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Man I love listening to/watching a good thunderstorm. Completely mesmerized by lightening and thunder. I’m like Lt. Dan. Trying to squeeze in a heater between downpours can be a challenge, though. Not afraid of standing outside with an umbrella.

Tried my hand at Beer Cheese, didn’t work out so well. Not sure where I went wrong but it wasn’t good. Determined to get it right though.

My good buddy/neighbor old fella that I hang out with on the reg is having a heart bypass done this week. Looks like I’ll be mowing his yard for at least the next 2 months. He also mows the old lady widow’s yard 2 houses over so I’ll be doing that, too. Add that to my yard and my SIL’s yard and that makes 4. Only get paid to do one, old lady widow pays 50.00, which I’ve tried to reject but she just leaves it in my mailbox. Oh well, gotta be a good neighbor.

I don’t mind doing laundry but I fvcking hate folding it and putting it away. Same with the damn dishes.

My better half, for some reason, will not replace the TP roll on the TP roll hanger that is directly next to the damn toilet. She just opens a new roll and sits it in the vanity counter. She also squeezes the toothpaste tube at various places instead of squeezing from the bottom. Both of which absolutely drive me insane. I think she does it porpoise.

Watched a live steam Jimmy Buffett concert from Deer Creek, tonight. He ended it with a solo acoustic “Pirate Looks at 40”. Hit me in the feels when he strummed the first few notes. Hate on him all you want, and he can be a bit cheesy at times, but if you can’t have fun at a JB show well we we can’t be friends. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve burned a spliff with an old couple, think of someone’s grandparents, while sitting next to me at one of his shows.

Gotta go, the rain has slacked off and I have the need for one more Red before I hit the sack.

Go Cayts
If you can’t dig some Jimmy Buffet I’d suggest lightening up a little and relaxin’. I enjoy his stuff quite a bit.

As for me I tend to hold on to songs and over listen to them for a few weeks at a time, but there is this one song that just gives me cold chills. I’ll preface this with the fact I’m an over thinker, and when I drink it’s magnified, so this song has gone through my mind as I’m constantly trying to achieve the next thing no matter what I’ve done at this point, at any point.

- WTF is the point of you being here?

- Cracked open a 7yr Knob Creek Rye at 115proof.

It’s official, there isn’t a rye I don’t like, but there are several bourbons I could pass on.

I’m a Rye guy.

- My neighbor is a badass cop, technically on some unit that does stuff like the cops that busted into Breona’s apartment, and has a daughter that is 13 and hitting puberty but wants to be a boy. Totally weird, and she is by far the most athletic kid in our court whether it’s frisbee football, basketball, wiffle ball, kick ball, or just running she is overly athletic.

She is also really awesome with all the kids too, and so her and my wife have kind become friends for like of a better term. So when she opened up to my wife and asked us to call her “Eli” I took issue. Apparently the same issue the dad has with it all, and now with us because she opened up to us.

So I went and bought an AR-15, because I’ve seen video of this dude not just shooting someone, but beating a man bigger than me pretty easy and tactfully.

Hopefully we remain cool, but his daughter is going to cause a lot of issues Im not so sure he can handle.

- I guess I’ll go pass out, and I may or may not remember this post, but that said.......the most honest advice I ever got and never understood was of you don’t know what you want, do what makes you happy. Don’t do it for the money, do it for you...... not friends, not family, not anything more than it leaves you with a smile.

If you do that, whatever you are due in this life will come no matter what.

It’s true AF, no matter how hard it is to believe.

We weren’t put here to be in a rat race, or stressed, or any of the crap we catch ourselves into.

Edit to add: If you’ve never heard Chris Cornell’s version of Billy Jean, Wow! Give it a listen.

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She is also really awesome with all the kids too, and so her and my wife have kind become friends for like of a better term. So when she opened up to my wife and asked us to call her “Eli” I took issue. Apparently the same issue the dad has with it all, and now with us because she opened up to us.

So I went and bought an AR-15, because I’ve seen video of this dude not just shooting someone, but beating a man bigger than me pretty easy and tactfully.

Hopefully we remain cool, but his daughter is going to cause a lot of issues Im not so sure he can handle.

Well, that escalated quickly....

If you ran out and purchased A WEAPON OF WAR lickity split because Eli’s Dad is mad, well, you might be in trouble. I feel there has to be more to this story. What did your wife say to this young girl?
incredibly wrong

incredibly wrong....
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Always fun to see where my mind was at 1:52am.

Details left out, the little girl likes girls and wants a sex change too. My wife had no clue how to handle because we all knew she was a tomboy. Also, it isn’t so much what she said as it is we now know. The dude is a bundle it all up and keep in kind of guy, which those are the types that make the news, IMO.

The kicker was the AR was on sale so I saved a few hundo, like my wife does at Kohl’s!
Krazy, can you come out to Norton Commons and shoot the psychopath who lives on the farm behind us with your new AR?

This dude, while shirtless wearing camo pants, tried to intimidate me from (gasp) running by his house which is on a public street. Dude had a pistol strapped to his chest, let his dog on this 20 foot leash kinda block the entire road, and then just tapped his chest next to the gun and stared me down.

The other day a guy passed me on his bike back there and was all freaked out cause that dude did it to him. For all you lawyer types out there, at what point does it go from that dude being a dick to committing a crime?
Krazy, can you come out to Norton Commons and shoot the psychopath who lives on the farm behind us with your new AR?

This dude, while shirtless wearing camo pants, tried to intimidate me from (gasp) running by his house which is on a public street. Dude had a pistol strapped to his chest, let his dog on this 20 foot leash kinda block the entire road, and then just tapped his chest next to the gun and stared me down.

The other day a guy passed me on his bike back there and was all freaked out cause that dude did it to him. For all you lawyer types out there, at what point does it go from that dude being a dick to committing a crime?
No lawyer here but that’s a crime
@krazykats the Four Gate Rye (It’s Bourbon Night pick) from Seelbach’s is simply luscious. I too, have been leaning Rye lately.... I love both. Just finding more complex flavor notes in Rye than bourbon. For me though, I can hate me some licorice/eucalyptus dominating Ryes. Yuck. I think Blake has a couple bottles left of that 4 Gate.

My Blue Run 14 has yet to be delivered.

house is cold-chillin at 71°. Lovely.

bar project complete.

I’m gonna craft me a Negroni and watch the Azzuri destroy the 3 Lions.
Krazy, can you come out to Norton Commons and shoot the psychopath who lives on the farm behind us with your new AR?

This dude, while shirtless wearing camo pants, tried to intimidate me from (gasp) running by his house which is on a public street. Dude had a pistol strapped to his chest, let his dog on this 20 foot leash kinda block the entire road, and then just tapped his chest next to the gun and stared me down.

The other day a guy passed me on his bike back there and was all freaked out cause that dude did it to him. For all you lawyer types out there, at what point does it go from that dude being a dick to committing a crime?
I have watched enough "Fear Thy Neighbor" on Discovery ID and it usually doesn't end well for A neighbor involved. I would call the local authorities and get that shit out about him before it is TOO late. PTSD or something, probably a war veteran or some issue of the sort.

Is ANYTHING in Krazy's life "normal" ?
Four Gate is good people, glad you are enjoying their stuff. I followed them pretty close as I started, but I don’t try to keep up anymore.

Everything in my life is normal, but what is “normal”?
England hasn't won a major tournament since the 1966 world cup. Talk about an overrated soccer power.
Krazy, can you come out to Norton Commons and shoot the psychopath who lives on the farm behind us with your new AR?

This dude, while shirtless wearing camo pants, tried to intimidate me from (gasp) running by his house which is on a public street. Dude had a pistol strapped to his chest, let his dog on this 20 foot leash kinda block the entire road, and then just tapped his chest next to the gun and stared me down.

The other day a guy passed me on his bike back there and was all freaked out cause that dude did it to him. For all you lawyer types out there, at what point does it go from that dude being a dick to committing a crime?

That's arguably menacing, which is the lowest level of misdemeanor in Kentucky. You could make a police report but they probably wouldn't charge him with anything. It is probably not a bad idea to go ahead and do in case his behavior escalates.

Also, run a different direction, numbnuts. Running sucks anyway, and it certainly isn't worth getting shot by some meth-head just looking for someone to give him an excuse to "defend his property".
That's arguably menacing, which is the lowest level of misdemeanor in Kentucky. You could make a police report but they probably wouldn't charge him with anything. It is probably not a bad idea to go ahead and do in case his behavior escalates.

Also, run a different direction, numbnuts. Running sucks anyway, and it certainly isn't worth getting shot by some meth-head just looking for someone to give him an excuse to "defend his property".
We should choose our battles wisely. How far might the confrontation escalate and are we willing to be part of the escalation? My father has passed, but he had a situation similar to this and decided not to confront. A couple of weeks later the "bad" guy died drunk driving. We each have to decide for ourselves which battles are worth fighting. Some are, some aren't.
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