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Azek/Timbertech...or natural Ipe.

LMAO, that Ipe stuff is crazy and literally the only place we can order from us is South Florida.

Azek/Timbertech haven’t been around as long as Trex, so proving they will uphold their warranty is yet to be done. Trex made it after years of mold issues for the other knock offs that came about over the years.
Azek/Timbertech is more dimensionally stable than trex. Good warranty too.

ipe is the best. Bulletproof. Buddy of mine had no issues ordering and getting for his deck this month. You need specIal saw blades to cut it.
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I bet he didn’t have an issue with it at $8-10 a board foot.

Dimensionally Stable? My goodness you architect fap at the dumbest shit.
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Ipe is incredibly durable, but ordering it essentially means you DGAF about the rain forests. It will definitely eat up blades, I've seen sparks fly while cutting it. Stuff wont burn or float it's so dense.
Whatever happened to the rain forests? They must be long gone by now.

Stumbled into a thread about pet tortoises...never ever crossed my mind, but it sounds sort of cool having a big ol tortoise roaming your property forever.
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Every time someone mentions tortoises it reminds me of the Live PD episode of one of the units showing up to a house and finding a turtle in a 5 gallon bucket and everyone online freaking out and telling them it was a tortoise and it was drowning.

Same guy also drilled holes in its shell to put a leash on it to keep it from getting away.
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- just watched resmondo, one of the best if not THE best men’s softball team in the county play in an unlimited home run tournament in ****ing BURKESVILLE, KENTUCKY. They won the tournmant, obviously, but it was wild seeing men who make close to 50k a year playing slow pitch softball playing in a tournament here

their best player, IMO, is from London, Ky. Josh Riley. Aboslitely mashes.

- have flown southwest quite a few times a delta twice. Recently went to vegas in October and Miami in April via southwest. Vegas trip was crammed full. 130/133 if I remember Correctly. Will probably go back to Vegas in the fall but with the kids.

- my dog is taking this fourth worse than any other before in her life. She is a strictly outside dog but may be coming in tonight. She is tweaking bad on these fireworks

- I’m going to spend the fourth test firing my newest AR build. I’m going through at least 400 but may try out different grain bullets once I get a good feel for trigger. About to start a .22 build to get the kids off the BB gun. America.
Sitting here listening to various groups of people shoot off fireworks and getting ready to put a 10lb Boston butt on the electric smoker. Never done one overnight but hate waiting all damn day for the thing to get done. Gonna set it at the lowest temp and let it ride. Got the house to myself, could be worse I guess. At least I don’t have to ask anyone what kind of drink I want.
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- my dog is taking this fourth worse than any other before in her life. She is a strictly outside dog but may be coming in tonight. She is tweaking bad on these fireworks
I tried, I really sincerely tried not to respond to this. (Ok Terie, it’s not your business how this guy treats his dog)

I failed, as in #SuperTriggered. If I don’t speak up, maybe nobody will.

Why would you get a dog if you don’t want it to be part of your family?
Dogs are pack animals; social beings. The people they live with are their pack. They need to be included. Being alone all the time is not a happy life for them.

If you don’t want a pet in your house, just freaking name a squirrel or something in your yard and feed it. Don’t sentence a poor dog that needs companionship to have a fully happy life to a lonely life outside apart from everyone.

This is a real hot button issue for me. I just couldn’t let it pass.

*On a lighter note, my favorite thing ever on Live PD was a woman who was passed out up against a fence, and police were called for a wellness check.
They roused her and offered to get her home. She refused mumbling she was fine and could get home herself. She started stumbling away and walked straight into a pole. She shook her head, looked at the pole and said,”F£ck you!”
Then she stumbled off into the darkness.
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August, how high will your smoker go? Cooked an 8 pounder yesterday on my Egg @ 300*, it cooked in a little under 8 hrs. It came out as good as any low and slow overnighter I've ever done.
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August, how high will your smoker go? Cooked an 8 pounder yesterday on my Egg @ 300*, it cooked in a little under 8 hrs. It came out as good as any low and slow overnighter I've ever done.

I’ve got a lower end Masterbuilt Electric smoker, highest it will set for is 275. It fluctuates around 10 degrees either way. Figured I’d start with it as I am a new to the the “smoking” crew. Last one i did, 9lber took 14 hours.
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We didn’t actually do a $$$$ count, but we set off every bit of $2500 in fireworks tonight.

Fantastic time! Even had our African neighbors come out and be festive. He has 2 daughters in the Army and came out last 4th of July too but we never see them any other time of the year.

4 dudes blasting away for at least an hour and a half, while the whole section of our hood posted up.

Only 1 mishap that really wasn’t even our fault as two multi shots ricochet’d which sent them sideways. 1 bounced off a roof which was cool, the other was sent into a crowd.

No one told us and our ears were ringing at that point and we simply were trying to get thru everything so the show went on!

20-30 kids had a damn blast all day.

No telling all many beers, bourbons or margaritas were drank. BBQ, cornbread and the works eaten.

Can we get krazy's African neighbor a GYERO account? That would be gold, Jerry, gold!

* Welp, Phoenix v. Milwaukee it is. David Stern would never, ever let two small market teams make the Finals. I'm excited to see it.
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I tried, I really sincerely tried not to respond to this. (Ok Terie, it’s not your business how this guy treats his dog)

I failed, as in #SuperTriggered. If I don’t speak up, maybe nobody will.

Why would you get a dog if you don’t want it to be part of your family?
Dogs are pack animals; social beings. The people they live with are their pack. They need to be included. Being alone all the time is not a happy life for them.

If you don’t want a pet in your house, just freaking name a squirrel or something in your yard and feed it. Don’t sentence a poor dog that needs companionship to have a fully happy life to a lonely life outside apart from everyone.

This is a real hot button issue for me. I just couldn’t let it pass.

*On a lighter note, my favorite thing ever on Live PD was a woman who was passed out up against a fence, and police were called for a wellness check.
They roused her and offered to get her home. She refused mumbling she was fine and could get home herself. She started stumbling away and walked straight into a pole. She shook her head, looked at the pole and said,”F£ck you!”
Then she stumbled off into the darkness.
Are you suggesting that dogs are only INSIDE animals? Where do you live? Must be the city. Have you ever been to the country before? Dogs live outside.

my dog(s) have fields, hills, and creeks to run in. Kill squirrels, rabbits, and baby deer. Your dog stays inside all day and is an embarrassment to its ancestors.

WTF did I just read?

“if you don’t want a pet” LMAO

I picked that dog up off the side of the main road as a pup covered in fleas and burrs. Probably hadn’t ate in two or three days and you think I do not want to take care of it because it lives outside.

Edit: maybe you should take a trip to the foothills and ride around with ThroughBlue and we can ride around the 270 and look at all the outside, happy dogs
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We were to be attending the train concert after dinner around 8PM last night, so I figured I’d eat a gummy and get blasted in order to manage enjoying meet Virginia and all the other nonsense they sing. It’s about 9PM and a guy comes on stage and tells the restless crowd they can have a free drink it’ll be a little while longer for train. 30 minutes after that he says enjoy this free fireworks show and full refund! Some of the older ladies start booing and saying screw train! Some guy drunk kid who was apparently very excited to see the show is booing and trying to start a “f you train!” chant. My wife texts my friend that works there what happened and apparently the lead singer of train had a heart attack last night and was rushed to the hospital! I didn’t have the heart to let the young man trying to start the chant know. Godspeed train.
I took my blind, diabetic, inside, well-adjusted, part-of-the-pack dog for a walk early last night before any fireworks went off. When we were at the edge of my neighborhood and about as far away from my house as possible, where a pond was directly between us and my house, some hillbillies from the next neighborhood shot off mortar shells that exploded about 100 yards from us. My dog jerked out of my hands and ran directly into the pond. [roll]
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