitting at 45%.

It’s absurd.
KY is at 48%, NY at 55%, Cal at 52%, Florida at 49%. That's not removing children under 16 from the mix. Not much of difference.

Good theory though. But like most of the shit you say, complete bullshit.
KY is at 48%, NY at 55%, Cal at 52%, Florida at 49%. That's not removing children under 16 from the mix. Not much of difference.

Good theory though. But like most of the shit you say, complete bullshit.

I live and work in Kentucky. I also am redassed at the unvaccinated in other states if that makes you feel better.

And for that last sentence, you can F off.
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James Madison is likely our most underrated president. He is without doubt one of the most brilliant political and legal thinkers in American history. He knew what was happening only three years after ratification.

Who are the Best Keepers of the People's Liberties?

The People themselves. The sacred trust can be no where so safe as in the hands most interested in preserving it.

Anti-Republican: The people are stupid, suspicious, licentious. They cannot safely trust themselves. When they have established government they should think of nothing but obedience, leaving the care of their liberties to their wise rulers.

National Gazette 12/22/1792

If Chad only had a few more virtue signaling yards signs, this shit would be well in the rear view mirror by now.

As I said before, take it up with my wife. She’s not political and was sincere when she put it up.

I do enjoy how much it bothers you and Anth, though.
I just point out you don't actually belive any of that shit and it's put out there to impressive other white people in your neighborhood.

I believe all of it, actually. The actual words are basic decency.

It is definitely virtue signaling, though - but as I said, it meant something to her. I’m fine with it. Whatever.
Your quote, that I responded to: "(science: when viruses mutate they weaken)."

Mutations are random. They may make viruses "weaker" (whatever you think that means scientifically), or they may make viruses "stronger" (more deadly). They may make viruses more contagious, or they may make a virus less contagious. They occasionally lead to a virus being able to jump from infecting one species to another.

From the very link you provided:

"Most of the time, mutations are so small that they don’t significantly affect how the virus works, or they make the virus weaker, Dr. Rhoads says. But occasionally, a mutation helps the virus copy itself or get into our cells more easily."

So, yes, mutations *may* make the virus weaker. Or they may not. You know, the opposite of what you claimed.

Now go get a tennis ball served into your nads at 100mph.

-coulda saved yourself a shit ton of time and effort by simply typing "WELL AKSHUALLY!". good effort.

-nads are intact, thankfully.
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It’s almost like the same groups of people that have distrusted the government for years and years, fair and unfair, only had their distrust confirmed when the messaging on the virus, testing and vaccines was inconsistent at best and politically motivated at worst. That reaches across party lines and demographics.

It’s unfortunate because the efficiency in getting the vaccines out to the public was great, everyone in my family, mostly southern and conservative, got it immediately when available and no one has been sick.
The Simone Bilas story is pretty fascinating. From what I gather, she basically came down with the gymnastics version of the yips. Then you have one side calling her a quitter, and then the Rovells and ESPNs of the world lauding her as a hero for "putting mental health above gold medals".

It seems to me she quit because she can't perform - kinda like how Chuck Knobloch couldn't throw the ball to first base. It's just that when Knobloch threw an errant pitch, it went over the 1st baseman's head. With Bilas, she could potentially kill or severely injure herself.
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I don't think that's accurate.

Saw it on the main board.

"PJ Washington has signed his baby mama Brittany Renner to an 18 year deal, which pays $200K a month, sources tell ESPN."

Seems awfully high to me, so who knows.
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