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It's hard enough to raise your own damn kids, but stepping up to the plate and taking care of a bunch of somebody else's is a whole level of manhood I will never live up to or be ready for.

Halfway thru 2021, and krazy has taken over as GYERO Poster of the Year, imho.
Incredible what you're doing, but How do you guys even travel as a 'family' around town? Did you buy a church bus?

When we took in our parents I bought the wife a Telluride that sits 8. Our nephew now has a license and drives everywhere separate because he likes his girlfriend around and is new to sex so hasn’t learned space is healthy, yet.

Also my oldest is going thru a phase where he hates going anywhere with us because my middle two are just unhinged in public and never met a stranger. (Picture a scene in a movie where actor is daydreaming of everyone adoring them, as they walk by and wave and blow kisses to any/everyone) So he likes to stay back with papaw when papaw doesn’t want to go anywhere.

My truck carries 6 as well so we make it work.
This news may impact Tokyo’s ability to make money off of these Olympic Games. I wouldn’t hold my breath for any new sidewalk projects in Yurakucho anytime soon.
If you listen closely you can hear PlayBall06's champagne fizzing.

That these Olympics are proceeding even though they could become a vehicle for mass death via literal plague should lead the world to only one logical, and one moral, conclusion: The Olympics should not and cannot continue to exist. Not in Japan, not ever again.

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@krazykats hope for nothing but the best for all your family... even SIL. maybe the court proceedings brought to light her massive shortcomings as a human and she shapes up. Regardless, the kids deserve the best situation.

Wife got me a bottle of BlueRun 14 via Seelbachs yesterday. What a gal. I think the heat in our un-air-conditioned Home is getting to her. 93° in dining room yesterday. Ironically, had a dude over today to fix our heat🥵.

Thanks to Anth for guidance, navigating in the local Mechanical racket. Very nice of him to assist. I will share more once the deal is consummated...not counting chickens. But I think I did well. Drinks on me for Duke v UK at Jack Demseys... or Vintry.

We haven’t had a credit card in 18 years. Now, with the latest development and need for instant liquidity... here we are. I am dangerous with credit, my wife is lethal. 👀. I’ve lived in the world of cash on hand for everything. Feels gross being back in the debt game.
Dawson Garcia to UNC, nice pickup for them. Put him with Bacot along with Brady Manek and they have a nice frontcourt. I still don't fear them bc of Hubert.
I didn't even know about the "lambda" variant of COVID until that stupid article.

* The portal and NLI should, in theory, lead to superteams like in the NBA where talented guys decide to team up with other talented guys and go to the places with the resources to pay them and create a winning environment.

That should bode well for us if Topbutton doesn't f*** it up.

* rogue, please note that instead of making a separate post because I had another thought after I hit "POST", I simply edited my last post -- that way there aren't 9 straight posts of my dumbass meanderings. You should try it.

Or try gathering driftwood, soaking a beach towel in kerosene, lighting a fire and standing in it. Either / or.
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Honestly the best way to handle the Olympics would be like how the pro bowl used to be and hold it in the same place every year since all of the contestants/fans have to travel anyway. The real money comes from TV and the host sites always lose money.

They should just have it at Aloha Stadium in Hawaii is what I’m trying to say. It’s a perfect logical fit.
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You know those kids in high school who hated and complained about everything and thought the cool kids didn't like them (or anyone else for that matter), but in reality nobody even cared they existed? That's who HuffPo exclusively recruits from.
Playball seemed to be the exact opposite of that. That was 15 years ago though.
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Saw on twitter yesterday that it was apparently the Clinton Foundation that murdered Haiti's President. At some point everyone is going to have to stop pissing them off, man.

The HuffPo isnt journalism- its opinion page. There is only one publication that's even published anymore with a lick of journalistic integrity, and thats the Athlon Sports College Football Preview Magazine

I guess we are just never going to catch Kony.

Feel bad for the track star that is missing the Olympics because of the weed- its a dumb policy/rule. Also- she did know the rule and made the choice to break it knowing the consequences (if you actually believe her reasoning youre either stupid or naive or both).

I'll set the bar low with basketball- if we can somehow spilt with Rick Barnes- we will be trending in the right direction.
I feel like the overall quality & depth in CBB is going to be wayyyyyyyyyyy up this year, as compared to the last many, solely b/c of the portal.

Seems like every notable team is loading up with experienced/proven players to compliment their returnees & incoming freshman.
Yup, one team I really like is Oregon. They scooped up Harmon and Guerrier to go with what they already have. I'll be keeping an eye on them. I also like Seton Hall. Kadary Richmond is about to blow up this year.
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I bet PlayBall is really going to be affected by the fact that GYERO and its 95% rate of both conservatives AND common MFers disagree with his opinions.
Speaking of PB06, does anyone ever interact with Will on HOB? He disappeared from The Paddock when Covid hit but still regularly posts in other forums.
1 maybe, maybe 2 of those skanks I would even consider. The 2nd is questionable because she is seated way down toward the end of the table and can't quite get a good enough "look" at her. The 1st one on the right is the only sure possible. it would all depend on the amount of booze I have and her attitude. Kind of like bidding in spades when you do not have jack shit, you see one book, then talk yourself into maybe 2 or 3. You end up getting your team set by overbidding your shitty hand and trying to make shit happen. That is that table of nerdy skanks, a bad spades hand.
I bet PlayBall is really going to be affected by the fact that GYERO and its 95% rate of both conservatives AND common MFers disagree with his opinions.
I kind of believe those types of people are extremely impacted by differing opinions and how people view them. Regardless of political affiliation- being hurt by differing opinions is why they become so emboldened in their own views without a rational ability to discuss matters.
* Are old people the only one who ever get hacked and have to post on their social media asking everyone NOT to accept a friend request if you see one from them?

* Gym opened the sauna, jacuzzi, and steam room back up. Hallelujah. Got my sauna game down to a science.....

- pour cold water all over the coals
- wrap the electric coils in wet towels
- fashion a tourniquet made of rags around the thermostat
- turn the dial on the heat up to the max, continuing to rotate the dial 360 degrees at least 10-15 times
- dunk tissue paper in cup of water and stuff down into the faux coals
- start my routine of squats, jumping jacks, and pushups to get an extra solid heat fueled pump

Love it.

* I try to be level headed and rationale re: COVID, but the extreme-wingers (regardless of side) push me far in the opposite direction, and PlayBall's ridiculous stance is every bit as dangerous as those who a year ago were still calling this entire thing a hoax.

* There is legitimately a current headline on "UNC players do not favor proposed 12-team CFP."

I mean, a "no comment" would have been every bit as relevant.

* Full attendance for the Fall meet at Keeneland this season.

* It should be repeated: PlayBall literally advocated for cancelling the Olympic Games FOREVER.

Curious which political party agrees wholeheartedly with this take, wcc?
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