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Catholics are the OG Christians, the rest of you are just knock off wanna-be's or straight up heathens.
Martin Luther FTW

EDIT: I do respect Catholic Priests at a wedding mass when they tell us Protestant heathens that we can't take communion. Kind of a power move.
Catholic Church, started by the Apostles after Jesus's death.

Protestant Churches, started by an anti-semite from the 1500s.
You spelled "Richie" wrong.

Richie rides his high wheel antique bicycle down to NULU every Saturday afternoon for a day spent at the Higher Power Tibetan House performing meditation, followed by a reiki yoga session and a sound therapy bath, then releases his chakra by working on his asanas to the sounds of a harmonium and teak wood drum, afterwards enjoying hot herbal teas and homemade vegan curry and naan.

NOT a megachurch type, imho.
So the part about Constantine getting all the opposing sects together and make one bible is wrong too? Somebody should have kept better records like the Jewish people did. Guess it helps when you’re the chosen ones.
You spelled "Richie" wrong.

Incorrect. My father is a Roman Catholic. My mother is Episcopalian. Both grew up in very traditional church settings.

My wife and I agreed to join a Methodist Church in town because we really enjoyed the main pastor and to be honest it’s not far from where we live (inside the Watterson, of course). It’s a gorgeous, older church that has been kept up extremely well. The services are traditional including a powerful choir that basically brings me to tears during Christmas Eve while belting Silent Night. #Amen
There’s this old school church on Payne St not far off Ewing. Subtle with a small parking lot. I used to live in a condo near the church and on Sundays I would walk my dog past it.

The church is made up of a black congregation and I loved seeing how serious the brothers and sisters took their appearance on Sunday. Cars pulling up freshly washed and the men would get out, open the door for their wives, and the couples would be dressed to the absolute nines. Shoes with a top notch shine, top hats, suits and dress shirts with a crisp starch. They weren’t messing around. In the Spring and summer they’d open the main doors as the service was ending. This church was old and small but the sounds belting out from the choir inside were glorious.

Sometimes I tell myself when I need to get right with the Lord, I’m going to get dressed up and take my cracker ass there for a moving experience.
Incorrect. My father is a Roman Catholic. My mother is Episcopalian. Both grew up in very traditional church settings.

My wife and I agreed to join a Methodist Church in town because we really enjoyed the main pastor and to be honest it’s not far from where we live (inside the Watterson, of course). It’s a gorgeous, older church that has been kept up extremely well. The services are traditional including a powerful choir that basically brings me to tears during Christmas Eve while belting Silent Night. #Amen

I’ll give the Methodists a pass, although I am suspicious of their ultimate motives.
If you're ranking the apostles though, Stephen has to be towards the top, right?

He pretty much got whacked right off the bat. For running his mouth around town about he Jewish leadership.
- As mentioned before, I find the mores of the female gift-giving cycle equal parts fascinating and absurd.

- Just realized I’m now the same age as when my grandpa was when he passed away. He was a west Newport roughneck who smoked cigs, drank Wiedemann, worked for the railroad and enjoyed hunting rabbits and saddling up at the West End Cafe in his spare time. Went by the nickname Butch. Lied about his age to go to war at age 16. Could be ornery as hell but raised 5 kids and was well-liked. Meanwhile, I’m wearing a coral polo and loafers, and just texted my wife to see if she felt like sushi tonight.

- How do you feel about Hofbrashaus? I’ve always liked it but never loved it. It’s my dad’s all-time favorite restaurant so we’ll surely be there this weekend for his birthday. He’ll order the Newport Sampler, drink a couple lagers and joke around with our server. He does it every year.

- Have mentioned this a few times but I sure wish UK apparel was on this site:

Incorrect. My father is a Roman Catholic. My mother is Episcopalian. Both grew up in very traditional church settings.

My wife and I agreed to join a Methodist Church in town because we really enjoyed the main pastor and to be honest it’s not far from where we live (inside the Watterson, of course). It’s a gorgeous, older church that has been kept up extremely well. The services are traditional including a powerful choir that basically brings me to tears during Christmas Eve while belting Silent Night. #Amen
No shit, Richie. I’ve even sat behind you all a couple times. Lot of smoke shows attend that church including a gal named Melissa who is the hottest 42 year old in Louisville right now. Didn’t see that coming.
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Does UK have the most talented starting OL in the SEC?
Probably? I admittedly don't know much about the OLs of UGA, Bama, etc., but ours is very solid up the middle and bookended by the best pair of tackles in the nation. Cole Cubelic said we had the best, and that was before we added Rosenthal.
How about the experience potentially starting on defense tho?

McCall - Sr
Paschal - Sr
Abadi-Fitzgerald - Sr
Square - Sr
Jones - Sr
Wright - Jr
Dort - Sr
Robinson - Sr
Corker - Sr
Aijan - Sr

Sprinkle in an uber talented underclassmen or two. Tisdale, Weaver, Casey, Wallace, Thrower, Williams.
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