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I wouldn’t mind a game 7, but I think the Clips win that game if it gets there.

You just start to second guess your every move if you go up 3-1 and end up in a game 7, whereas the other team comes in just like they have been and play less tight.

Kawhi at this point would just mess up their flow after making a comeback(if they win tonight), IMO.
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He got paid plenty to come to UK. F^ck him.

I’m not sure I believe the 1/2 million escrow account, or whatever, but I am fairly sure he got plenty of coin to play here. I don’t think he wanted to come to UK but too much pressure not to play here. I personally think he wanted to go UL but no way the “good ole boy” network was going to let that happen. I’ve got no proof, obviously, it just felt that way back in the day.
Anyone have any good summer cocktail recipes?
Bourbon Slushie, great summertime recipe, no need to waste good bourbon, any moderately priced bourbon will work as good
Had some folks ask for the recipe:

1 - 12oz Frozen Lemonade Concentrate
1 - 12oz Frozen Orange Juice Concentrate
2 cups Unsweetened Ice Tea
3 cups Bourbon (more if you are manly)
7 cups Water
1 cup Sugar
mix all until sugar dissolves
Freeze overnight.
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This is going to get SUPER annoying.

Just imagine, for example, having to watch say Ashton Hagans or even a guy like Boston for much of last season pump his brand relentlessly while sucking ass on the floor for our team.

Who’s going to be the the first coach with a “well, maybe _______ should focus less on marketing, and more on basketball when asked about a player’s declining minutes and poor play.
This is going to get SUPER annoying.
At least Dontaie's gear is better than checkerboards and the birds f***ing logo.

Yeah, the constant hawking of wares by scrubs like Hagans, EJ Montgomery, etc will be insufferable. I can't wait for the first tweet from the locker room after a road loss in the SEC pimping some shitty shoes that make Big Baller Brands look like Nike.

But if it keeps those mid-tier guys here multiple years so we can build continuity, I'm all in. Imagine Doron selling whatever the hell he would sell in Lexington. He might have stayed four years.

Also, I can't wait for the statement from Topbutton when the first player tries to brand CBD or a vape pen. That will be worth it just to watch him cringe and kvetch.

Maybe this will also provide competition to UK Athletics to quit making such shitty gear and give fans what they want for a change.
Friday eve, nice day to catch up on clerical work.

Also Bobby Bonilla Day. Only a little over a decade left on that contract.

YouTube tv not working this morning. Guess I'll have to read about the news.

Glad everyone else is realizing what a kunt Frank Kaminsky is.

Football coach arrests starting to affect recruiting. Time to put a lid on that shit.

Tolly Ho is underrated as a lunch spot.

NIL is definitely going to be annoying.

Pumped for some 4th of July personally. It's always been a reunion weekend for my family. Were firing up the pit tomorrow at the farm and smoking stupid amounts of meat for Sunday. Smoked bologna sandwich with sides of ribs, pulled pork, and a chicken leg.
Over under in months before Barnhart retires? 8.5? Who is leading candidate to be successor? He’s put a lot of good ones out there at big time schools.
If these kids get paid now, will we still hear the STOP BEING MEAN TO THESE AMATUER ATHLETES WHO PLAY THE GAME FOR FUNSIES crap? Lord have mercy on the next BJ Boston’esque player to lead his team to 3 wins and get paid while doing it...
To be fair, players like Hagans were pimping their highlight videos obnoxiously and getting called out by coach Cal for it after losses for literally nothing but likes, so at least the dipshit teenagers can make a couple hundred dollars now.

Has anyone ever had a bad July 4th? Been miserable? Who the hell doesnt like the middle of the summer, being tan, sun until 9PM, grilling and drinking beer, and fireworks? As a kid July 4th was the best time of the year. October 31st Halloween ahead of July 4th?? WTF you guys have some weird time and weather takes good lord
NIL is a great thing that needed to happen that I’m already tired of hearing about. And who the hell is going to buy a dontaie Allen brand shirt?? I guess the same people that wear KSR shirts with a Ryan lemond and matt Jones caricature. I also don’t ever see myself standing in a line to pay $25 for some random autograph but whatever. The camps/lessons will be the real moneymakers if done correctly. I’d say Bo Allen qb lessons would be a scorching hot business for the palumbo and wwmfth of the world.

I always take the time to remove my water bottles from the plastic packaging and organize them in the refrigerator. A little thing that makes all the difference.

Is TikTok the greatest time waster in the history of the world?? I’d say between 2-315 every day I get almost no work done. That’s the TikTok hour.

Looks like a picture perfect Fourth of July weekend. Baseball, pool, neighborhood street party. I might even try that bourbon Slushee thing.
-4th of July is a holiday vastly improved by travel. Get to a lake or beach for it and watch it climb your holiday power rankings, chad.

-In reality, I don't think NIL is going to be that huge of a deal. Sure, it'll be different, but these are still kids, and, honestly, most athletes are just nerds. They were when I was at UK, anyway. I think expecting them all to have magnetic personalities and become marketing powerhouses, even in this age, is a bit of a reach. I honestly doubt adults are going to be paying much attention to most of it. I mean, I just really don't GAF about Dontaie Allen's sweatshirt and doubt/hope? I'm not alone here.

-Leaving for IOP Saturday. Nice beach week for Dad, and just at the right time. Chair, summer wind off the surf, cold ones, some classic OO's hits... /smokin
Can’t wait for the first Grand Slam Collectibles UK athlete.

I envision Will, on his knees at the 50, throwing a pack of Topps baseball cards in the end zone to a wide open youngster. With me and Richie in the background holding a “We Believe” banner.
***MilqueToast flashes the stink eye. Brady looks him directly in the eye and holds up a checkbook. Cracks a Miller Lite****
- I just want to know if this will shut Lebron James up about the college slavery he likes to compare because they technically are not paid.


- I’ve never had a bad 4th, but last year and this year will be 1/1a for me as it’s the only years I’ve really spent on fireworks and got the joy from my kids out of it.

Typically we go to a game or somewhere that’s shooting them off, but last year the kids were excited and this year we have had the fireworks in hand and my kids are showing them off to anyone that comes in the house.

- Next week is final CPS court hearing where I think we finally will be handed my SIL’s 4 kids. Bittersweet really, but last night our youngest niece went to church with mamaw and our boys and when they dropped our kids off she came in and got to talking and just melted down crying about wanting to live with us and how they knew we love them and that they know their mom is lying saying we don’t want them.

I had to leave the room. Not just because I teared up, but because I could easily rage and make this 1 person disappear and improve about 50 people’s daily life and it would probably be worthy of sitting in a cage the rest of my life. Hate doesn’t explain what I feel for my wife’s stupid f’ing sister!

- 100% agree Bourbon is not for summertime, but I still mix a few in.

- I wish the NBA started later and went this far into summer every year!

- Have a meeting at the new house in 30 minutes to discuss a pool and the costs/options.

I was close to falling into what some may call a depression after everything falling thru on construction for a new built house, but once again some power above me shows me “be still, see what I have coming for you”.
TikTok is very hit or miss. Half the stuff on there is absolute garbage but there is a lot of really dope stuff too. Just gotta get that #fyp right and you’re set.
This is the annual day when those who have absolutely no understanding of basic finance act like Bobby Bonilla pulled off some major bank heist.

8%. That’s what he’s getting on his money. That’s about what prime was in 2000, fyi.
-He's a great sport about things and just oozes humility. I don't know anyone here personally, but Krazy just seems like a great person.

-Pat Beverly is a giant douchebag and should be suspended indefinitely. Makes Metta Word Peace look like a saint.

-Also, CP3 is still a little bitch. Top 5 pg of all time, but his underdog status doesn't change my opinion. He flops and plays dirty. Not a fan.

-My draftkings account is pretty much death by a thousand cuts. I can't stay away from stupid wagers on players/teams with terrible odds. Bet $5 on Blinkova this morning. Women's tennis!!!

-Anybody else have a car on it's last breath? I'm hoping the Prius can make it till the market gets reasonable again. Car prices are insane right now.

-Mozzarella cheese sticks are the best drunk munchie.

-The 4th is awesome, but my dog absolutely hates it, so it takes a little of the fun away. Wilbur doesn't mess with fireworks, but he's a good boy.

-This summer has had some very cold evenings. Feel for the churrin and their pool temps. #morelikeglobalcooling!!
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